Mommy look how I dressed

>mommy look how I dressed

Canada, your leader is a fucking joke

Seriously this.

I am embarrassed that we even share a fucking border with them.

It's like being in highschool and being made to sit next to the retarded kid.


So North Americans can either choose between blazing SJW faggot or illiterate man child celebrity (((conservative)))

You guys need an armed revolution.

yeah we know. election day cant come quick enough, anyone would be better then this fool


how embarrassing

merkel lost weight

You're locked in a room with Justin Trudeau and Angela Merkel and can only tackle one of them, who do you go for?

>Shows mutti because Trump didn't care.

>tfw Americas president physically pushed all of them out of his way on camera

Fucking what? The fat rolls are almost ripping their way through her blazer.

I would fucking spear the everliving christ out of merkel, fuck that globalist piece of shit

Fuck off. That illiterate man child was our revolution. And we're already armed.

What's it looking like my maple-smothered friend? Will he win again? He won last time because literally every other candidate was somehow even shittier right?

>we're already armed

Maybe but seems like you lack the balls to put them to use. Except for shooting up little kids in schools, of course.

>Canada, your leader is a fucking joke

What did you say about my man Justin? You just touched peepees with the Devil, bitch.

>pink socks with nato emblem to a black suit


>He won last time because literally every other candidate was somehow even shittier right?

Canada's elections are pretty much the Special Olympics of politics.

she was fatter last year

have you looked at our zer leader?

Russian media will have a field day with this one


hes probably strategically preparing for the next election, where he is going to have an coming out as gay peacuck

Yea, the difference is that Trudeau is a joke, while Merkel is a threat to western world, which is not funny.

attention whoring faggot

>Yea, the difference is that Trudeau is a joke, while Merkel is a threat to western world, which is not funny.

The difference only exists because Canada isn't influential enough to affect the world stage.

Did you see Trump jockeying for position like a 3rd grader? Your leader is a big retarded baby



I know, i know.
But i am not entirely convinced it is her undoing everything.
She has her 'orders' lets say. Question is, how much is her complicity, how much is her being to stupid to realize?

he's a cuck but yours is a big fat baby cabron

Trump literally donated to Chuck Schumer in 2010. he's a fucking con man

Literally gayest representative of any country ever

i actually find it rly funny lol, why so much hate towards the leaf in cheaf?


>Trump threatened to kick countries out of NATO so Putin can annex them
>Sup Forums ignores this
>Trudeau wears goofy socks and shows them to others
>500 threads about it
The Sup Forums I knew is dead.

>The difference only exists because Canada isn't influential enough to affect the world stage.

Thank god.

we've been armed for years and niggers still rape 30,000 white women per year.

How long upwards do these socks extend, to his knees?
Does he also wears a pink chastity cage with a Nato sign?

He wins again unless the conservatives elect a globalist puppet.

He got up in the morning and thought to himself "today I will wear NATO socks and I'll show them to Merkel".

90% of canadian women will vote him
99% of canadian LGBT community will vote him

yea, he will win

but today i read the first anti-trudeau article in the british guardian, which is unusual

he is a hero there

You're just mad your fat slob of a president got fucking styled on hard.

Jesus Christ. Leafs what the fuck. It keeps getting worse

>Women and LGBT will vote for him

Well, that pretty much the whole population of Canada, so looks like he is getting another term...

She always wears red

Justin Trudeau will die in an American prison.

>got styled on hard

Nobody is shining there. The world is under control of fucking retards.

Actually she has a system.

damn nigga you got blown the fuck OUT

How can someone this autistic still use an appeal to emotion to fuck over Europe?


God damn that's embarrassing.

Fuck man, I don't know. We entered the berenstein universe at some point.

"I, Juthtin Trudeau, am a Feminitht"

at least he's not a racist, sexist cheeto.

I'm proud to have a leader whos mind isn't stuck in the dark ages

It's stuck in the sock drawer though.


Pick up weed man with one hand and club Angie with him

i really hate angela merkel and her "personality"
such a dreary, unpleasant woman



well she is the perfect representation of the self-loathing post WW2 German

reminds me, anyone hungry for Fruit Loops?

is this real!? if so ima laugh so hard!!!

he probably got those specially made, probably on the tax payers money too

Fucking country voted for a male drama teacher who has been photographed with an erection next to naked whores at gay parades.


Do you think he got there alone?

What makes you think he was not placed there?

Let's say, by a league of intergalactic alien species for the progression of our little human 'experiment'.


/new/ died when it became Sup Forums

Why the fuck would you come to an autists' board if you hated sitting next us in high school, you dumb fucking faggot?

I hate this country.