These 13 years were the best years in the history of humanity. No, it was the only time humanity was above the state of animals. Humanity recognized itself. The universe recognized itself. The allies didn't destroy a nation, they destroyed the hope of the entire universe. Now everything is lost. This universe will die and without the Aryan spark of life it will never renew itself. The Jew actually managed to destroy existence itself. You have no idea what was lost in 1945.
These 13 years were the best years in the history of humanity. No...
Fuck outta here
>You have no idea what was lost in 1945
Yeah we do, why do you think so many of us are black pilled miserable alcoholic messes?
You have no idea what the future has in store.
Race-mixing, homosexuals and feminism are only the beginning. Your ancestors fought for the Jew and now the world is doomed. You chose this future.
Depends on how many people are willing to die for a cause
You're the most pathetic faggot I've ever seen, literally worshipping a failed state and dead-end ideology. You're addicted to losing and failure. You should kys, save everyone, yourself included, the misery of having to listen to you whine.
This dead-end ideology managed to turn the most pathetic and bullied European state and very young nation (only 70 years old) into the 2nd or 3rd mightiest state on earth, which could compete with ancient superpowers like Russia who have all the resources, despite having no resources and it would have the defeated that superpower and later the earth all of humanity hadn't ganged up on it.
Sounds pretty impressive to me.
They. Fucking. Lost. That's the only thing that matters. If it was really as powerful as you say, they would have held on, or maybe Nazism would still have some legitimacy today.
But it wasn't, so it doesn't.
Cry some more, cuck. Go whine about it on Kikebook. Go read about how much fun Trump is having in Israel with his Jewish son-in-law, whom he basically handed the reins over to. Go look at yourself in the mirror and recognize that you are literally beneath all the people whom you claim to be superior to. Recognize that those claims of superiority are lies you tell to make yourself feel better about your shitty, worthless, dead end life. You have no value. You lost, and choose to parade your loss like a badge of honor. You're convincing nobody. You're accomplishing nothing. You should follow your leader, and fucking end your worthless existence so you don't have to bear witness to a world which, by your own admission, you have no place in. End it, and be done.
Well they almost won in 1941. GB should have honorably surrendered so they could both beat the commies. Instead US (((funding))) drug the war out
Not really.
We were bloodthirsty animals fighting a world war.
Sometimes I'm afraid that you are right.
Thanks to Nazi Germany and their pathetic defeat, pendulum swung so hard to left there's no means of stopping it anymore.
But wait, there's more! Germany has given birth to Marxism, too!
There's no country on Earth that has done more damage to Western Civilization than Germany. You're just destined to fucking things up, so hunker down your and never put a toe outside your borders ever again.
>There's no country on Earth that has done more damage to Western Civilization than Germany
Dude literally all degeneracy of the last 60 years came from the fucking united states including gay acceptance, feminism, LGBT, pedophilia, hollywood shit, MTV, political correctness etc...
Stop fucking blaming us if the US had a much larger role in degenerating the West.
The only destiny I believe in is mine, which involves Europe being saved from Islamic invasion. Feel free to think Germany is fucked though, I just believe the German people will be saved
All false.
Germany fault bravely until the very end.
A jew gave birth to marxism.
Germany tried it's best and died.
America should have destroyed the reds if it was willing to destroy the nazis.
At least there wouldn't be 70 years of communist poisoning on the zeitgeist.
We'll actually that started in post war Germany, the nazis kicked the degenerates out and they resettled in America. You're both rigjt
we had a chance to end the kali yuga early and maybe end the vicious cycle of stages our world goes through
The redpill Sup Forums will never accept.
He is fucking right
Humanity really sinked into a primitive state
We reducted ourselves to our primary instincts : violence,sex and food
See america: full of fat people that eat themselves to death
The west ?
Girls are now being sluts as never before.
And it starts early,really early.
Violence... I admire strenght not violence and the later one is prevailing.
What a pathetic end for humanity.
First post worst post.
The Nazis brought it on themselves
Come on, man. Nazi Germany was basically an absolutistic monarchy with the gadget of racial purity.
The system would have failed sooner or later anyway. All political systems do.
The dependance on a single man to organize the whole state ensured vicious infighting and political powerplays. Whoever could curry favour with the monarch managed to beat out the competitors.
Nazism and Communism are ideas of the 20th century and came to be in the climate of the early 20th century. Technology advanced and so did society.
If it wasn't for WWII, Nazi Germany would still be around, and Europe wouldn't be as fucked as it is today.
"And so did society"
There are things that never change
Yes goyim, "democracy" is the only way forward, there is no other option
It's science, our experts are 100% sure on that question!!!
Yes you succeeded in killing 100 million white people. Those were the days.
Don't blame US. It was just natural for any country to put in motion some sort of a counter-reaction to distance itself from the horrors of past as much as possible.
What if USSR won? Well they had their own idea of coping with the nightmare of past war. They fucking decided to exterminate everyone with a tiniest bit of independent thought. But hey, at least we'd have family values!
>Nazi Germany would still be around
No it wouldn't. The allies wanted to destroy Germany at all cost, therefore a world war.
Is North Korea still around? Yes it is. But it is not a Germany.It borders on China and Japan and that's it. Germany borders on several nations and is close to Africa and Russia. It is important as fuck. It had to be destroyed. The allies can only accept an enslaved, weak Germany.
Hitler probably regretted every white life lost in that war, blame the eternal anglo for declaring war
It's not about individual values, but nations safety and the destruction of existential threats.
They should have destroyed the reds, as they were potential enemies just as bad as the nazis.
In cultural warfare, they were 100000x worse, because jews are in every nation, pushing liberal agenda non stop, at all times while also pushing for zionism at the same time.
Germans could never do that. All of humanity lost when americans let the URSS to go on for 70 years. They shouldn't have let that happen.
Family values and inididual christian values are meaningless if you are fighting a ideologic guerrila war were your population is not even aware that there is a fight going on for their souls and bones.
They should have toppled all reds.
yurop has always been more degenerate than the usa. only an underage retard like yourself would argue otherwise. yuropoors have been pushing degeneracy on us for years, calling us backwards christians, lobbing to take our guns away and wanting us to be more like them. go fuck yourself, degenerate
Why they had to go full faggots and liberals?
Germany was only defeated by other nationalistic and manly ideals, not by trannies and feminists preaching for 'tolerance', 'pacifism' and lgbt.
Lots of men had to die.
Their nations turned their backs on them after the ultimate sacrifice.
You are a fucking retarded piece of shit and a shill.
Nice D&C my man, Yahweh smiles upon you goy
Evola's Ride the Tiger was more or less saying the same: if you decide to not off yourself, if you decide to keep living, don't hope for external change, since it's all out of control now. The best you can do is internally represent what that was in those 13 years, and externally deal as little as needed with what the world is post-1945.
Revolt of the Masses was a great precursor to that book too, but that was written before the last battle of worldviews. A good many of our types still have the views that the old Europeans had.
... but not enough. The world is negrified, reverting to a base animal state. The Jew isn't a God on earth, he's just a despot of an evermore decaying and uglifying globe.
You could be envious of the stupid bitch in a Best Buy parking lot who is thrilled to the sky about the new 65" flat screen she's about to get with her betabux doctor husband's credit card. She actually feels like life is wonderful with a purpose of Jewish materialism and a few nigger cocks on the side.
Governments are not those things. Though monarchy has been very succesful in the past. It remains to be seen if new technologies can overcome the shortcomings of Democracys/Republics or give rise to completely new forms of rule.
You speak good English for a Hueman, but your reading comprehension needs work.
Yeah...I do know. It was better to be ignorant, to think present era is good, or better than the past. But its much worse.
To those who browse this thread thinking we are silly, thats fine. Have fun with your le irony and cynicism. It gets old eventually. Whatever. I don't care. Can't go back, can't undo the mistakes, he had a vision for us, a real strength, to renew the spirit of Europa. We threw it all away, the idiots.
then stop poisoning my country. i hate you yuropoors. i fucking hate you. you destroyed my country. first it was the english zionist jew who hate the fact the usa exists and wanted to destroy us from the inside. then it was the soviet commie jew created by the german commie faggot that infiltrated in our government. then it was yuropoors pushing their degenerate shit on us for decades
>faggot usa why are you christians
>backwards usa why don't you have people literally fucking on television
>stupid usa why are you so uneducated as your country fills up with brown subhumans
fuck yurop. i hope you animals get exterminated. you fucking subhumans live on the same continent as the greatest western civlization of all time and yet you threw it all away and reverted to your monarchist garbage. you threw away the lessons rome taught you. i fully blame the english subhuman though, so don't worry. they are a cancer that must be eradicated
>Hip hop
>TransFaggotry rights
>Liberal propaganda faggot machine promoting it all non stop to the entire world as a good x evil combat
America was the pivotal actor on decaying the world and submitting it into faggotry
Not normal day to day Joes, but the american institutions, academic and cultural
They lost because they fought a dual front war. Had they not they could have easily won. Also don't forget the fact that Russia lost much more to the Germans than they killed Germans. The only reason they won against Germany is because they threw enough troops at them then other side finally ran out.
Land of HOLLYWOOD. All the degenerate propagand acomes from your CIA mind control program. FUCK YOU.
And then you'll blame to jews becaus eit's never the US. OK.
Inb4 "sven meme" because you're all spoiled pussies who start to cry when someone tell you how shit your country is. But what to expect from flouride destroyed brains.
Yep. What everyone needs to understand was that Hitler losing wasn't Germany's loss, or even Europe's loss, every non-jew lost when the commie flag was raised on the Reichstag. Might aswell have been a flag with the star of david on it
You lost. Freedom and progress occurred, the internets were invented and now I'l send a post request:
Get fucked Kraut.
>implying the Krauts would actually consider the "white aryans" their equals
>implying their arrogance would be any different of what it is now in the EU
>the bosch: fucking up the world since 1871
What you're describing is the symptoms of kikes running your country. No idea what Europeans have to do with it, we're dealing with a host of our own problems. Nobody is calling you backwards other than some liberal kikes who don't want you to succeed
The "Joes" did nothing to stop it either...
all brought on by zionists that originated in the uk. before hollywood. before the usa there was the weimer republic. the yuropoor parasite just moved to the usa. go fuck yourself, brazilian subhuman
kill yourself subhuman. i hope all you yuropoors get exterminated. worthless fucking swede. it was the jews, it always has been. you yuropoors poisoned my country. if there's any justice in the world you will all get exterminated
Hey deutchmen or however u spell it. Are ppl really cucked about hitler? Do they hate him or are alot of Germans just hiding their feelings cause they don't wanna go to jail
Love that pic.
Compared to the USSR the Nazis were fucking saints.
They had actually fucking QUOTAS for people to be killed. If you were a commisar you had to assure that a certain amount of people were killed, no matter if guilty or not.
Family members and neighbors were encouraged to spy on each other.
They starved Ukraine to death.
They treated their population like cannon fodder.
They destroyed all churches and outlawed religion.
They encouraged commies all around their world to exterminate their own people like the Red Khmer and North Korea.
>At Odessa the Cheka tied White officers to planks and slowly fed them into furnaces or tanks of boiling water; in Kharkiv, scalpings and hand-flayings were commonplace: the skin was peeled off victims' hands to produce "gloves"; the Voronezh Cheka rolled naked people around in barrels studded internally with nails; victims were crucified or stoned to death at Dnipropetrovsk; the Cheka at Kremenchuk impaled members of the clergy and buried alive rebelling peasants; in Orel, water was poured on naked prisoners bound in the winter streets until they became living ice statues; in Kiev, Chinese Cheka detachments placed rats in iron tubes sealed at one end with wire netting and the other placed against the body of a prisoner, with the tubes being heated until the rats gnawed through the victim's body in an effort to escape.
And they even mobilized women and children in WW2 which even the Nazis hesitated to do.
It is a mystery why commies aren't considered the ultimate villain of history but Nazis are. Even the Nazis acknowledged how barbaric Russians were.
You mean progress like racemixing, marxism and degeneracy? And the freedom to partake in this progress?
He was the only leader that advocated for peace. Or are u still cucked about it? He literally made a speech asking for peace with england
Are you doing anything to stop it?
What can you do against the most powerful cultural and academic establishments of all time?
They are all well funded, well connected, deep rooted with the most powerful people on the globe...
>all brought on by zionists that originated in the uk. before hollywood. before the usa there was the weimer republic. the yuropoor parasite just moved to the usa. go fuck yourself, brazilian subhuman
Yeah, and now they got a super host to leech and become master of. It's everyone faults but america.
So explain to me why there were so many reactionary movements back in the day, if your own fellow citizens did indeed see the menace coming and growing. They knew america would become their slave and servant eventually.
Wich it did. It became something decayed and faggot.
It's only getting worse.
>It is a mystery why commies aren't considered the ultimate villain of history but Nazis are
Gommies won.
>Even [their enemies] acknowledged how barbaric Russians were.
>implying europeans are the same thing as european kikes
I could say the same thing about your country, it wouldn't make a lick of difference and in the end it would just be dividing and conquering instead of focusing on the real culprit which is the jew and nothing but the jew.
>It is a mystery why commies aren't considered the ultimate villain of history
t. Ribbentrop, while signing a non-aggression pact with Molotov.
Why in the fuck are you autists blaming that country or this country for starting this or pushing that agenda into the world when it always was and will be the dirty fucking kike rat bastards? Are you too dumb to put the fucking puzzle pieces together? Do you need someone to show you the way? This is quickly becoming the world that the international cabal of rootless globalists want. White people arguing and fighting amongst themselves, while they slowly and surely work on moving their agenda forward and. You may ask what is their ultimate goal? A world free of white people. A world free of any peoples who could rival their "special, chosen race" in terms of global domination. They want a world full of miscegenated, brown races whom they can rule over in entirety and perpetuity.
Now get your heads out of your asses and quit acting like fucking niggers!
It's not a mystery, they didn't became the ultimate villain of history, because Nazi Germany had to become it, in order to promote the Jew propaganda, reinforce jew positions on the west, destroy and marginalize all pockets of nativist resistance to the jew land help to create Israel.
No mystery there.
When the jews won the war, they had to work out the myth of the war, the new vision of their projects, and it was all based on the putrid carcass of evilness of the Germans.
you get outta here you big meanie
This x99999
>Germany fault bravely until the very end.
typo of truth
>how do they work
It was exactly these 13 years when humanity was behaving like animals.
Fuck off with your white savior complex bullshit faggot.
Remember that whites didn't build civilization, Mediterranean and Middle easterners did and well do it again once we get our shit together.
>The best you can do is internally represent what that was in those 13 years, and externally deal as little as needed with what the world is post-1945
It feels like every day is being punished for losing a fight you never got the chance to take part in. I know (((they))) want me to lose hope and die but honestly there's nothing that can be done at this point anyway so whatever.
OP should gas himself.
By dialing in a war economy early on, degenerate fag.
You sure you can legally type stuff like this in Germany, bud?
Seriously though, the Nazis and their ability to be fucking awful has damaged the prestige of Ethno-Nationalism in every western country. I don't know why you storm fags glorify them so much
Damn, I wrote it wrong, sorry br0z
Hello Achmed
Ah yes, the false dichotomy. The favourite tool of both eternal kraut apologists and eternal rusek apologists.
>It is a mystery why commies aren't considered the ultimate villain of history
Actually they are here, and so are you. There's no choosing, you were both retarded imperialists that acted worse than animals.
>You have no idea what was lost in 1945.
I have a general idea German brother. But that's determinism for you.
>Remember that whites didn't build civilization, Mediterranean and Middle easterners did
It doesn't take a genius to learn how to calculate basic algebra like 25+25 or 10-3. Woopdidoo they did it first. Whites perfected everything the shitskins started to create. If they didn't start civilization someone else would have. But would have some else build the modern world? I havily doubt it. Not even today the majority of the world can adapt to the modern world. Just look at the muslim world. If it weren't for whites there would have NEVER been a man on the moon. T least not for the next 10 000 years.
>the Nazis and their ability to be fucking awful
What did they do that was awful?
through that logic you shouldnt respect anyone in history, because they all died. You can learn from people even in their failures
where do you get off being the ultimate embodiment of the opposite of what you claim to support and then denigrating germany for actually putting your ideas into practice
fuck off faggot. OP is 100% correct. National Socialism is the only counter fanaticism to communist ideology they did not lost in holding off the communist hordes from the rest of europe. stop being a bitch cuck/
Anyone can do that if you knock on people's doors and force them to work the fields and assembly lines for little to no pay.
The main point of anguish is the existential crises, or the sentiment that "anything I do today is a waste of time."
It makes me envious to see the zeal everyone else has for the most shallow trivialities. Even the nigger who is so hell-bent on going to the gym to get jacked to possibly fuck white women, seems to have some "idiotic nobility" in comparison.
There's always hobbies, but even those are transient amusements. You bust your ass, you get good, you attain mastery, you amuse yourself with it momentarily (finally play that piano piece, finally conquer that personal best time on a road bike route, finally do this or that), and then, it's all just another instance of glorified building card houses.
Meanwhile, you know that what matters, the beauty of your society, your world around you, what could've been, is irreversibly sliding downhill in the face of -- as Hitler called Americans -- the "half-Judaized, half-negrified" who run the show, politicians and democratic voters alike.
Well, I'm going to go ride my bike. That's amusing at the moment. A slut whistled at me earlier and said "damn Lance" as I whizzed past her and her dog. I would've turned around and said hello, but she had a tattoo on her leg, so clearly she not only fucks niggers, but the dog as well.
The only reason the NatSoc ideology has the stigma it does is because it fucking worked, and it was brilliant for the Germans but the kikes cant have that so they have made every effort in propaganda to do that. Eventually if any ethnonationalist state emerged it would become kosher and infiltrated by kikes, or it would receive the same harsh treatment as Hitler and NatSoc by the propaganda machine.
LOL WHAT THE FUCK? then why the fuck is africa, north korea and venezuela complete shit? no one is taking ur shit bait.
Got a source for that? If anything, that's what the (((USSR))) did to it's neighbors but they failed eventually anyway
Nazi Germany were the biggest white killers of all time. They raged war against other fellow white European Nations killing millions of civilian white Europeans. Instead of conquering and killing subhumans in Africa and Middle East which continents are wealthy with good resources. Hitler was 100% a Zionist plant.
>Eventually if any ethnonationalist state emerged it would become kosher and infiltrated by kikes, or it would receive the same harsh treatment as Hitler and NatSoc by the propaganda machine
Unless it was pic related of course
Stop your bullshit, National Socialism was to benefit Germany nobody else.
The Nazis were savages burned villages, towns, people and churches all over Europe. Look up the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre. The SS savages destroyed an entire village rounded up men, women and children and burnt them alive in a church and a barn. Rommel heard what happened and was disgusted and called for an investigation sadly a few months later he was forced to poison himself after Hitler threatened to kill his entire family.
You guys are sick and fucked up, yeah I am against mass immigration and SJW but I believe in fucking decency and being fair to others. The Nazis were no different to ISIS.
This site has gone down massively
>They raged war
The anglos and frogs declared war on Germany
Africa and Venezuela are nowhere near that level of totalitarianism and if it wasnt for that in North Korea they probably wouldnt be a threat to begin with. Anyway I heard that in NK theres no degeneracy whatsoever. Pls feel free to migrate.
>These 13 years were the best years in the history of humanity.
Yiff heil!
Good goy! Be sure to remember the 6 million, don't forget to stand with Israel
If any Western country wanted they could literally exterminate all of Africa in just 3 weeks. They have no military to speak of.
When will you realize that the problem is not the subhumans but the elite who keeps them alive and sending them into Europe?
Oh and btw Hitler fucking tried to conquer Africa.
>s-socialism was supposed to save the white race
Sure it was.
>National Socialism is the only counter fanaticism to communist ideology they did not lost in holding off the communist hordes from the rest of europe.
>this what new worlder neonazis actually believe
You couldn't be more wrong.
Maybe read up something about Polish-Soviet war, and then read up about Ribbentrop-Molotov pact.
Hitler's invasion is precisely what allowed Soviets to gain control of half of Europe and ruin it with their moronic, dysfunctional system for decades.