So, this happened today

So, this happened today.

>his argument was that he was 17 (a minor) at the time, so he couldn't be sentenced to life in prison for his actions because of it.

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yeah i kinda agree with that. 17 is too young for a life sentence

but he killed people

I've had friends call me a barbarian, but I don't believe that your age or mental capacity/health should be a determining factor in whether you can be sentenced to life in prison or executed. I agree that the possibility of parole should be an option for a prisoners with specific circumstances, but otherwise you're either a danger to society or you're not.

If you don't like it, go change the LAW!!!!!!! It's the LAW!!!!!!

He was a year away from being legally an adult. So somehow, once you turn 18, you know what you're doing is wrong?

No its not.

17 is old enough for a Helicopter ride

Knowing the MSM they will spin it as " 17yr old newborn who dindu nuffin too young to face consequences for murdering people because institiutional racism"

Fucking do it, kys. This is a perfect argument against legalization of pedofiles wasn't of age to know better. In both cases just fucking do it!

should have made the death penalty faster instead of waiting all these years.

Fuck's sake.

If everything in the UK is going to be 16 and over nowadays then dipshits like him should at least be thrown into an adult prison with the real bad boys.

C'mon America, you're better than this.

It ain't to young to kill people. nigger should re-enslaved.

He's gonna get a new sentence in court, I'm guessing they'll just give him like 30 years for every person that died so it would still technically be a life sentence

This happened in 2002.

Him and John Allen Muhammad killed 17 people all together. (JAM was killed by the state in 09)

Those pesky Bushmasters almost got banned because of him.

Can they resentence him to death while they have the chance?

Your Supreme Court said its unconstitutional to give the death penalty for crimes committed as a minor

niggers use this argument every day for their gangbang shit. why do you think gangs recruit

The case happened it 2002. It was the Beltway Sniper, youngfag. Him and an older Muslim nigger were riding around D.C. sniping white people. I hope he gets paroled just in time for Day of the Rope. I will personally hunt him down and lynch him.

hes a terrorist who was doing it in the name of islam though, i believe there are separate laws for terrorism hence the boston bombing faggot

Well Sup Forums, miss them yet?

>Day of the rope
I always love seeing people who think this will ever happen.

kek Eichenwald

>thinking it wont
I wonder what the general sentiment was in 1927 germany?

Only treason and murder carry the death penalty, if I'm not mistaken. Regardless, your Supreme Court has cucked you on putting people to death for crimes committed as a minor.

hopefully someone will hunt him down and end him

It'll happen, trust me. The day the dollar crashes and JayKwon and Jamal find their food stamps buy them nothing. That's when the niggers gonna grab lots of ropes and will go try kill people.

Luckily white people in America are the most armed ethic group in the planet and will defend themselves so that day shall be renamed as The Day of The Bullet.

In 2011, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that sentencing minors to life without parole, automatically (as the result of a statute) or as the result of a judicial decision, for crimes other than intentional homicide, violated the Eighth Amendment's ban on "cruel and unusual punishments", in the case of Graham v. Florida.[9]

he's not free, though; just getting a new sentence.

knucklehead defense, "I was too stupid to be held responsible for my actions"

see also the niggers who abused the retard and made him say fuck drumpf and fuck white people earlier this year

>the day of the bullet

Friendly reminder that these niggers were pet assets of deep state and that they killed and FBI intelligence analyst named Linda Franklin.

I wonder how many micrograms of lsd did they spend on them.

it was probably crack tbqh sin3.14

t.frieghtened schlomo

Trump just called Duerte and congratulated him on his success. Parasitic, leftist journalists are getting body slammed and the people are cheering, MSM is getting about less than 1% of the country tuning in. Nobody sympathizes with you. There is no one to save you once shit hits the fan. Free helicopter rides are coming.

>niggers complain that the american justice system works against them
if anything, the niggers should be dumbfounded how easy it seems to go on them despite their predisposition to violent crime

He's kinda right you know, because of this ->

Why? You have no logical reason unless you believe he should just be put down

The devil on my shoulder says that we are too far gone. We have been weakened to the point where we are too fat and lazy to get off our chairs and begin the work that needs to be done. 100 years ago, any single one of the events that happen daily would be enough to spark good men to revolution and expulsion of these vermin. Not anymore. we are lost.
The angel on my other shoulder tells me that we are not so different from our ancestors. There can still be a spark that sets to flame our old ambitions to self preservation. There is hard work to do, and there are still hard men that are up to the task.

Pure cohencidence, goyim.

Do you remember that FBI agent who went AWOL and was found suicided in the woods a week or two later, and his partner was arrested for possession of CP?

I always felt there was more to that story, but there doesn't seem to be much information on it out there. It seems to be one of those events that just floats off into the ether.

he should just be dropped from a helicopter

I just sent him an assault gif.


Holy shit what a faggot you are.

It will be a gradual increase of resistance. We can't just snap out of the zog machine overnight. Things are really starting to move forward though, increasingly so. Exciting times, user.

This guy

>He's gonna get a new sentence in court, I'm guessing they'll just give him like 30 years for every person that died so it would still technically be a life sentence

That's how you give someone a legit life sentence. The inmate has to parole or revoke each sentence if the sentences run back to back.

>works at a prison