EU Med Group - Southern European thread

this is a thread to discuss how to stop immigrants and not pay any denbts

Southern Europeans and other civilized peoples

Not Allowed:
G*rman bankers


Global Warming will fuck Portugal and Spain

World leaders meet in Italy to discuss Iberia's impending doom, decide to do nothing about it

African Migrants sneak into Spain pretending to be footballers

Greece out of money again

Greens butthurt about Malta because they know how to not be indebted

Other urls found in this thread:

Always archive sites renowned for bad journalism and clickbait. Thank you.

thanks Cod fisherman

>he thinks theres actually a way to stop immigration

If only you knew how bad things really are.

ITT: JIDF tricks

just act like a total cunt to them and they run away like cockroaches

I never said northerners weren't white, but this is a Med thread

Still lookin' KINDA MAYBE JUST A LIL BIT like a divide and conquer tactic though desu

Oh, and new pic too. I'll save but it's bound to piss off Slavs and MAYBE Greeks who think you're trying to conflate their accomplishments with Rome

Will the Meds pick up the torch after the Germanics are done for, or will it pass on to the Slavs or Chinks?

EU Med group is a real thing though

if V4 gets a thread we should also get one

no idea
I don't know about the other countries but here the common people are pretty redpilled on gypsies and muslims but we are ruled corrupt pro-EU globalist elites. maybe if the EU falls and the (((globalists))) go down with it

too lazy and decadent for that tbqh
we'll probably wake up and chimp out eventually though

I don't think Global Warming will fuck Spain that bad, some of the coast in the Mediterranean sea would sink but not much, however you guys are fucked, what would you do?

>""Spanish""" is wearing Portuguese clothes
Is this a joke? Because I don't get it

I started doing a Spaniard but I got bored and quit half way through. Someone else is welcome to finish it.

Why is the Spaniard the darkest out of them all and darker than the Greek and Portuguese?

Chinks and the torch wont be passed on for the next 10000 years

Just finish it faggot and replace the shitty one on that other pic. Yours is much better.

I know. Like going in there too because it's the only place that still posts Polandball on a regular basis. They don't seem to be interested in segregating themselves though.
Doubtful. The only joke is that everyone likes fighting among themselves too much to see the real danger, which is why that pictures exists in the first place.

are we invited lads?

we wuz 3 seas n shieed

They will go to Spain.

That's pretty good, user
It originally said "Portuguese" the other one saying Portuguese was "Iberian"

>what would you do?
we either all move back to Galiza or we all get on boats and move to Brazil

Honestly, the whole thing needs a makeover. If Roman, Spanish and Portuguese all get their own slot, we can certainly make room for Balt, or dare I say, Albanian.

Maybe they'd go to Brazil since they speak the same language and it would be more comfy for them.
You guys are the best Balkan country so why not. You also bat the shit out of refugees.

Fuck, our PM looks like he's playing opposite day, dark skin and white hair nstead of white skin and black hair

Thanks for the invitation lads. What topic are we currently discussing?

Wish we could be as based as V4.

V4 > EU Med >>>>>>>>>>>> EU

Gandhi de Lisboa

Can italian americanos post here? GUys, please let me back in the country I don't wanna live with these anglo saxons anymore.

Will he be assassinated then?

sup lads how's the debt, sundried I hope?

>Not Allowed:
>G*rman bankers

I'm half-Italian, half-German. When I fall asleep, I put a light facing the wall, and do a hand-shadow-pupped show where I make one hand saying "you're not white," "fuck you snownigger," etc.

Works better than melatonin.

leave the EU.
if we all do it at once then its like it never happened, right?

im sure uk would bro with any nation that left jussayin


We are getting all those gibs without paying up.
4D chess, we are the ones destroying the EU from within

Nobody would go to live in brazil. If I was portuguese I would prefer to learn Spanish honestly.

we just need a non-retarded nationalist party 2bh, populist candidates can easily win here

Well, Galicia would be full as fuck, I guess Barbosas will start to learn Spanish or die.

Brothers, current UE and euro fucked us all.
We have to broke them to make a better european system.

Roman alliance now

Any other italian-American bros select "latin American" on forms? We're the original latins motherfuckers.

Yeah, the only right wing parties you guys have is the monarchist and the Front National rip off.

They're at least smarter than the Spanish ones, that's for sure.

Join in!

Also Spain is germanic they are visigoths and maybe gauls also maybe moors

Welcome home med man.

hello my civilized brothers


>Putting yourselves in the same group as Mexicans
Latin Americans are considered to only being those who speak Spanish and Portuguese because of the colonies. Italy never had colonies in America. Congratulations, you played yourself.

Sven = Roman exiles.
Welcome (only if you're a pure Sven tho)

The time has come

>form the iberian union
>annex italy
>retake constantinople for the greeks




I am so ashamed our prime minister is a nigger... Look at the nigger! Look!


It was for the "moors",im totally proud of being a visigoth

No, it's to fuck with the system. And the term "latin America" was created by napoleon to signify the impact of Latin culture on the region. It was never meant to signify dirty mestizos. I'm taking the term back.

>Front National rip off
there aren't enough migration problems here so they're not very popular
as far as I now they mostly just run alongside the more popular CDS

our best bet would be a euroskeptic/anti-rapefugee taking over CDS or PSD

Im an aussie do we classify as civilized?

Britannia was a part of the Roman Empire and you are a descendant of brits,so yeah,but only if you dont shitpost

Hol up, you be saying Rodrigo never died and the Reconquista is a myth?

"Annex italy"
Pls no, alliance of arms and general latin alliance but no union, there is no reason for hostilities between Iberia and italy.


We are not descendants of the moors cuz we killed and kicked em in 1609

>I am proud of my ancestors destroying the greatest civilization to ever exist

Do you want south italy?

Roman Empire was not greatest in those dark times,and the goths were the ancestors of the middle age kingdoms

Iberia and Italy have been allied for a long time.

Is he pure portuguese? I read somewhere that some black slaves mixed between the population of Lisbon.


When will you restore that flag as the legitimate flag of Spain?

He is tanned

he's Goan

more like vassals

Shalom, I say we pay (((reparations))) for that, what do you say, goy?

Another stupid south europe post without Catalonia seriously.
I can't believe you keep sucking this Spanish fascist cocks, they are just moor blood third world pieces of shit who genocided the whole world.

When we restore the Habsburg monarchy,is there any Habsburg descendant alive?We really need him

Liga Santa best league


Go back separatist

I find this division retarded. Nordics are exactly the same as me. Same skull shape, same nose, same ears, everything is the same. The only thing that changes is the hair and eye color, because it is fucking 30 degrees hotter here.

They would burn like an ember.

Boy, here we fucking go again.

>first person to notice
Finaly holy shit that pic literally has TWO Portuguese models and just named one as the Spanish lmfao what the fuck
>those feather colors
>order of christ cross

just blame amerilards for spreading it, it's everywhere now

I want to exterminate every single nomenclature in spain except for Iberian, you did this jordi, you did this.

Cause porguese are always butthurt about southern Portugal being the most brown area of the iberian peninsula....

Italians,portuguese and greeks,support us and blame the separatists movements in spain,we need to be united against the muslims horde called refugees

he is from goa(india), that was part of portugues eempire.

> I read somewhere that some black slaves mixed between the population of Lisbon.

Lies of course,, black-legend myths.

Fuck these Jewish divide and conquer threads.

>united against the muslims
just like old times

>we wuz visigoths

Sorry but saying you are a visigoth is almost as retarded as saying you are a moor.

There were 300000 visigoths in the iberian peninsula....and more than 6 million of hispano-romans.

Vixca Valéncia i visca Catalunya cosins germans!

>mfw I talk to an Iberian and he calls himself Galician

hahahahahah nice joke you nigger.
Italy was CATALONIAN NOT SPANISH, like GREECE. Go read some books you spanish nigger, CATALONIA owned the mediterranean sea.

The white people can be mixed with other whites,but not with filthy arab scum

>middle age kingdoms
Yeah the roman - barbarians bastards civilizations
Go away barbarian I bet you like varg

The "division" here us merely cultural, and barely genetic, user. Our cultures, south and north, are quite different eachother since always.

our empire was impressive, and even surreal due to his dimension. But the good days are when we protect our euro-national identity. All empires are destined to fall.

>reino de barcelona


Its crown of aragon you fools hahahahahaha

Go away nigger


It was called Aragon.

I know catallonia existed on their own inside Aragon, but the whole political entity was called Aragon, and it was unified with Castilla to create Spain...

Following your rule of thumb, Castilla is a country too and Spain doesn't exist.

That is how separatists try to manipulate history,they are like jews