Can't speak for other people, but I myself never really understood patriotism, neither in Canada nor in any other country. Why should I be proud of being born in an arbitrary defined area of some square miles? Or why should I be proud of the accomplishments by other random Canadian citizens? Or my ancestors?
Some of them did good things, others did bad things. I am very aware of that, and I think its good to preserve this awareness and remembrance, but I don't have a very "personal" feeling about that. Neither do I believe in inherited pride, nor in inherited guilt.
I only can be proud of what I accomplished myself. That's all.
Canadian Patriotism
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Hey man you can't do it twice you gotta give someone else a turn
>Or my ancestors?
Because you're them, and they are you.
Btw, patriotism based on random boundaries is truly dumb, that's why you should be a nationalist.
Because no nation will survive if the new generation doesn't care about the nation.
Honest response.
I am not the one to defend my country if it is in the wrong.
But my country had a great deal in helping me becoming what i am now. And i like me. So, I am proud of my country.
same senpai
am i banned
the love of your country is literally based on a fallacy. haha, you are mental.
But your ancestors are literally you in different time periods
You need to have patriotism for your local area
For example I'm a follower of radical edmontonism
My beliefs:
>ring road to be constructed in all cities with population above 300,000
>excessive use of road sand during winter to create dust storms during summertime
>banning pothole repair
>filling central business districts with alcoholic bums
Explain this.
sure, i get banned every day for saying that north korea will be bombed by the u.s
Lol dafugg?
What I've never understood is the Leafs strange obsession with being a leaf. I've never been anywhere else in the world where the locals were more proud to part of the nation. The whole thing is really ironic since you guys appear to want to be Americans.
spraypaint cocks on potholes and they'll fix them within 12 hours guaranteed
this is quality shitposting
You literally copy and pasted a reddit comment from that cucked as fuck "german patriotism" thread and made it about canada
Hello brother
t. Buck Lake
>Because you're them, and they are you.
By that logic SJWs are truly justified when they try to punish us for the crimes of our ancestors.
All your picture is showing is that nobody wants to live in the tundra.
>Can't speak for other people, but I myself never really understood patriotism, neither in Canada nor in any other country.
That's because Canada as it was presented to you by the government schools and media isn't actually worth caring about. The Canada that the elites want isn't worth protecting or cherishing.
You should care about Canada because it is the home of Canadians. Authentic Canadians, not foreigner immigrants. It is where real Canadians are at home, where their neighbours share the same culture and values.
Sorry user but of course you will never get it, because you are just an example of the anthropological phenomenon of atomisation. Your question is nice but you might as well ask why you should love your family when they are just 'abitrary' random people who you never chose to interact with and would probably not be interested in if they weren't related to you. Patriotism is not so much a rational response to one's environment as it is an adaptive, healthy behaviour - just like valuing one's genetic relatives over others. Of course, there are legitimate ethical concerns such as the fact you are a living, breathing member of that society which has raised and fed and educated you and which you hold a completely interdependent relationship with every single day of your existence, and that even your slightest actions have an effect on the wellbeing of every other citizen in the nation that you are all a part of. But in the end, rational reasons for patriotism fall short, because as valid as they may be, they are not the driving force behind it. It is simply an advantageous adaptation. If the tribe all care about each other and the success of the tribe as a whole, they have better chances of survival. You, far from being enlightened, are as in the dark concerning the basic questions of your own existence as a child. But who can blame you?
Keep in mind, that is simply the rationale for patriotism and why I don't think it is a "silly" or "stupid" thing. I'm actually not very patriotic myself. I just think that, before discarding something, you should at least be aware of its real value.
t. Calgary
Howdy, neighbour
You didn't pen the principia mathematica. You didn't lead the nation to victory at Trafalgar. You didn't write Abbey Road. Instead, you sit at home alone on Friday nights, shitposting til 2am.
Men who have accomplished nothing always turn to nationalism to buttress their wounded egos.
>By that logic SJWs are truly justified when they try to punish us for the crimes of our ancestors.
They want to judge the past using modern values that hadn't been accepted yet. It makes no sense. Furthermore, it's only White countries that developed the idea that those bad deeds were bad in the first place. It's all backwards. The White countries are the most "progressive" yet they always get the most shit on for not being "progressive" enough.
The reality is that people attacking Whites are hypocrites and their motivation is hatred of White people.
>You didn't pen the principia mathematica. You didn't lead the nation to victory at Trafalgar. You didn't write Abbey Road. Instead, you sit at home alone on Friday nights, shitposting til 2am.
>Men who have accomplished nothing always turn to nationalism to buttress their wounded egos.
It's not about that. I just want Canadian neighbours. I want communities. I want the cultural homogeneity that makes a society strong and healthy.
I don't want to smell your curry ass on the bus, Pajeet.
Well when you're a second generation immigrant I bet it is hard to understand patriotism, OP.
Pic related, my direct paternal line goes back to 1600s New France.
Without culture, society, family, friends you are absolutely nothing.
Culture helped shape the society, society helped shape the family and family helps shape you.
I dont advocate for you to "love" all of these things and die for them any time the opportunity arises, but if you dont respect these things and dont want to give back to the things that made you and help sustain your irrelevant existence go live in the fucking woods and make your own life or kill yourself.
So many people were involved throughout history, more and less recent, just so you could write and read what you are writing and reading right now, and if you dont have any respect for any of that, well you are an absolute scum of a being.
The most worthless human is a human that gives no worth to anyone but himself.
Maybe this is just a leaf thing because I agree 100% with everything you've said. Is there a name for this feel?
it's not gay to suck tranny cock in canada.
Yeah, but you Quebecois tend to be more purely French in ancestry, (as evidenced by your picture) whereas most white Canadians are total hodge-podges.
Still Quebecois make rise your shitty country.
>not having true Patriotism to your Empire
shiggy as fuck man
He's actually a lot more mixed than like 99% of Quebecers
Half of canadian identity is not being american
If most of your country was a sad, desolate wasteland of snow, bears and trees, you would move further South too. Besides, we rely on trade with the US. If we lived too far from the border, who would have jobs and how would we make any money?
My family is effectively English as one of my paternal ancestors moved to Ontario from Quebec and assimilated.
From my understanding the French ancestry I have on my mother's side is Acadian but assimilated to the Island culture on the East coast.
To be fair, a lot of that land is perfectly usable.. we just don't use it. We literally don't have the population to use it.
Yeah, I would have thought. Usually children take after the language of the mother since they spend more time with her as children, which is why it's called mother tongue.
Keep importing Chinese like you are and it'll be as dense as silicon valley in a decades time.
Canada pretty much became relevant as being a haven for loyalist American cucks and dirty french rejects to find a new home, not surprising that may of you troll this board with your non-patriotism.
>Can't speak for other people, but I myself never really understood patriotism, neither in Canada nor in any other country. Why should I be proud of being born in an arbitrary defined area of some square miles? Or why should I be proud of the accomplishments by other random Canadian citizens? Or my ancestors?
are you proud in the accomplishments humans have made in recent history? (enlightenment, science)
if so, why?
Tbh most of the Chinese where I live are rich kids coming here to spend their parents money and hide it from the commies.
You see more high end cars in Vancouver than you do in upstate NY
and we are justified to fight back. We don't need to lie there while they are hitting us.
Friendly reminder that our first PM literally predicted Hong-couver.
stop making sense leaf. you'll scare away the nationalist drones.
Most second gen onward Chinese in Vancouver are perfectly normal and have well integrated though. It's the rich mainland FOBs who treat the city as their personal playground who are the problem.
"muh culture" means fuck all when I'm ten clicks out on the barrens fishing for trout. who gives a shit if my ancestors made statues of nude greek faggots
t. second gen onward Chinese in Vancouver
White, sorry bro.
Canada has absolutely nothing to be proud of and I say this as a 100% Canadian (I trace my ancestry back to Beijing from my Mother's side and Tianjin from my Father's side)
why am I not surprised?
I've heard this a lot from Canadians and I think it's because Canada doesn't have much of a unifying culture. Most other cultures do and even if you don't feel particular love to your nation you should feel it to your ancestors for ensuring your birth and survival.