Why has this guy managed to make every guy Sup Forums has thrown at him look like a babbling retard ?
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new phone, who dis?
why does the media shill wm/af so hard?
>Sup Forums
Do you mean Alt-Kike ecelebs?
Can I try?
Beta males are fun to mind fuck
Because most people on Sup Forums don't care to wast IQ talking to someone with autism.
Literally who?
This isn't a funny meme, it will never be a funny meme.
Because most people on Sup Forums are babbling retards
But Sargon destroyed him and he's as reddit as they come
What the fuck are you talking about?
Sargon whooped his ass tho
also who is this?
So did metokur
He looks like a kike
Video game streamer who also talks about political topics. So far he has debated Sup Forums favourites like JonTron, Lauren Southern etc and made them all look like foolish little children
fuck off, Destinee
I still don't believe this isn't photoshopped.
more like most people on pol are a bunch of insecure low iq retards that have to hide behind "muh race" to feel they have any accomplishments beside being pathetic neets.
because he himself is a babbling retard, and anyone who talks with a babbling retard and tries to argue with one is a babbling retard themselves.
he got destroyed by Sargon stfu destiny.
He's actually a kike his mother was expelled from cuba by castro
>"debating" e-celebs and neckbeards from Sup Forums
really gets the joggin noggin
No he didn't. The only ones who looked halfway decent against him were Lauren Southern, Ryan Dawson and Martin Shkreli.
>guy debates a retard from reddit
>Sup Forums
Hang yourself.
>Is Destiny fan
Cuck detected.
Naked Ape absolutely raped him, what the fuck are you talking about? Jon Tron just can't debate.
the few interviews I saw of him he was screaming at a person instead of making an argument, pretending that his position was "obvious"
So, a tard who argues with other tards.
Got it.
>No he didn't
He stopped talking entirely, and Sargon just read him history, and he asked questions like a kid in class. Sargon didn't just whopped his ass, he took him back to basic fucking school and turned him into a child.
He got BTFO by every one of them except That Game Grumps faggot.
ah yes good old american political discourse
>So far he has debated Sup Forums favourites like JonTron, Lauren Southern
back to T_D, hans.
Please learn what kys means this weekend thx.
PS also doitfaggot.jpg
reminder than pol isnt a private club and no one can represent it
reminder that pol has never ''thrown'' anyone at him either
That dude has legit autism. Just look at him. He has that autism head. Kinda like how all downies look alike, so does autistics.
The only thing I watched related to this guy was a video of him debating Lauren and getting completely demolished. Which ended with him talking more fast and autistically screeching.
Holy shit what a sperg.
Nice meme, Sargon doesn't even know the difference between correlation and causation. His whole argument is that if black people marry more they'll stop being poor. How the fuck does that make any sense ?
If you ask my honest opinion Ryan Dawson and that one race realist guy (who talked about Bell curve) were the only ones who came close to BTFOing Destiny. And Martin Shkreli obviously, but that wasn't a debate since Martin knows way more about pharma and investing and Destiny acknoledged as much, it was more like a lecture.
Learn the 1% rule. 90% of Sup Forums are babbling retards. I just wish the 1% would volunteer to debate and expose him.
Anyone that thinks Naked Ape (((destroyed))) Destiny is part of the 90%.
Yes he did. At least enough to give Destiny a major autism attack during the debate, resulting in him going full retard, to the point that he felt the need to forge a Twitter private message from Sargon to make him look bad.
I dont even agree with destiny, but if sargon is pol's idea of some bastion of intellect, then that is absolutely pathetic. Sargon didnt destroy anyone in any debate, let a lone destiny. Sargon takes the basic talking points of the right and can barely string together a coherent argument outaide of scripting shitty videos.
Knowledge on a subject is significantly different than knowing how to effectively debate the same subject.
he's a passive aggressive faggot.
Look at his head and hand movements. This is literal autism
Sargon did.
Also, JonTron was right about rich blacks commiting more crimes.
He "lost" the debate because he couldn't provide a source right away.
i like how every time somebody from his fanbase come defend this cuck its always a swedish or german flag
You mean to tell me a video game streamer is someone you respect as a person?
No one thinks Sargon is a bastion of intellect, Destiny is just that low-tier, that Sargon shines out like a diamond in comparison to him.
You fail to see the broader picture. Fixing ur own community starts at the pillar and that is the family unit. What fixing a family unit entails to is more stable offspring that is not easily swayed into criminality. But then again it depends on the quality of parenting and overall IQ of the parents.
because the only people who bother "debatin" random videogame playing faggots about "politics" are from or bLeddit
I had no idea who thi guy was until I started to see an obvious, low budget
>viral marketing
campaign to get his youtube chanel clicks
The only """people""" who are """debating""" him are they types of tween faggots who wear
>le ebin KEK Capes!
in public and say they are
>kekestani refugees
fucking cancer on BOTH ENDS.
No bump... die all!
JonTron lost the debate because he showed his power level too quickly and he expected everyone to believe him without backing up his claims
Shame, he could've redpilled a lot of people that night
Go away Destiny fan, stop making these boring threads
>how the fuck does that make sense
They'd be less poor. One parent households have a profound psychological impact on offspring. the causation is pretty much scientifically proven at this point, but continue thinking they're just biologically incapable and looking like a racist moron.
Well yeah, I mean I hardly agree with a lot of his opinions but his logic is undeniable, he is able to form coherent and structured arguments to support his opinions and that is something I immensely respect. I personally am a nationalist and somewhat of a race realist, so obviously a liberal like Destiny and I would have inherent disagreements, but his debates have been quite insightful.
>Nice meme
A person who idolizes and copies the mannerisms of someone like Trump is a sad person, but at least Trump is successful. Look at you. You're idolizing a manlet video game nerd loser. Your idol is a loser. What does that make you?
>I personally am a nationalist and somewhat of a race realist
How do you do fellow nationalist?
Studies show that wealthy people marry, not the other way round. If two poor blacks gets married they will be poor together, how does that increase the wealth of a unit of family ? There are a plethora of factors that go into why the black community in the United States is impoverished, historic discrimination, gang culture, bad education and yes, race and genetics plays a role as well. In order to form a coherent argument to deal with the situation with blacks one would have to address all these factors, Sargon literally ignores all of it and thinks blacks marrying would make them prosperous and stop them killing each other. It's such a retarded idea.
That's a funny choice of word, especially since it isn't even remotely true. Respect =/= idolization
are you fucking serious dawg
there's literally nothing wrong with sticking your dick inside of your newborn daughter
Naked Ape made him look like an autistic retard.
Nice thread about him that you made. Also, nice meme, apparently.
What an impractical post.
The very last one from last night couldn't even understand the concept of misleading representations of data. Twenty minutes were spent going in circles with the guy saying the immigrant arson map is useful because it just looks good.
For all the complaints about Destiny 'trapping' people it seems like the guests are a bit too easy to trip up for that to matter. They literally can't even think past 1 layer of logic - they only have twitter talking points.
>Sup Forums favourites
>Lowtestiny threads all of a sudden popping up again
Must be running low on ad bucks, still not watching his shitty streams no matter how much you people try and goad.
BINGO give the man a prize.
Yeah, he may be a smug assed liberal progressive faggot that plays video games and talks a lot of shit.
I don't need a 'big boy' high chair to eat at a restaurant.
he looks like a dude I used to spank with a spiked paddle in Q3ra constantly. I don't care what he says, he sucks.
No you are the retarded one here. Yes, Sargon should have addressed other factors and its not the sole reason for black poverty, but if you could reverse one (and only one) of the issues mentioned in your post the one that would have the biggest impact would be stable families. Two poor blacks marrying each other will still be poor, but the idea is that they will be setting up their children and communities for success down the road. These problems they are experiencing do not suddenly appear or suddenly go away within a generation. If you used your brain for 30 seconds you would realize all of the other issues in their communities are linked to unstable families and welfare programs. Sargon is a bit of an idiot for not pointing that out correctly and over-simplifying things, but you are a bigger idiot to not recognize the truth in what he said.
>This kills Destiny
lol what a genetic failure, videogames isnt a skill either, you can't play space invaders when the happening comes and the race wars begin lol.
i sat down on the daily stormer and watched him get his arse handed to him by a drunk middle aged guy who wasn't even trying, just had a good memory for subversion events and non-white failures, trends and crimes and explained white nationalism well.
So OP is a faggot, as always.
Sargon stuck to what he knew and made destiny look bad. Admittedly, Lauren got destroyed but Shrkeli schooled him on how the pharmaceuticals industry worked.
I could sit on his chest and kill him
Speak for yourself purto rico. Your fucking country bankrupted. Nigga how do you bankrupt?
The problem with that is that is that again, wealthy people tend to marry. Not that people who marry magically become wealthy and stable. People already have stability in their lives when they make the choice to settle down. People living pay check to pay check hardly have the time or the financial capability to invest in marriage. In order to make black people marry you'd have to make them wealthy by investing in education, policing, etc.etc. Sargon absolutely fails to see this.
Well it is a bit of a circular conversation tbqh where we are essentially discussing whether the chicken came before the egg or vice versa. But Sargon refused to even consider all these other factors which leads me to believe that either he is naive or a retard. And again, his idea that marriage = wealth and stability is at least for me unfathomable, most studies I have seen agree that marriage is the product of wealth and stability and not the other way around.
You think you can just fucking talk shit about me on a Bhutanese tobacco rolling forum?
Put your fucking hands up. Time to scrap up.
what if i tell you i have no clue who this person is
I actually saw that daily stormer debate, wasn't that the one where he brought on his wife who said she loves to be subjugated by him and that women are inherently less intelligent, conclusing that women's suffrage was a mistake ?
But I do agree that the guy was fairly consistent in his arguments.
I actually saw that daily stormer debate, wasn't that the one where he brought on his wife who said she loves to be subjugated by him and that women are inherently less intelligent, concluding that women's suffrage was a mistake ?
But I do agree that the guy was fairly consistent in his arguments.
his game is to twist the other persons words, declare them racist, then declare himself the victor.
He is a charlatan, and i wouldn't be surprised if he was the one making these threads everyday
Destiny is pretty smart guy and a decent debater.
It is easy to demolish his position but you need to go full-Sup Forums and not back out of it one bit. The people that can't (out)debate him are people SLIGHTLY to the right of him, for example classical liberals and alt-lite. For example: Sargon can't (convincingly) beat him because Destiny is his logical outcome. Destiny is merely higher on evolutionary scale. On the other hand, if Jontron didn't flinch he would've left Destiny in complete lack of words (as you could see in certain moments). Sadly, Jontron was too new in this game and did not fully adopt the position and various information.
The reason you can't beat Destiny without going full-Sup Forums is that his neo-liberal position is absolutely NATURAL progression of liberalism (under which I rightfully count contemporary conservatism).
For example; When Destiny says (paraphrasing): We need to give money/help to minorities/oppressed groups, under contemporary post-Christian worldview he is absolutely right. While someone like Sargon would claim that every individual has a chance to succeed in HERE AND NOW, he is completely ignoring that various groups had completely different starting points. And there are issues with that. For example, it is a fact that American whites and blacks started the liberal game in completely different time periods. Whites were accumulating wealth and developing their own circles while blacks were slaves, or at the very least "oppressed". Therefore, it is a fact that whites had more time to accumulate resources, and EVEN IF (and ESPECIALLY if) all groups were the same, under those circumstances blacks would literally NEVER catch up. Not without tribalism and/or forced help.
Ignoring the starting point is ever-increasing fallacy the more the groups are equal. For that reason, logical answer to classical and recent liberalism is either communism or neo-liberalism.
You have to completely give up notion of equality to beat him.
you attribute his self proclaimed "wins" as part of his genetic superiority?
fuck outta here sir sperg.
How am I supposed to compete with these unrealistic body expectations
>30 year-old head
>10 year-old skinnyfat body
Read the post again, I never said anything of the sort.
>It's another "Destiny fans troll Sup Forums" episode
The guy has legit autism, and get's BTFO is nearly every debate. Talking fast != making valid arguments.
Because only the arrogant idiots of our ranks try to argue him. He's a scrawny little faggot, but he's a smart scrawny little faggot.
Post your Rare Bonnells
But he specifically says that "his side" will think he won and the "other side" will think the other guy won. He never claims to have won anything or "declares" himself the vitor. Also about the racism thing, he routinely talks to race realists and white nationalists and there is an inherent lack of autistic screeching, especially if the debator is somewhat intelligent. You are making it sound like he is some SJW. That cannot be more false.
you're being too obvious
Because black men knock up black women and then take off leaving them to raise their kids by themselves. Over 75% of black kids don't have a father and their mothers often work multiple jobs to make ends meet. This results in the kids either joining gangs to develop some sort of family structure or getting knocked up themselves at a young age which ends up perpetuating the cycle.
When did he say that? Are you aware that the word "evolution" exists outside of the context of genetics?
This is shopped, r-right?
Jesus Christ...
You are too focused on individuals/a single generation. Molyneux is far from perfect and has a lot of flaws, but his deconstruction of the problems (and causes of the problems) that face the black community are spot on in my opinion. I just got home from work and I don't care that much about convincing/debating you so I'm not going to dig up any statistics or link you to any specific videos. I agree with you on some of this but i feel you taking a broad enough perspective. Think generations down the road and on a population level not an individual level. There is no quick fix obviously, but the factors are not as separate as you make them sound.
>The literal one potentially red-pilled thing the media does
>user still complains