If black people are inferior, why don't we help to uplift them instead of subjugating them?
If black people are inferior, why don't we help to uplift them instead of subjugating them?
Yeah we tried that, they weren't interested
thats the whole point of ethno nationalism you fucking moron
MLK tried to, but nigs gonna nig
They need to first help themselves but are apparently incapable of doing so.
Are you kidding? We basically worship niggers here in the US. Thanks George Soros
I'm just going to assume your not trolling for a second. The loudest idiots in the black community just like the LGBT and feminist communitys want to be more equal. They blame all their problems one whitey but NEVER want to look in the mirror. Those communitys want all sorts of tax breaks and social programs (paid for by you and I) because of the notion of white male privilege.
we HAVE been aiding them but it just taught them to ask for freebies
see africa
Let's say Black people are inferior. When black people wanted to become better White People said no. Took several decades more to get equal rights and White People are still racist.
Because picking up a turd doesn't make it stink any less.
Nothing we can do, their iq is unfortunately too low.
>If black people are inferior, why don't we help to uplift them instead of subjugating them?
Because no one uplifts a turd, they flush it down the toilet.
horse water drink etc
Because we're secretly fanatic purifiers
Because they'll reward our efforts by killing us, you numbskull
This. Nigs and other races are fundamentally different and should not exist with us. We should all be separate.
Why would we shackle ourselves to dead weight? Let them learn to help themselves and ignore their plight.
Yup. It's way past time we gas them all. No half-measures. I don't want to have to gas them all again in thirty-years. If we were smart though we'd gas all the Jews first, while we still maintained the element of surprise, then move on to their pets.
Cuz they are literally beasts of the field lol it's in scripture dumbass I bet you think Khazars were the real Hebrews too lol idiot
helping them? you mean giving them more free shit
Because they will only drag us down to their level.
white man killed him
Western nations have spent literally trillions of dollars and have failed to make first class citizens of negroes.
That's the whole point of all this user. Successful black men learn success from white men. Nothing wrong with that
We've been trying to help them for some time now, now you've been seeing how that's worked out. The second they gain the ability to harm us (even though we've been helping them out for years now) they do so regardless of the help they've received from us. We give them more gibs than anyone else on earth, yet they are still chanting for white genocide at BLM rallies.
Just accept it user, they want us dead.
Who do you think are the real Hebrews? White people?
Audible Kek
We tried. And failed. Now they're dragging the rest of us down.
white people are morally inferior
Either separate or subjugated. It's that black tribal mentality you can't get out of them. It's ingrained in their race and always will be
I was about to say the same thing.
You can't fix stupid.
OP is the kind of person who sees a mouse running around their house, and instead of getting mousetraps, he crawls around on the floor with his asshole spread with a piece of cheese in it going "here little fella" all night.
We have tried since colonialism. They simply can't do it. Incapable.
>what is affirmative action
What is affirmative action
They're already highly celebrated in the USA, I don't know how much more they can do at this point. Everytime they're helped they just get more demanding.
Watch "Addios Africa" on Youtube. Best english version is 144p, but it answers your every question, OP.
>wanting to put apes in suits
Inside the African mind.
>why don't we
Why don't you if you feel you owe them something?
We can't because they don't admit the problem and then other whites refuse to admit the problem.
You can't fix an issue if you aren't willing to identify it.
If you are unwilling to face the whale and rescue your father, you cannot sort.
I disagree with this. They can be helped, with proper institutions, the destruction of violent culture and traditions and other things.
It didn't work. Doesn't matter how hard you try niggers will always turn cities into Detroit
this. I love these JP memes
>That flag
Checks out
Negros are not human, those with Negro blood are sub-human. This isn't difficult user, try your luck with giving human expectations to dolphins and you'll be better off in terms of results then the Negro animal.
Would you uplift a cockroach?
Uplifting is stupid, it's just helping out a future rival.
We uplifted China and literally built their economy by opening trade with them in order to btfo of the Soviets. Look where that got us, our own economy in tatters and a rival in the Pacific steadily building up artificial islands with military bases on them to claim the South China Sea, as the world starts to murmer about a "Chinese century".
Fuck uplifting your enemies, keep them in chains.
Because the jew no longer allows for natural order. The natural order is the white man teaching the black man the ways of the world while the black meandered him, a mutually beneficial relationship (makes more sense once you swallow the niggers are literally inferior redpill)
MLK was a plagiarist(his dream speech was stolen) A communist (his movement was funded by them) a degenerate (was sleeping and beating prostitutes in the hotel room he was staying the night before being assassinated). He didn't even walk most of the marches, bused in right outside town then marched through it. He was a typical Negro used for political means like Mandela who was a terrorist Negro
White people have been trying to do that and still doing that for hundreds of years. Us niggers just want gibs and white pussy.
If black people are superior why don't they help uplift whites?
You can't polish turds.
Morally superior to Jews
They were getting better, but politicians ruined them with gibs so they had an army of paid for voters
Blacks are fine. Niggers can fuck off and die.
The only difference between a black and a nigger is the level of domestication they're exposed to.
this. blacks were integrating well into society in the 60's and 70's until the jews used the fbi to put crack coaine on the streets, pushed gangster rap, and promoted degenerate values to the blacks through media.
America would have been a civic nationalist country if the jews didn't corrupt it. the hippies were also the work of the jew to destabilize us.
i really wish jews would just fuck off so humanity can evolve naturally.
A huge red-pill is realizing there's nothing wrong with being inferior. Dogs are inferior to men but we still value dogs, sometimes even more than our fellow man.
May I remind you that Germans are notoriously autistic about followings the tribal leader
Of course it's white people and some of them travelled North who became Druids. 12 Tribes diaspora is right in front of your face. Christian Identity lol lol the only real "church" lol lol slay yout enemy take their virgins Old Testament styles lulzzz
Try reading the OP again
God damn Jamal please kill yourself. Niggers are sub human there's no such thing as le based black man
>Actually believing this utter bullshit
The Negro has never meet human expectations placed upon it.
>because we dont have the next 2000 years to allow them to evolve....
>they will try to kill us by then.
I'm fine with niggers having all of Africa. We need to leave them alone. It should be a great conservatory for them. Completely isolated with no Western influence and no niggers outside of Africa.
That's what's best for them and what's best for all of us
Set them free on nature reserves like Haiti where they can't act as pests. Catch and release
cuz when you help people now, they are ungrateful and act like its their burden you helped them. same goes with the white trash members of my family. bitch and moan about not having anything and beg for money but when they get things they bitch about it. let them all burn no matter the color.
This pisses me off about other germans desu but if the leader is a good one we could theoretically colonize mars, whereas nigs... not so much
They have never 'evoled' the only reason the Negro is capable of having something resembling a thought while engaging in speech at the same time is due to bestiality. The vast majority if not all modern day Negros have some white admixture, East Africans have very early admixture, all in the Americas have admixture, and most in the rest of Africa have admixture from colonization. Those with the least amount of admixture in isolated tribes of Africa have lower measured IQ then whites with down syndrome. Actual Chimpanzees and Gorillas are more capable of integration than pure breed Negros.
Some people do try, but to actually answer your question: People who truly, fundamentally believe themselves as victims of the system they inhabit will constantly grasp for more assistance and will consistent grab while the grabbings good. They become a culture of pathological impulsive opportunists and dont even consider anything else because thats how their mentality was shaped from youth. They'll never have enough and any hope one might have that "If we just gave them the right amount they'd get on their own feet" is nonsense, because they dont have a conception of self-reliance. It simply isnt there all they'll build their surrounding life based on what is being GIVEN, not what could be obtained by their own hand conceptually. Its fundamentally childish. Now the problem with this arises when an expectation of "Charity" (defined as that being given with nothing expected in returned) is breached. When a child asks its parent for something, there either has to be SOME belief for a chance of compliance (such as a child at a mall asking for a quarter for a game) OR such a strong fantasized desire for it that they cannot help but bringing forth the notion to the provider (such as a child learning that a store sold some overly expensive and grandiose object that they would have never expected to personally own because they never really conceptualized it could be sold such as some DDR machine or something. I grew up broke as shit so everytime I saw a gaming console at a store, Id throw a tantrum for it despite knowing my parents wouldnt buy me one AND not really knowing what id do with it IF i had it). In both such cases, the child is still wholly DEPENDENT on the provider and system surrounding it, but still has its outlet for voicing its desire because it can conceptualize a greater comfort or pleasure without putting any personal effort forward.
And when this behavior is rewarded time and again, it becomes, somewhat paradoxically, predatory UPON the system or provider. In the worst case scenario, the dependent party becomes AWARE of this possible path of predatory behavior (we all know a child who would scream and throw things at the slightest inconvenience because their parents gave in to such negative behavior) and begins to attempt to manipulate it for their own gains at the expense of the system. Its worth noting that it is still ultimately self destructive behavior, as its incredibly damaging to never learn how to work in a system of give-and-receive, as well as detrimental to a basic, interpersonal level. Youd never learn responsibility or independence. You'd act out and blame everything on everyone else because thats all you mentally could come up with! Youre only part of a realized human being. When this type of mental structure grows into an entire CULTURE, let alone a celebrated one, its damned to collapse into violence and the shallowest forms of indulgence! Which only INCREASE the need for outside support. The only power in the cycle is the providing force, which must decide if and how it wishes to introduce any elements of independence. For, to be certain, there is no guarantee the now parasitical culture could stand on its own. And at this point the providing structures may feel wholly responsible and perhaps enslaved to this (god forbid) celebrated, victimized, self-perpetuating "culture".
Why is it our problem?
>Actually thinking the issues Negros face turning to act human is related to 'systematic oppression' or 'culture' instead of their default nature
How is it really going to take for people to realize they simply aren't human?
after centuries of being disappointed, it's time to call them what they are: disappointments.
They're animals and we where mistaken for giving them human expectations and engaging in bestiality with them. The problem of the Negro disappears over night if we treat them as they are. Any Negro that causes us problems we treat like we would any other animal attack. It would be like if we where over looking wolf attacks because society had come to believe them as humans.
If one was selective in whole or she uplifts, the world world be a different place. That is not the way the world currently is, because the opposite is true.
We've tried, it's on the urban blacks to fix their rotten culture. There's plenty of blacks who have assimilated into society, the problem is the media pushing this Gang life agenda and legitimizing it. But if it's on the government to "uplift" the black population getting rid of welfare is agood starting point, maybe an authoritarian approach to those who are involved in gang activity tougher criminal charges.
If one was selective in who he or she uplifts* Sorry
Black people are afforded more opportunities and hand-outs in this country than any other race. It's not our fault that they just choose to squander them and take everything they've been given for granted. No matter how much you coddle an ape, it'll never transform into a human.
Because whenever that happens the Jews step in and fuck it up.
You can't fix inferiority.
What the fuck do you think affirmative action and welfare are you fucking mong
>It's just culture
Nigs gonna nog. Send them to africa where they can become a part of the wildlife.
>No matter how much you coddle an Negro, it'll never transform into a human.
what happens when you let chimpanzees run wild in a city, same effect with niggers but with more drugs
>Blaming others for the default nature of the Negro animal
The more they're "helped," the less they actually do and the more they expect. Segregated black America had better living standards and better prospects, but no that was too unjust
Because there is more important things to do that will eventually make it possible for blacks to be equal. Soft methods like just helping won't force them to catch up with hundreds of years of just busting ass generation after generation.
Only technology will be able to save them.
I agree, we should help them. The best way is to end all welfare, and let the survivors of the nogpocylypse be the next generation - truly upraised by nature's own hand.
does anyone have that webm from empire of dust?
its the fucking lib tards they give welfare but us Republicans give them job opportunities to make wealth, not to fucking beg off everyone else.
After reading this nearly this entire thread (including long paragraphs contained within the images) I think I've become just a tad racist and have an overall better grasp of African American culture.
Congratulations Sup Forums, you have successfully redpilled yet another person.
every post is just shitting on blacks or africa. fuck you all.
fuck foreign intervention
fuck the cia
fuck "law"
the answer for op is, humans are pieces of shit that will kick their enemy while already down, and the entire world has been kicking africians for millenia