Presidential palace

Post the palace/house where the ruler of your nation lives

>Brazil's president
>Palace of Alvorada

>Donald J. Trump
>White House


Looks like a normal house

We don't even have one because we're not a wasteful shitty nation



This is ours. Meh, nothing special. I guess it used to actually be a nice old building though before they ruined it by renovating the fuck out of it.

brazil that place looks fucked thats what you get for building it in the 70s



>not having a multitude of palaces for monarch to visit anytime

sorta depressing looking desu

Our government builded an entire city to establish government buildings so we had 2 decades ruined to pay the debts

Search for Brasilia

cold even be late 60ties. and hs pool.
great timecapsule, indeed looks like 60ties holliday appartment complex

this is a palace in Finland? looks more like modern shit

I have began falling in love with the Polish and Poland lately. If it weren't for the crimes against the Germans in 1930s-40s I would have nothing holding me back from being enthralled with your culture.

dont care


senpai, renos on old buildings can actually make them better. it's the bones that matter, and old bones are what you're looking for

funny thing though
>be canada
>"first world nation"
>no central air
kys king leaf


Ideal house for your feminist government

It used to have a tower and turret though.
I also noticed the air conditioner hanging out the damn window though lol, whatevs, I did say "nothing special".

Best in the thread so far, they look authoritative as fuck.

>crimes against the Germans in 1930s-40s
Lmaoo, stop worshipping Hitler. They did nothing but crimes against other nations and they lost.

>lifting your lying leaders to status of god

I'm not even gonna post the photo :(
>10 Downing Street

what is that third flag on the right, just another EU flag?

this is usually where he spends his time. literally his house.

so fucking T H I C C

god damn

Not gonna post mine since its awful but I've seen most of Europe's capitals, and this one is the greatest.

Looks way more free and open than the white house. I'd stay there too

That's pretty nice user

>having enough money for a fancy house off a president's salary
u wot m8

The SS must love staying there too

Silence Jew boy

Does the Hungarian prime minister actually live in the parliament building? Gorgeous building though. Go ahead and post yours, I did and ours is very underwhelming so who cares, no sweat off your back. We need a few to laugh at.

Also much less likely to have mics in the walls.

Oh yeah, cant forget this place as well.

Kek hes almost never there.

What should I post ?

Where the Royal Palace or PM's house ?

Reagan told in his memories that Palácio da Alvorada looks like an insurance company headquarters building

3rd world shit

>Stefan "The Mega Cuck" Löfven
>Sagerska House

Jesus how expensive is it to paint it once in a while...

Sorry Mexico that's worst than even African countries


Wouldn't it be nice if they put a fucking glass pyramid in front of him?

whoa whoa whoa turkanon, what are you talking about? This ain't bad at all, it's unique, but definitely not awful!

lmfao it's literally rotting

wew Mexico really is a shithole

Are you serious Canada? I mean, I'm sure it's nice, but it looks like the camera's about to zoom in and the title of a horror movie is about to roll onto the screen.

The pyramid is in front of the Louvres not the Elysée

The United States and Russia did that.

And their buildings are dope.

You have no excuse.

sometimes the PM lives here

1868, so yeah, late 60's, lol.



Looks like a palace in city center. 5-6 bedrooms?

They live in a cuck shed?

Cuck shed?

That's his own house, and he's not president anymore.

Don't you have an official State house for the president ?

The joke is that it's the Rothschilds residence in Switzerland. (The Rothschilds who basically own their entire country)

cuck shed

no he sold it off

>a normal American house


He was making a joke about (((modern))) art.

now show the queen's


haha pretty much.
its only used in case the PM doesn't normally live in wellington (the capital), so they have somewhere nice to stay while parliament is in session.


Some of you need to learn the difference between parliament buildings and the PMs official residence.

I actually dont give a fuck which is which, just rating whats there.

gotcha covered

Which one? She has several.

Fair enough. Well in that case.

Parliament is dope as fuck inside, too. So extravagant. Our Red Chamber makes the UK Parliament look like a joke.

Compared to this stuffy shithole. Looks like some waiting room from the 1960's.

Should be made into a CSGO map.


Why the fuck are you guys proud of having your president live in a big fucking taxpayer funded house??

Brasilia is great, Niemeyer was a genius.

wow that's a really aesthetic palace you hues have

>Looks like some waiting room from the 1960's

It's over a thousand years old you dumb prick

10/10, better than our capital building

Not that bad.

The king has many palaces so i just picked one.


I'm actually kinda partial to Victorias parliament building over on the west coast. It looks amazing at night all light up, and has some interesting stuff on the inside too. Lower righthand corner is the hotel across the street which just adds to the atmosphere.

Who cares? It's where architecture, culture and government come together. They are pictures that's all. Now STFU

It's highly aesthetic.
It's a shame Sup Forums don't usually like modern architecture.

From above

10/10 would conduct a corrupt presidency from there

It should be noted that house was literally built to be a winter vacation home for active presidents. So it's designed to have all the safety features necessary for them including 4 bunkers. This was all before trump ever bought it

Frogs win by a mile
Plumbers in a distant second place

Honorable mention for the brits, but only for keeping those magnificent powdered wigs in current year

HueHues if I were you I'd be furious at those atrocities you call buildings shitting up Brasilia


They shouldn't have been so contemporary at the time. While I don't think it's ugly, it is a bit dated and looks like it needs renovation or sprucing up with foliage

From the inside

He refused a salary and purposefully rejected all the opulence. Even drove a shitty beater car

>own the entire country

Yeah.... just a country


tasteless leaf


Comfiest city in Brazil tho

>tfw govt employee