Just a reminder

(((Hollywood))) made every bad guy in the 1980's a Germanic male and used "kicking puppies" trope to predujice entire generations against them.

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So don't feel bad about posting the truth about jews.

and Danial Russo was a 30 year old refugee passing as a teenage


That russo kid is the true villian in karate kid

Sweep the leg, Johnny

It is still going on.
>Star Wars: The Force Awakens
the First order are white people except for the one woke nigger stormtrooper
>Star Wars: Rogue One
the Empire is all white people
>Ghost in the Shell
Japanese communist teenagers get their brains removed and put into a white body which ends up fighting capitalist whites
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
the insufferable/childish golden humanoids who consider themselves perfectly evolved are white people
>Alien: Covenant
white male robot goes maniacal killing retarded racemixing humans and an entire species of whiteface dindus
>Beauty and the Beast
Early 1400s France is full of non-French people and black (!!!) people. The villain is white, all the villain's pawns are white, and the only "good" villager is a black man.
>King Arthur
And the knights of the diverse table. One third of Arthur's knights are non-white. The villain's army is designed after fascists—they're called blacklegs, which is a clear allusion to brownshirts. Also, they gratuitously perform the Roman Salute during one scene.

In all of these the white characters are portrayed as irrational/insane/murderous narcissists despite having firmly placed themselves in positions of dominance, and then the plucky ethnic/minority protagonists take them down by dint of highly improbable deus ex machina and Mary Sue heroism


In mighty ducks 2 they literally did a hilter propaganda segment

The one where he goes "where are you from" and the hilter youth calls back their hometowns and he says one Germany!

Except the bad guys were obviously hilter youth hockey players.

I think white people didn't appreciate the massive effect this subconscious anti white propaganda has.

yup. the struggle is rael.


>(((Hollywood))) made every bad guy in the 1980's a Germanic male

People hate winners

As a child I always sided with the "bad one" in the movies, so they were not able to brainwash me.

I have been a nordicist since I read for the first time the works of Tolkien. Severak years after that I got in contact with a famous spanish nordicist (Nordic Thunder) and he reaffirmed my position.

He was the bad guy, you idiot

You still will never be white, fucking moor.

They designed the entire system to dismantle wasp power structures and succeeded.

I always ask this

>if the patriarchy is so powerful why didn't a single major media company endorse their canidate :Donald trump.

Wasp power is crushed we live in a Jewish feminist I matriarchal facist proto communist shithole.

The laws need to change.

Didn't he have a redemption arc in one of the movies? At the end of the first one he already showed more compassion than Russo ever did.

Then explain this.

>Bad guy

Pick 1

Spader's ability to portray the bored elite asshole was really charming though.

There was a huge uproar that baron harkonin in dune was portrayed as a homosexual.

Dino De Laurentiis' film company was non Jewish and the stars were predominantly non Jewish.

The critics panned the movie and it flopped killing the non Jewish delarentis production company.

The audiences liked the movie but the negative press was enough to make it a flop.

are you retarded?

>t. not white
So much salt, kek.

I don't care about me man. I am a nordicist. The survival of the nordic body and spirit is my purpose in life.

You are not nordic either, you lack the spirit. And no, I am not saying the spirit is more important than the body. Both things are necessary.

But you will never understand, you are probably an immigrant or a fucking leftist.

ignore kike provocations
all they do is divide and conquer

What was the racial makeup of the Mighty Ducks in that movie?

The Ducks were multi Jews, and women and Mexicans and blacks.

They were saved by "magical negroes" from south central LA. Who were awesome hockey players.

And the bad guys were Aryan hilter youth.

The propaganda speech was given by emelio estavez to the Jewish aliance ducks.

True. Rad is another example.

Lol the answer is simple, steal their women. Jewish girls are too easy

(((Bad guys)))

(((Good guys)))

What's the light haired kid in 'erry Pottah?


Bold. Reminds me of myself. Do you have Visigoth blood by any chance. I'm not going to mock you if you have 10% Berber blood or something.

Absolutely true:

Wew lad

shitty examples but i get whtyour doing here

you know i never considered it started way back when like that.

Dune is one of my favourite films.
Explains why.

Jews in films are loathsome.

This is my problem with mass propaganda. No one understands how subconscious or group normalization works, so everyone accepts and understands that they're being fed poison little by little but they dismiss it's very obvious impact as "haha, it's only seasoning", so to speak.

Don't listen to americans.
American has 6-10 million jews living in it.
Equal or greater to the population of Israel.
They saturate all media there with kikery.
Even without that, the american has such a massive inferiority complex, from a total lack of history, culture or biological homogeneity, that they constantly attack all true countries.
They try to out-irish the Irish, by supporting the IRA publicly, out-scot the scot, demanding independence when most Scottish don't want it and are quite happy with England as its long time brother, they strike out at Spain or Italy, call the northern Europeans nazis, they were told to do this by the jew for the last 60+ years of television.
They try to act more jap than Japanese, thinking they are samurai. It goes on forever.

Only a few Americans are outside of these two factors, jew brainwashing and inferiority complex.

>a Turk does strife among his enemies and their allies

Well, in all fairness, 98% of the tv characters were white, and they would cast the characters on the basis of how attractive they were. So really, it's more of a compliment than anything. Given your example of The Karate Kid, they clearly couldn't see a strapping Aryan playing the asthmatic weakling.

So this thread is pointless.

But the Jews did. They new exactly what it can do and then knowing targeted white men.

Jews are nazis.

Satanic inversion as above so below

Technicaly, this dude should have won, the kick he received was against the rules

No shit.

You're thinking of American exceptionalists (angry Cock of Dooty kids from podunk towns) they back American neo-conservatism and globalism and falsely call themselves nationalists etc.

We have our own culture, but you definitely won't find any in our media or financial centers (Cali, NY) you have to go to Louisiana, New England, Montana, the Appalachians, east or west Texas etc.

>"kicking puppies" trope
My first thought...

The Jew deemed our Culture history and philosophy too powerful and too dangerous.

They then erased it through soft and hard censorship and replacement.

You do not know America you only see what the sneaky Jew wants you to.


>The we pioneered environmentalism and eugenics years before the Nazis were even a party

bring out the body bag

that video is gold. check this song out:


gen x posting


This guy is fucking right. Worth a watch.

>>King Arthur
>And the knights of the diverse table.
Top fucking zozzle. I want to give up the ch0n for all the negativity this place has on my mind and all the time i've wasted here but nothing makes me laugh like this place.

>we also pioneered anti-trust laws and unionization

The point being, we could have had the strongest people and highest standard of living on the planet, but thanks to international capitalism's political and economic hold on us, we import foreign labor to drive down wages and rob workers of negotiating power, let global corporations and financiers walk all over our laws and people, rob us of our future and birthright, and are told to debase ourselves with HIV and sickle cell. This country is now an example of how much worse it is to be destroyed from within than attacked from without.

johnny was the hero of that movie. and his righteous sensa. finish him!

The golden people were somewhat diverse though one or two were clearly black. And in King Arthur they saluted Arthur not the blackleg king.

oh lawd

I always thought the 80's belonged to Germanic mam based on the cartoons. I say fucked hollywood.

Cedric the Saxon.

>wow, you live with your parents past 18?
>you live in your shitty, middle-of-no-where town?
>you haven't moved far away from your family to Los Angeles/Seattle/Austin/Brooklyn/San Francisco?

Except every movie made with Schwarzenegger, besides the Terminator.

I enjoyed Terminator Genesys.

> he hasn't seen bloodsport

Nordic in Spain?


Well I know one thing.
Jews were the first to settle in the states, and their hard work is what created the country.

>Bad guy
isnt he the protagonist?

I was taking about the movie released this year.

How was he the bad guy? He was a pawn for the Soviets that was used for propaganda and then is discarded like human trash when he no longer served that purpose.

Nickelodeon's new chink race mixing propganda has a half chink lead protagonist in tights with her Germanic looking boyfriend Adrian/Cat Noir and one of the antagonists is a Germanic looking vain hedonistic popular girl named Chloe who is cucked by ladybug because she wants Adrian/Cat Noir.



Johnny is the tragic victim of Cobra Kai dojo brainwashing. Deep in his heart, he was an honorable warrior.

Planting the seeds of deception in the women's minds.



Hollywood is always diverse--the vkacj cop and blonde d.a. funding the white criminal...

They forget diversity when picking blonde bad guys

The nut punch was the greatest scene in the movie

If we weren't so infiltrated some psychologist could run an anlysis of the fucked up effects this has had on all our lives.

Nice cherry picking.

Name counter examples.

Who can forget "Hans Gruber?"

What about those 2 guys in the Home Alone movies?

I'm convinced you're JIDF or you seriously have no life.

No shit? Did not know that

Fuck off JDF.

The home alone kid is Germanic looking though.

>that kid

he looks like a fucking anglo you idiot

Movies where the bad guy isn't a Germanic male? 99% of them.

You guys are paranoid. OP movie is a case of a film where a white guy is both the hero and the villain. The hero is usually brown haired though because that's what audiences have always found most attractive and manly on males. Even literal Germanic stars like Schwarzenegger have brown hair.

So David is the bad goy in Covenant?

I didn't fork over any shekels to see it b/c Prometheus was a disaster.

>OP movie is a case of a film where a white guy is both the hero and the villain.


Watching old films again and you see Jew anti-white propaganda has had a long history. Take Caddyshack, a film about a hip noveau rich Jew (Rodney Dangerfield) upstaging uppity WASPs at their own game. The sequel seals their demise as the WASPs are kicked out by a multicultural blue collar crew lead by an elite Jew.

Nice digits. Also the German villains were commies from East Germany

nobody actually hates draco malfoy tho... most people sympathize with him 100%

Paranoid, tinfoil hat, conspiracy theorist.

Yet Sup Forums is always proven right.

>Movies where the bad guy isn't a Germanic male? 99% of them.
So why can't you make a quick list then?

If it's really 99% of contemporary hero stories which don't have an huwhite antagonist, you should be able to name a few tbqh.

Drive is the only one I can think of. But that was more of a crime thriller than a hero story. No Country had a Spanish actor as an antagonist, but that was a tragedy. All the hero story/blockbusters I can think of have white and usually Germanic-looking antagonists and stronk womyn/non-white leads.

dune made a nice little profit in theaters. and thats not counting all the spin offs and dvd rentals. box set. dune place set for when company comes by. not star wars money, but good money.

Really, the Italians aren't white meme?

Even if you discount actors with failed careers most heros in the 80's were people like Arnold (literal Austrian) or Anglo-Irish, like Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise.

Dune was a travesty on all fronts.

I say this as a yuge Lynch fan.

I had the willow board game, it was some quality stuff.

That filename put me into a laughing fit, god bless you.