Why do do you guys hate islam so much?
>zero sjw problems
>you can have your own loli
>cool outfits and good food
Really, what else do you want? As long as you are a man, straight and can at least pretend believing in god, islam is paradise.
Why do do you guys hate islam so much?
>zero sjw problems
>you can have your own loli
>cool outfits and good food
Really, what else do you want? As long as you are a man, straight and can at least pretend believing in god, islam is paradise.
Other urls found in this thread:
bacon is too good
No free markets.
High quality lamb is better desu
Because people may be stupid enough on this board to fall for bait, but not stupid enough to believe in a mystical sky fairy who wants us to kill everyone who doesn't believe in said mystical sky fairy.
Our god is less insecure than yours, much less.
>Pray excessively to non-existent god.
>No alcohol.
>No food during Ramadan.
>Horrific social structure.
>Requires dating a bin-bag.
>No fun, shit religion, may as well just kill yourself.
>refuse to take refugees
>still posts it like it was a bad thing
so fucking true, pig is shit compared to lamb.
And pig is actually bad for your health.
Wasn't gonna take the bait, but
>cool outfits and good food
You wear a towel on your head. That is all.
Actually Saudi Arabia took in 3million but that doesn't count because they are Sunni and your a Sunni country.
Right ip larper?
1400 years of history and treachery: youtu.be
As well as: youtube.com
as far as why i have not converted to islam? Simple, i fear the wrath of god more then i feel bad for some asshole with a scimitar threatening my life if i dont convert.
Fuck off twunt, your not worth the piss out a camels bladder.
>took 3 millions
Yeah sure, let's call it 10 millions. Whatever makes you happy, refugee-lover.
I can't treat my depression with alcohol under Islam and also some music is haram. Other than that I can't come up with counter arguments.
True, it's awesome meat but it's not a supermarket product here. I've eaten lamb roasted in outdoors fire twice, 5/5 food.
All my tea towels have holes, I'd be too embarrassed to wear them in public
stop posting here saud shitskin
>Our god is less insecure than yours, much less.
agree with this
No one likes your shitty barbaric religion negroanon
I tried moose once but it was dried. I'm sure it tastes nicer when it's fresh. Maybe I'll try later this year. You should also try camel meat sometime, probably hard to find in Finland but if you have a layover in Dubai or something....
>taking all our lolis
>kills said lolis
>dosen't have body pillows
Pakifag dictating anything? That's rich.
Perhaps it's because Muslim countries are LITERALLY the shittiest on the earth. Mauritania is quiet possibly the poorest country on earth lol
>sandnigger religion
It's not white, and its practices and people are disgusting. Fuck islam.
For a larper you really are bad at this, having a bad day today user?
>you can have your own loli
Not really into pedo.
And I mean doesnt it eventually lead to too many males being born since muslim parents do not give that much credit to girls?
>still implying there are proxies in Saudi
Are you new here, my potatofriend?
It lends to much unwarranted humanity to even talk to Muslims. Spend all your time educating young whites on their vile filth. Islam is beneath contempt and deserves 5.56 rounds and drone strikes. This is however quicker and more merciful than what the Jews deserve: real ovens this time, and put in alive.
>you can have your own loli
Pedophilia is fucking disgusting
>cool outfits and good food
I won't wear a fucking dress mate, you mad? But I admit food is alright, still prefere european food
Also islam forbids drinkig alcohol which is part of european culture. The Ramadan if bullshit. Overall too many restrictions.
>Following the hallucinations of an illeterate, schizophrenic, dune coon, from the Middle Ages.
>Repeatedly bang your head on the ground in vague direction of a space rock.
Only exotic southern meat they sell here that comes from big animal is kangaroo, but that is seasonal, probably will try that if there ever becomes a chance again. I've never seen camel meat, it must be very rare luxury product if there is any. You probably have to travel to try that.
I don't think moose meat is anything special, it beats nothing but anything you can buy from the local supermarket is better.
Sand rats are more subhuman than niggers.
At least niggers aren't stupid enough to blow themselfs up. Niggers are smarter than sand joggers. Let that sink in.
Cool outfits? you call those dresses and pube beards outfits?
>70% of Muslims don't pray 5 times a day
>alcohol is for degenerates
>you could lose a little weight, user
>no Muslim social structure in America
>a lot of Muslim women don't wear hijabs, plus you could convert someone
You activated my trap card, huemonkey.
>>zero sjw problems
only under the brutal dictatorships. in the west there are tons of muslims SJWs.
>>you can have your own loli
Same with an-caps, at least they give me recreational nukes.
>>cool outfits and good food
Muzzie food is shit and towels are shitty outfits
>Wanting lolis
>Tfw no shota trap
There is a reason you offer a lamb as sacrifice to God and not a pig.
No pint of beer to go with BLT. WTF is a Brazilian doing promoting such a backwards religion? You guys already have enough problems down there.
You never prayed in your life you should fear Allah hypocrite
a trap is fine too...
Afghans do that.