Are Sikhs Sup Forums approved? Every one that I've met has always been nice and friendly, and are way better to be around than sandniggers and poo in loos. Also they hate islam as well.
Are Sikhs Sup Forums approved? Every one that I've met has always been nice and friendly...
Sikhs have centuries of muslim killing experience. They're fine people.
kill yourself
they are poo in loos you retard
le based turban man!!1!
Why are they in america though? They don't belong here and as a foreign entity they by definition subvert. They are a cancer just like muslims and just like poo's.
>Sikhs have centuries of muslim killing experience.
yup india has only 170 million mudslimes, BASED sikhs,
the country used to literally be run by a muslim caliphate before sikh's had their way so hey it could be worse
Fucking excuses. they're just streetshitters.
I think these threads are started by Sikhs
Stick your kirpan up you ass Punjabbi
They carry around a little sword to kill Musllims. A-ok by me.
Shitzs are bro tier!!1!
They hate muslims
Let's flood our country with them
>are not poo in loos
American education, folks.
They're approved to live in India. If they come here then GTFO shitskins.
basd trubam man!11
Every Sikh I have ever met it a complete badass. You wouldn't know it because they are humble people. But I were in a jam, I would want Sikhs on my side
anti islamic cannon fodder. they can be intergrated in our waffen-SS branches so to speak but can never enter the general SS. they can hold honorary status but can never and WILL NEVER become actual Europeans.
I hear Barcelona is flooded with those streetshitters, is that real?
Sikhs are based
It's pakis, not Sikhs but yeah there are a ton of them.
Even fucking worst, goddamit.
The Sikh guy who was giving kids free taxi rides during the Manchester peaceful expression was misinterpreted as a Muslim by Cosmopolitan and was incredibly offended at the notion. Also, apparently they have a history of killing Muslims. I wouldn't want to flood my country with them, but I'd place them just under Asian tier bro.
Sikhs are Honorary whites.
They are friendly, they integrate and contribute into the societies they move into. Those are the liberal ones. The hard line ones are still very accepting but seek to have their own ethnostate in the Punjab region.
I like Sikhs.
they are just polite and well-behaved muslims. They don't fully integrate and still retain their parallel society- theirs just happens to be a lot less hostile.
one of the true martial races, up there with gurkhas.
sikhs get a pass
Nice people from what I've seen and people I've met. Decent food as well, but depends where you go.
I honestly have no idea what day is their holy day. Every three days or so the temple is completely packed with cars.
>inb4 an unironic "Sikhs are bro-tier"
They're bros.
They're just fine in their own countries.
>They are friendly, they integrate and contribute into the societies they move into. Those are the liberal ones. The hard line ones are still very accepting but seek to have their own ethnostate in the Punjab region.
Which is the same as us, they want their homeland as we want ours.
dude i le love brown people now they are sihks
so sihk
fuck off reddit diaperheads
lately sikhs have been protecting mudslimes from fa-right hindu groups in India. Sikhs have been cucked in the recent years.
what even are sikhs and what the fuck do they believe in?
sikhs the master race of the sand niggers
I once made fun of a Sikh. He stared me down and then began laughing with me. He's been my number one liquor dealer for years now. Good guy and tells drunk homeless to fuck off. I'd say right up there with the Japanese as far as I'm concerned.
So are all people? Humans belong in Africa and Eurasia, they shouldn't be in the Americas period.
love the sikh.
hate when retards call them muslim.
I remember one time I was at a mall in Olympia
I had sprained my leg so was on crutches shopping, and i was followed out to the car park by a group of 3-4 niggers, and 2 Sikhs must've noticed this because they walked over to me and pretended that they had been with me the whole time and that we were friends
Took me over to the car and waited til i was outta the car park and then went back to shopping
Moral of the story, Sikh's are the Caucasians of brown people
Found the muslim
Thats like 5x the whole population of Australia
At least its not DETONATED
Really chilled out view on God and how people worship who ever they call God.
Peaceful solutions to problems unless violence is the only way to stop the person.