How do Eastern European countries feel about Donald Trump? How is he treated in your media?
How do Eastern European countries feel about Donald Trump? How is he treated in your media?
Most Poles heard of Trump - from Polish MSM that
- he's a kind of a nutjob
- he'd sell us to Russia
- he'll put Poland into Visa Waiver Program
~70% of MSM in Poland belongs to German media corps so go figure
I LOVE him, but he is heavily demonised in the media. We still have a lot of commies in the goernment/media and such..
He's a complete joke. I can't believe Kremlin could fool Americans into electing this buffoon.
sucks, i had an ex cop pal in poland i used to play LotRO with. he was based. Media is same here tbqh.
But, I was a Trump fan. Now, i dont know. Whats up with all the jew shilling? Syria attacks? Someone give me some red pills plox
yes but 90% of poles love him anyway
Deep inside Estonians love him but due to facebook cloud, they make anti trump jokes.
Still don't understand why we are considered western european? Is it because we're not poorfags? I mean just look at the map
Ambivalent, two important topics for us are travel and work permissions and stance on Russia. Of course he didn't allow us free travel, but he didn't also give Russia free reign, despite what our leftists media outlets preached
I´m sorry, there seems to have been a mistake...
I am albanian and we love George double view Bush
you are memeland
No gommunism. Eastern Europe is generally Warsaw Pact
Trump is not ideal but there's no better option. Ron Paul's policy is great but he wouldn't make a good leader. Trump is a natural-born leader and his judgement is 90% spot-on.
Media mocks him non - stop. Like little CNNs are everywhere and a lot of the news are about him.
>he didn't allow us free travel
I hope this changes soon because it's just ridiculous.
I fucking love Trump. True leader. No push over. USA finally have president that truly represents USA globally.
>don't bomb us unless you want Poland turnt to Russia
>his judgement is 90% spot-on
>How is he treated in your media?
Irrelevant, nobody here trusts the media aside from pensioners.
I used to support him based on what he was saying during the primaries and pre-election. Since he bombed Assad he's been nothing but another judeo-masonic american politician and just another american president and an enemy of my people. Although recently i've been regaining some of that pre-election fervor i had for him since he's sharing info with Russia and still seems to want to work with Putin so maybe there is still hope, idk, call me a believer i guess
I can't believe you're a failed state with a flag that I wouldn't even use to wipe my ass. Ukraine has no geopolitical or cultural relevance. I hope you realize how shitty it is to be a Ukrainian citizen and kill yourself you stupid slavnigger. The only time when the name Ukraine had any bit of power was when it was called the Ukrainian ssr. Btw, your women make great cum dumpsters.
Depends on which news you watch. Left wing (pro eu, current goverment) hates him, while the right wing news love him. Although every media demanded an apologie from Trump for shoving the montenegrin PM.
>TTP ratified
>world on brink of WW3 over Syria no-fly zone
>550% increase in muzleem aliens with access to free healthcare
wtf i hate blumpf now
In Czech Republic news website the approval poll was around 85% during the election but recently fell down to 40% and below when he started talking idiotic shit (more than before) to the Saudi faggots, bowing down right up to their stinky goat ass. He appeared to be a strong straight forward person but now he seems just like a tired silly old fart not knowing whats actually up and why people supported him (fuck islam and apeshit people). Anyway that is just my 2 little cents here, since u asked.
Ukrainians are defending their country from filthy occupants.
You are letting beaners and niggers come in and rape your land, it is you who lives in a pathetic, worthless land.
Your people willingly commit demographic suicide.
And you are attacking the country which defended itself from the Russian, shame on you. You worthless nigger trash.
>i love neocons
trips of truth.
I'm redpilling people at work every day. even got some into dank Sup Forums memes and Shadilay. There had been some acting weird when I called Trump my God Emperor, but they'll learn.
My workmate was saying Clinton was going to fuckup with Russia and that the tanks will roll into Poland, and that she's probably murdered a few people.
But most are more worried about the polish political goofs , abortion smokescreen, trade with GMO Canada. America is gunna America no matter who is president.
Most people here belives that he will just continue where Obama left off
good one
Rrrreeeee, they're Nordic!