You still have enough time to hit the gym, and get some gun & defense training. Get some supplies and make and effort to know your neighbors.
Great American Eclipse
Eclipse implies a temporary blackout. What you're heading into is a permanent blackout in all meanings of the word.
Nope; Dark and then a new dawn. Just the push that's needed.
Remember to sacrifice a virgin, otherwise the sun won't come back. To guarantee effectiveness, do it at a convergence of ley lines. We had a close call here a few years ago but managed to soak the soil at Stonehenge with virgin blood at the last minute, you're welcome by the way.
>make and effort to know your neighbors.
I hate my neighbors and I hope I get to stand by and watch while they struggle to survive
The Day Which Illuminates is near OP
Yes and then after we can cast all of Israel's sins into a goat and send that goat into a forest to die and all our sins will be forgiven. Therefore we can always be evil.
See you in september......
We must consult the digits.
What the hell is going on?
Also I'm in the north east and wont be party to the eclipse, soooo....what do?
Way ahead of you, now go forth and be evil.
Stare at the sun all day, will the darkness to present itself.
Kek speaks, checked.
I am with Kek
>Kek is with me
What will we do for memes after the EMP user?
>tfw future generations discover the sweet maemaes you drew on the cave wall
are you from 1700? physical strength means nothing and gun wont get you far either
the action is on much higher level now
all about information, propaganda, IT, legal system and ofcourse money
It's the 23th around lunch time.
my next door neighbor has a shot gun im pretty sure, so im ok for someone with a gun.
You should ask him to take you shooting, it's fun and you'll pick up a new skill.
What's going on? Y2K all over again?
What the fuck is going on in this fucking thread
/x/tards on a field trip
Daily reminder that true light would blind you instantly, and as such blackness is the closest earthly approximation to light there is. Imagine an invisible black gleaming that casts light but no shadow and you would see nothing but vibrant, shimmering blackness.
Black sun gleaming.
That's what I figure this shit is about. We had Y2k, then planet X/Niburu bullshit for a few years after to make up for it, now this. Peeps love predicting the end of the world.
everyday here eclipse
joke on you
Most dwellers here are already doing well in those regards; but physically weak. If the grid is down, the internet's down; can't just run around town with a bunch of memes you printed the day before.
Do you sacrifice one virgin a day then?
Someone will have to make a picture with a Burger in the sky.
The Burger eclipse.
get a clue
If Kek belives this is the new begining, then so do i