Brits are actually stupid enough to believe this kek
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sign and spread
yes it will be added to every fucking relevant thread, if you fucking think we are gonna just lay here and do nothing, then get ready for a fucking storm. It will make little difference too how many of us you kill...
That is some dumb shit lol
But don't support the IRA lad , they are communist/socialist
you're not fooling anyone Achmed.
you created this thread to stir up division.
>irish and sandniggers are so similar people don't doubt they'd work together
>don't support nationalist fighters because of their half assed nobody-really-cares socialist ideals, goy
Where have I heard this before
I'm not a nigger , being serious fucking google this shit , IRA is socialist , there are right wingers in Ireland but no one is supporting socialist fags
Half assed ? What good is being nationalist if you're gonna turn your country into a 3rd world shithole u nigger
i tought IRA was dead??
Brits need to lump someone else in with Muslims so they don't look racist for preventing terrorism. Let it go son.
Members of the Republican movement did invite and welcome CAGE to speak in Ireland last year.
Other Republicans in the movement weren't so happy with the development.
One I comment I read remarked: "Just look at this filth that was welcomed in Ireland this year. Instead of extending an invitation to Hezbollah representatives they'd rather al-Qaeda's offspring giving a sob story."
Irish Republicans have had solidarity Nasser, Gaddafi & the PLO, etc although these would be in a separate bracket to Islamic terrorists.
In 2014, Irish police stumbled on a bomb factory in west Dublin. Foreign nationals fled the scene and I saw no other news about it but the original report.
All the IRA and every single supporter of them, including the american senators funding them, should have been either assassinated or publicly executed.
It would have sent a strong message to other terrorists, and this wouldn't be happening now.
It's better than not having a country you proud cuck, once you free your land you can decide how to manage it. It's the same as it was with the ETA, all talk about socialist bullshit, the only purpose of which was to lube up the separatist agenda with "worker's struggle" so that more foreginers and cucks might take it up the ass.
They tried that with the leaders of the 1916 rising, desu. It made it worse for the Brits.
Perhaps a vasco will blow your family up soon.
>This is what Manoletes ACTUALLY believe
If the west had any balls at all we wouldn't be in this situation.
I hope that one day people wake up and elect someone like Duterte.
If you kill enough, it ends things as there are none left.
Usually things only escalate if you are soft.
Ez dut uste, Fernando
They would have to kill every last Irishman then desu. They lost their stomach for genocide in the 1800's. Ireland does not belong to the British, much better that they return home and grow their own food at market rates.
Wouldn't they be "national socialist"?
You know, the I in IRA...
The average IRA member would gleefully have left these guys dead in an alley with a complementary "Welcome to the West" bullet through the head.
Suicide bombing and hitting civvie crowds is so not IRA tactics only a retarded bluepilltato would believe it.
They would have to kill every last Irishman then desu.
The Brits lost their stomach for genocide in the 1800's. Ireland does not belong to the British, much better that they return home and grow their own food in their own country at market rates or buy ours (which they do).
Theoretically what should be done.
However, Americans in philipines were worse than isis, no joke.
Read about what they did to the rest, not the tiny amount of Muslims in the south.
They went t9 the philipines as a continuance of the marylin monroe doctrine, the war against Spain - shot at the Spanish ships, pretended to be liberators to the Philippines, who welcomed them - then when the Spanish left, the Americans went on a several year long killing spree.
The orders were to kill any man over the age of 10, and for quite a few places just killed anything that moved, men women children babies and burnt everything.
Those were direct orders from the top, not just renegades.
America didn't care about the philipines, didn't want it and had no stake in it at all, so it was absolutely needless butchering.
They continued to occupy the country until about 1984.
>national socialist
No. The IRA (circa 1980) where larping hash dealers who thought they were living in 1916.
Ireland would be a backwater shithole if left to the Irish.
Thankfully the English came and gave you the gift of civilization.
If I were Irish or Scottish (or Welsh LOL) I would be sucking off every Englishman I met, as thanks for his ancestors not simply executing every single one of my degenerate, drunkard forefathers.
You're retarded
This doesn't makes sense. I've know IRA has had a few conmections to palestine as far as buying black market weapons and paying lip service to "both fighting for freedom" but ISIS seems like big no no for the IRA. The belief and tactics are completely contrary to those of the IRA. And for all the flaws the IRA has the still have some certain principles that are incompatible with ISIS. (Though there is alway some redhearing but im talking in a general sense) I couldnt image them aligning with that extreme of islamic group that beheads christians and attacks children. I would be suprised if they didn't kill a isis member on spot that tried to make direct contact with them.
Some one give me a better explanation. Am I missing something?
In that case, Ireland will have to remove all infrastructure built by the English, no longer be permitted to use the English language whatsoever, and no doubt thereafter England will declare war on the Irish to sort out the terrorist dictators in charge, like they claim to do with all the middle east.
They bombed the shopping centre in Manchester about 20 years ago.
That's a kilometre from the arena bombing.
Two sides of the same coin.
Terrorist cowards are terrorist cowards.
Look it up, the original order papers are available to see.
Plus reports from the America troops who gleefully report the villages they've massacred.
You don't want to believe something factual because you'd have to admit your country is a monster.
they are socialist cunts
You're not supposed to believe English propaganda, desu.
Hitting civilians is exactly what every terrorist organisation does (hint: it's in the name "terrorist").
They want to spread terror in to the hearts of their enemies civilian population, as they're incapable of fighting their enemy head on, and pray to god that the civilian population tires of war.
While the IRA maybe weren't as extreme as ISIS in their glory days, they're still just as degenerate and every single person supporting them should also be executed.
The Marilyn Munroe doctrine
As someone who condemns the IRA and all the hundreds of innocents they have murdered I find it offensive you put the IRA and ISIS in the same bracket, one how ever twisted they believe is fighting for a united Ireland the other is on a religiously sanctioned mass genocide
Seems the Quality Brits left. The Throne run by an old worthless German hag. Red headed prince a bald pussy prince. If i was monarch there these leftist polticians would be hung on every corner. As well as the peasant liberal trash.
That's called a joke.
Fucking flatline on your ECG.
>Catholic extremists
Such reunion would be very much interesting.
No, the IRA was for Catholic Irish, and were routinely killing and maiming Irish protestants as well as English civilians.
They are the same, religious freak cowards that should be ground into meat and fed to dogs.
The really pathetic part is how they called themselves 'army' as though they were fighting a war.
Yeah, just like the brave soldier that took on a crowd of schoolgirls in Manchester.
The English gave you everything you and your ancestors everything you have.
And in return half of your population fucks up the yearly potato harvest and flees to America, and another half decides to form a terrorist organization that doesn't even get the slightest bit of land back from the English (not to mention the fact that the Northern Irish overwhelmingly want to stay British), and on top of that you have some random meme conflict between the protestants and the Catholics still raging on about four hundred years since it was last relevant.
Your country is a joke.
Well said.
That means quite a few million in degenerate America.
Hilarious they followed a century of funding the ira with a 'war on terror'.
Not to mention funding the taliban and isis.
Why would we have to remove all infrastructure? You think I am going to go up the wicklow mountains and remove the road they had to build over them to kill Irish rebels hiding in the mountains?
No offence, but are you thick or something?
I like driving on the road. Why would I waste my energy removing it.
It is true the IRA bombed Manchester. I do not support the IRA.
However, they did phone in the bomb so people could be evacuated.
Nobody was killed.
>this thread
cant tell if bait or just plain retarded
half of you faggots should be in bed by now goodnight
See Ungrateful primitives.
No wonder Darwin labelled the Irish on the same level as the subhuman nigger.
I'm from N.I, members of the IRA are usually Catholic and have no religious grounds for the reunification. It just happens republicans are generally Catholic.
ISIS is different it is a religiously sanctioned mass genocide they are waging. Using Islam as a grounds of justification for there terrorism.
The IRA have worked with islamic terrorists in the past, I don't know if this is true, haven't read the article, but they've done it before.
The IRA's target was the British govt not British civilians. IRA sqadrons who murdered civilians were sanctioned and sometimes executed. The IRA apologised for the Eniskillen bombings when civilans were killed by accident.
It was not a religious war. It was a war about land. Unless you want to call the colonisation of the America a "religious war" because the Indians were a different religion.
Considering it a religious war is what idiots do.
I see, so why even now are there news reports about bold new initiatives to have Catholic and protestant schools share the same buildings.
As a special trial, to try to improve relations.
Why in Belfast is there a wall dividing the place in half and still closes the gate every single night.
it is all about religion. If the British hadn't been there, the Catholics would have wiped out the protestants in the north.
Not surprising.
Birds of a feather, stick together.
>let's give the government the power to arbitrarily imprison anyway they put on a watch list
Fuck this and fuck you.
whats unbelievable about this?
car bombs are a thing
we had them in the mid-late 80's here in Peru
someone drives a car in the middle of the city and waits until rush/peak hour then explodes himself or with a detonant
>Extremist Catholic Seperatists are now cooperating with Extremist Muslims
lol okay
See if you can concentrate for long enough to read that.
Then tell your parents about it.
As long as they are shitskins it really doesn't matter.
No one from outside of Europe should have any rights at all in Europe - they are guests and a guest can be thrown out of the party whenever the host feels like it.
The law isn't going to say "only brown people" though. They'd be able to use it against anyone they want. I don't want my country ruined because people are scared of monkeys that blow themselves up.
No the English did not give us everything we have. What a ridiculous statement. And the Irish did not "fuck up" the potato harvest. This proves you know absolutely nothing. Ireland was the 8th largest exporter of food in the world during its famine. The English were shipping it all out along with our timber to build and fuel its colonisation efforts. The famine was a genocide. But the Irish fought back as you would expect a proud people to do.
You're a retard. The IRA targeted British authorities as their primary target and it wasn't for freaking religious reasons idiot. It was a nationalist conflict. There were proddys and atheists in the IRA
They have worked with terrorists who are Muslim but they have not worked with Islamic terrorists.
>they are guests and a guest can be thrown out of the party whenever the host feels like it.
Literally this, this is the correct mindset to have.
If you invite Mohammed in to your house for a party, and Mohammed brings along Jamal and Jamal ends up raping your daughter, stealing your car and selling crack to your son, then you kick them both out, Jamal for obvious reasons, but Mohammed for not a) recognizing that his "friend" is a degenerate fuckhead and b)for not making his degenerate acquaintance fuck off
Again it isn't a religious thing. It isn't Catholic VS protestant. It is a unionist VS republican. Although generally Unionist = Protestant, republican = Catholic.
As a prod I went to school with catholics it was a shared school. Most places are now the only places aren't are the 'rough' places in Belfast like the shankill and the falls, were the communities have strong ties to the UDA/UVF and IRA respectively. Therefore if you mixed those communities there would be violence because of the paramilitary ties not the religious differences.
change.org is Soros owned...
Actually we gave them Christianity and while they were in the mud killing one another we were saving highly important texts, andlived in a pretty non feudal fair society enacted by a balanced equal brehon law system. The British made Ireland a backwards shithole you ignorant kraut.
And there is no conflict between Catholics and protestants you ignorant shitebag it's between different nationalist groups. Christ continental Europeans are retarded.
T.Hans who let in 1 million rapist muslims into his country.
Do you deny that Ireland was the 8th largest exporter of food in the world during its famine? There was tons of food in Ireland. The Irish grew it on their slave farms. The English shipped it out to her empire.
Clearly a Brit on his chav holidays in Spain. Embarrassing.
The fact that the Irish lived solely on potatoes is proof enough that they're a degenerate bunch of subhumans.
Any other race would have had cattle, wheat and fruits, but the Irish seem to be able to survive on nothing but potatoes and guinness.
And while England is making the world habitable for the White Man by conquering all of it, and then attempting to civilize it, the Irish go and throw a hissy fit and attempt to fuck everything up by forgetting to harvest their potatoes or some shit.
Didn't even have a proper rebellion, just decided to go on hunger strike and die off.
Check the records, Irish companies were the ones greedily selling all that food and exporting it through English channels.
It is like niggers complaining that americans had slaves - when they were already enslaved by africans, and the buyers were jews.
They are shitskins. Maybe you are one too, or a pathetic cunt that has been brainwashed to accept everything your masters give you.
Ooh, I can't dislike a group of people just because that group of people constantly murder, rape and torture. That would be racist!
I'm saying the law should apply to the ones clearly doing it. That weak, ineffectual sadists are in power means they do not.
Niggers commit 200 times the crime of whites in America, they should be profiled accordingly.
Arabs are terrorists.
Leftists are traitors to their own country and people, they should be castrated and pilloried.
Troll is obvious, 1/10 hans.
Anglo Irish not Gaelic Irish were the ones exporting the food retard.
That the areas are divided into protestant and Catholic is a coincidence.
I see.
Scheisse, I have been found out!
Since the jews intentionally brought the guests to fuck up the party, they should be kicked to death in the middle of the party, put in a plastic bag and left in a sewer.
Go eat your paella, MartÃn.
It is good to see Germany still has some same people.
I've always liked your country and it is a shame that it is being destroyed by traitors like that communist cunt merkel.
You are seriously an idiot.The religion is a background factor. There are protestants who hold nationalist Irish views and Catholics who hold British nationalist views.
The loyalists are obviously majority protestant because most of them are descendants of Northern Anglo's and Lowland Scots, but the whole bitterness has nothing to do with religion unlike what you've been brainwashed to believe . It's Republicans vs Loyalists and if you actually bothered to do your research you would know that.
Just stop now, because you're embarrassing yourself with your ignorance of the conflict.
>hunger strike
The Irish were each given a yard square of un-arable land by their English slave-masters in order to grow their food. The only thing they could grow was potatoes. It wasn't a choice, moron.
Sorry to say that I'm an anglo on holiday, Germany is a real shithole though.
You can really feel how the people have been brainwashed for the last several of generations, there's no understanding at all for why other European countries want refugees to fuck off.
>"We spent ze last decades tearing down ze walls, und now zey want to put zem back up?"
Literal quote from a lobotomized Merkel drone.
This countries culture and identity has been dead for a long time.
But what would you expect when half of the country lives under American rule for almost 50 years and the other half under Commie scum.
Shut up, Seamus, don't have to plant for next harvest? Don't want a repeat of 1845, do we now?
>TFW Spain had an Irish prime Minister
>TFW many of spains colonial governors and generals were based Irishmen
>TFW the Spanish royalty liked the Irish so much they gave automatic citizenship to any Irish people who wanted it.
>TFW thousands of Irishmen fought bravely for spain
>tfw ungrateful ignorant Spaniard who knows nothing of the the Troubles shitposts his ignorance on Sup Forums
Never change lads.
Yes there was, a young lad was killed, minor detail,I know.
>the conflict
Why not call it, the freedom war for freedom and peace freedom for free.
The poor irish were suddenly invaded, and the English immediately took all their food and destroyed their amazing civilisation.
The Irish pyramids were pulled down, and Catholic and protestant alike gathered together to fight off the oppressors.
To this day, protestant and catholic walk hand in hand through the flower fields to always make sure Ireland is safe from invaders.
Imagine if Ireland had been left to itself, a tiny population, forgotten by the world, invaded by Spain in the south, Vikings in the north - unable to communicate with humanity, and didn't even have the potato that the English imported in the first place to Ireland.
Starved to extinction 400 years before hand instead.
IRA working with Daesh
Well, it wasn't the first time they had solidarity for sandniggers
Japan was fucked by american occupation too.
Philipines too.
The phillipinos generally don't know what the Americans did and have done to them either, since all their history was wiped.
England should have joined Germany, Spain should have done more to help Germany instead of just taking the help.
Eastern Europe should have been more mobilised to deal with the Russians in the first place.
Maybe in another timeline.
>Berlin calle
In Manchester? I though there were no fatalities. There was one fatality in the Bishopsgate bombing - a photo journalist who had been told not to enter.
>It is true the IRA bombed Manchester. I do not support the IRA.
>However, they did phone in the bomb so people could be evacuated.
>Nobody was killed.
It's like the Stewart Lee joke. The IRA were decent British terrorists
the IRA train sandniggers for a living, all of sudden it's bad???
There was a bit of 'Trouble' in Manchester, Paris, Nice, Stockholm and Germany recently.
Little trouble, no problem, little disagreement.
Nothing to do with religion though, it is pure (((coincidence))).
That connection between the IRA and PLO is because they are both fighting for 'freedom' and 'there land'...
ISIS wants a mass genocide of all non believers completely different....
isis want freedom in their land, and to serve the jews in Israel and America.
All the hordes invading Europe now just want freedom in their land.
Their land just happens to be occupied by Europeans currently.
Our ancient building are much older than the pyramids and are still standing. New Grange was constructed so that sun light would shine down a passage tomb on the winter equinox and illuminate the interior - a marvel of engineering.
You are literally a dense motherfucker. I've explained how the IRA is nothing to do with religion but I've stated ISIS does...
I can't fucking wait for Spain to step onto Gibraltar so we can fucking slaughter you
Don't listen to the paddie, it's in his genes to get all hotheaded about issues he's been lied to all his life, to mask his peoples failure as a human race.
>w-we wuz exporterz
>w-we wuz Spaniards
>w-we wuz slaves
The only thing the Irish have ever been are a race of drunkards, wife beaters and junkies, who's continued existence was only guaranteed because of their English protectors.
Otherwise they would have died off long ago.
Imagine a famine without ships to take them to America.
Imagine having nothing to drink but Irish beer.
Imagine them growing up and speaking Gaelic (or whatever the fuck their dead meme language is called).
There's no way they'd have made it past the 1200's on their own, not that they'd admit it.
retarded spainnigger subhuman shitskin
>Not sandnigger
>They bombed the shopping centre in Manchester about 20 years ago
Christ you're an ignorant bastard. It was more than 20 years ago and they bombed the financial district giving a warning beforehand to allow the evacuation of civilians. Nobody died in the massive bombing.
Learn some history you underaged edgelord faggot.