You would never know this by watching the Jewish media.
Richard Spencer is a Zionist
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Neck yourself retard
Neck yourself retard
There's literally nothing wrong with this.
There is Zionism (ethno nationalism) and there is Zionism (conspiracy).
Clearly Spencer is referring to the former. Are you stupid or being intellectually dishonest?
fuck off TRS
What's up antifachan?
I'm a Zionist insofar as I have no problem with Israel existing provided they can defend their own existence.
We shouldn't be subsidizing them though.
>gee, let's support Le based ethno-nationalists as they give us 3 billion dollars every year
>you still remember the (((6 million))), right goy?
>implying this whole problem of less white countries isn't (((their doing)))
Stay goypilled you cunts
Run along back to your safe space now.
>supporting Conehead McMantits.
Daily reminder the Frankfurt School comes out of the same Jewish occultism as Spencer's hero Aleksandr ((((Dugin)))).
The "Jews" who run the establishment media hate Israel more than the Muslims do.
Isn't white nationalism just Zionism for whites?
A lot of ethnic nationalists support Israel because it is essentially ethnically defined. A jewish state is an ethnostate.
its that tryhard retarded cuck that got BTFO by 1 weak ass punch right ?
Shills are dying to take down Richard. Fuck off Jews
Spencer is trying to make jews justify wanting an ethnic state for only jews while wanting multiracial states for everyone else. I don't even like Spencer, but there is a reason he says what he says.
So am I!
I want all jews, to GTFO of Euroe and America... go to Israel, and JEW THE FUCK OUT in jewland!!!
We can trade with them, barter, di limited student and corporate exchange programs (VERY LIMITED!) and EVERYONE will be happy!!
Same thing with niggers, Chinks, etc... everyone has their DISTINCT cultures and strenghts and weaknesses.... and each trades with the others to compensate for the other..
This causes a gobal economic sytem that powers the engine of THE WORLD!!!
But instead, we currently have a crypto-jewish bunch of dynastic oligarchs running a scheme with a vice grip on the WEst's Central Banks and Monetary systems.... and they are gonna KILL EVERYONE (including themselves,,, they will be the FIRST TO GO!)
THEN everyone else will die in the aftermath....
Straighten up Millenials/Gen-Z!!!
The onus of this will fall upon YOU!
Spencer is controlled opposition but also there is nothing wrong with this and neck yourself retard
Stay a dumb cunt. Spencer's views on Jewish influence in the west is well stated.
Spencer's right. There are Leftist Jews and there are Nationalist (Zionist) Jews. We have a lot of common ground with Zionists, or at least we should.
All Jews should understand that if the West falls, Israel falls. If France, Britain, Germany, etc fall to Islam, Israel will be destroyed soon afterwards. Israel cannot exist without Western Europe and the U.S. It's the lunatic Leftist Jews who are pushing for Muslim migration into Europe - but so are Leftist Europeans.
Our fight is Right vs Left, not White vs everyone else. Otherwise we will not survive. I'd be willing to ally with Israel (cautiously) to work towards a common goal of preventing the spread of Islam.
I challenge you to a public debate of your claims regarding Zionism.
Do you accept my challenge or nah?
Nailed it
Israel is the tech headquarters of where jews are waging a war of annihilation against whites. They are the ultimate enemy of whites and all humanity.
Why do you call it that? Is it because you TRS shills started a propaganda campaign on the chans and got doxxed as a result? I guess it was all for the greater good though because it was found out the Mike Enoch was infact a jew who is married to a jew with a coalburning mother and a half black brother.
This place is turning into the breitbart comment section.
So he supports a foreign policy that looks out for the interests of his people first and chooses allies for selfish reasons, not out of ideology or some false moralizing. Sounds good to me. I don't like Spencer because normies think he's /ourguy/ and he's obviously not, but when you're right, you're right.
sure, but I'm on the way out for a date so HMU at
I'll sort through the trools and figure wich one of the 3 or 4 possiblely valid (You)'s there are...
if you're seriou... I will wreck your hit violently... because I have Right AND left academic sources on my side with that claim...
get at me bitch-boy!
the rest of you non-faggoty anons have a great holiday weekend if you're