Swedish Wikipedia now denies Swedes even exist

Swedish wiki page for Swedes in 2012:

>Swedes are an ethnic group native to Sweden, with descendants living in many other countries, primarily Finland, Estonia and the other Nordic countries, as well as the United States. Swedes originated from various Scandinavian tribes inhabiting what is today the country of Sweden.

Wiki page in 2017:

>"Swedes" is a term used to denote individuals, depending on the definition, with an association to Sweden. Whether or not an ethnic group called "Swedes" exist is dubious, and can in various contexts be linked to extreme ring-wing concepts of race and biological heritage.

This is how you break down and genocide a people from within. Deny their very existence.

Other urls found in this thread:


thats messed up shit

>Whether or not an ethnic group called "Swedes" exist is dubious, and can in various contexts be linked to extreme ring-wing concepts of race and biological heritage.

I need to throw up.

holy shit sweden what are you doing

Change it back? It's Wikipedia isn't it? Or does your cuck gov't monitor that, too? This was the page for Canada for about three days a few months ago.

Your sacrifice will not be forgotten Sven.

How much more cucked can you get?

well you could be america desu

swedish wikipedia is even more locked down than the english one when it comes to politics. there are a group of about 10 mods and admins that are literally anarchists who ban anyone that says something they don't like.

a few years ago they changed the article about "Population genetics" to be called "Biological racism".

i honestly feel so despotic and depressed. it's like nothing fucking matters anymore

I thought we swedes was descendants from the Geats? But I guess we are nothing now...



>it's like nothing fucking matters anymore
Welcome to the modern world.

Why are you fags like this? Why do you feel so bad for being you? You didn't do anything to anyone to warrant this guilt.

>Swedes will be erased in your life time

t. 59% White

Top fuking kekerino Sven!
Top fuking kekerino!

I would suggest every able bodied swedish male take arms against their government but this is probably what most of them believe.

>Biological racism

You literally can't make this shit up.

higher gross amount of white people though. America has more illegal immigrants than sweden and denmark have population combined. You guys won't last. Also being glad you have higher percentage of white people than a 500 year old colony? c'mon son European homeland should have 0% niggers and muzzies.

okay, let me break it down. there's been a huge "editing war" over this wiki page for years. it used to be kept fairly objective but recently the self-hatred has reached such immense levels that the anti-white commies won and changed the entire page. there are still small sections left about "according to some definitions swedes can be defined as a germanic group".

i check back in the article now and the sentence about "whether an ethnic group called 'swedes' exists is dubious" has been removed now.....

wikipedia is cancer

Well....what can you say. Everybody gets what they deserve in the long run. If swedes do not wish to fight for their existence they will perish.

Also this bullshit is the reason wikipedia adopted a new policy site wide in all languages where they no longer put up pictures representative of ethnic groups.

Swedes are literally running it for everyone everywhere.

Why don't you just track where they live and kill them?

Just edit it then you retard

but "Swedish" isn't a racial/ethnic group, north Germanic is.

That's depressing. Goddamn.

now put them on list of suicide cultists

>Change it back? It's Wikipedia isn't it?
oh my sweet summer child

I like you Swedes, sorry this is happening to you.


get used to it faggot

Is this real? Because they are obviously faking.

>cucked ethnicities are now literally "extreme ring-wing concepts"
best timeline general ?

just nuke us

there is no fucking hope for these disgusting traitors

Daily reminder that Sweden is only 0.2% Jewish. Swedes are naturally this cucked.

all I had to do was to look at your flag for an explanation as to why this post is so fucking dumb



Yet somehow 95% of Swedish mainstream media is owned by Jews! What an amazing coincidence!

>This is how you break down and genocide a people from within. Deny their very existence.
Ask Jews if "Palestinians" exist.

This post is doubleplusungood. Wrongthink

fake and gay

>Whether or not an ethnic group called "Swedes" exist is dubious, and can in various contexts be linked to extreme ring-wing concepts of race and biological heritage.
Just cuck my shit up.

The main editors and controllers of that site are leftist & jew filth. (((Wikipedia))) is a kike and marxist shitshow. I always was. It always will be. It was literally created to alter history, terms, definition and society and thinking as a whole.


Enjoy your martial law you silly brit :3

I'd be sad to see Swedes gone.

Yea, I was pretty good at faking being sick as a kid too on days when there was a test in school for which I didn't study. Wouldn't fool my parents though.

Google also only shows you black people should you google image search "european people", and has changed the definition of facism to being mainly right wing

what are some other ways we are being subverted?

Why is this even allowed. Fucking shit. Really makes me angry...

>implying Germans aren't more cucked than Swedes.

Here's some excerpts from German Wikipedia. You're a big boy, you can use google translate or my post would be too large.


reditects to a chapter in the United Kingdom article:

Die Staatsbürger des Vereinigten Königreichs werden Briten genannt.


Die Franzosen sind eine romanischsprachige Nation in Westeuropa. Im Selbstverständnis der Französischen Republik ist die Nation keine ethnische Gruppe, die französische Verfassung lehnt den Gedanken an eine über die Staatsbürgerschaft hinausgehende ethnische Zuordnung ab.[1] Dem stehen nationalistische beziehungsweise rassistische Auffassungen entgegen, die französischen Staatsbürgern, die aus Gebieten außerhalb des europäischen Frankreich stammen, aufgrund ihrer Hautfarbe, Religion oder ethnischen Herkunft die Zugehörigkeit zum Staatsvolk absprechen.

Einige Minderheiten in Frankreich bezeichnen sich selbst etwa als Bretonen, Okzitanier,[2] Elsässer oder Korsen. Sie beanspruchen damit für ihre jeweilige Gruppe den Status einer eigenen ethnischen Gruppe und grenzen sich auf diese Weise von der Titularnation der „Franzosen“ im ethnischen Sinne ab. Vielfach handelt es sich aber auch um Mehrfachidentitäten.[3]


Spanier bezeichnet

die Einwohner bzw. Staatsbürger Spaniens.


Als Italiener (Italiani) bezeichnet man im Sinne einer Ethnie die Gesamtheit der Personen italienischer Muttersprache, teilweise auch deren Nachfahren. Italiener sind die Titularnation der Italienischen Republik und des früheren Königreichs Italien. Im staatsbürgerlichen Sinn werden alle Staatsangehörigen Italiens als Italiener bezeichnet.


Die Norweger sind ein germanisches Volk in Skandinavien.

Well looks like the marxist sjw cucks havent edited Italy and Norway yet.

Sweden you need to stop.. this stopped being funny ages ago what are you doing omg


That's so tolerant!

Yet Swedes are still gullible enough to buy into their propaganda, and allow Jews to control the media in the first place.

Please translate, I am very curious?

Honestly, Sweden there are times when I ask myself "What is the difference between North Korea and Sweden" and it takes my burger brain several minutes to at least remember the location is different.

I feel the same way about (((America))). I wish I'd not been born into such a despicable age. But so do all who live to see such times, but that is not force us to decide.

All we have to do is decide what to do with the times that are given to us. We have to choose to live, brother, because our existence is good, and God wills it.

Choose life, so that your people may live. We will yet win.

Hail victory!

>Whether or not an ethnic group called "Africans" exist is dubious, and can in various contexts be linked to extreme ring-wing concepts of race and biological heritage.

Can we genocide the niggers now?

>Rachel ((((((Aviv)))))
>Hundreds of refugee children have fallen

Nigga you can detonate a nail bomb at a concert in Manchester and you couldn't drop hundreds of people

What is this shit? Fucking leave them slumped in a hallway somewhere, I have $50 that says they'll get up and move themselves soon as they need to take a shit or get hungry.

saying an ethnicity exists
right wing. okay how leftist are swedes actually to believe this?

#resist sven... the tides are changing

Thats actually fucking terrifying

They are trying to erase you Sven, you need to fight back

What do I call the fish now?

>"whether an ethnic group called 'swedes' exists is dubious" has been removed now.....

Given it's been deleted someone somewhere probably decided they pushed the narrative a little too hard just yet. Hope you got a screenshot Sven, i'd spread that shit far and wide if I were you.

it's in the OP picture. when I look at the history, whoever deleted it says "Deleted personal opinion".

Fuck this shit, ENOUGH. I'm moving to Iceland where a viking can be a viking. Fuck this subverted country, I am truly starting to think it's beyond saving. I don't WANT to think so, because thinking so would diminish our chances even more, and I don't like defeatist attitude but... come on. This country is fucking retarded now. Fucking tired of this, I'm honestly going insane with all these robots around me.

I'm sorry. That's pretty fucked up, Sven.

>even acknowledging that different ethnicities exist is racist now
wew what a time to be alive

This is good for me. The faster Sweden falls, the sooner I will have an example of failure to point to.

>keeps their horses racially pure
>literally ships muslims in
Iceland is the only country that honors its horses more than its humans.

>even acknowledging that different ethnicities exist is racist now

Well not really, only that there's a Swedish one. None of these people would have a problem admitting there's Japanese people ethnically speaking. But when it's Sweden... no.
A large portion of Swedes honestly believe "Sweden has always have had high immigration, we are a mix of migrants. Always been that way".
I am NOT kidding or exaggerating, that is a very common belief. 100% serious. I have to emphasize that it's not hyperbole because it sounds ridiculous when I say it even.

WHY. THE. FUCK did it have to be Sweden??

What is it specifically about Sweden that lead to it becoming the Cuck Capital of the world?

I can't read meatball unfortunately, which line is that quote taken from?

In american eyes swedes look whiter than even then the Germans. So I just assume its because you're white.

thanks burgerbro

>literally ships muslims in
How many they ship in, 2?
I was there last summer and only saw icelandic people.

>Iceland is the only country that honors its horses more than its humans

And I'm pretty sure this is more true for both Sweden and Germany

Goddamn marxist kike loving faggots keep ruining this country.

And to the others around us, why haven't you help fund and arm the resistance movement in my country?

Pic related. The reference leads to an article in Sweden's biggest daily newspaper about how the use of the word "ethnic swede" is exclusionary and has biological undertones.

>WHY. THE. FUCK did it have to be Sweden??

I think we have been neutral and at peace for too long. And also women in politics too early. And also the media.

If we would have had to endure hardships more recently the sense of patriotism would be stronger.

jag bodde på island i över 3 år. enda som skiljer island från sverige är att det inte finns bajshudingar precis överallt. i övrigt så är island MINST lika feministiskt och suicidalt som sverige. tyvärr.

This shit is everywhere in western Europe. But yeah you guys are a different league if only half the things I hear about Sweden are true. I only hope it gets better before it's too late for us.

It just talks about how the French constitution/people see French as a nationality, and there isn't a French ethnicity. Only racist nationalists argue otherwise. Italian and Spanish are again national or linguistic constructs, not clear ethnicities. Which is somewhat true. The bit on Norwegians is straight forward and I'm sure you can read it.

This reaction to 19th century nationalist images and unifications is being used firstly to splinter the nation into regional ethnic divisions, only relevant to poorer provincial peoples (a generalization, of course). While convincing the urbanites that their culture and ethnicity doesn't exist. It's a multi-faceted wedge that must be avoided as much as I support smaller regional ethnic autonomy

Excuse you, do you want to measure up the cuckstack?

You are the inoculation. The failure of your country will prevent the same from happening elsewhere. It's a small price in the grand scheme. The noble thing to do would be to accelerate the destruction before other countries reach the brink. You are already doomed anyway.

that's a shame. Isn't Northern Sweden nice and conservative?

Which newspaper?
One owned by Bonnier or Schibsted?
Literally the only 2 options, LOL.

What. The. Fuck.
Any time meatballbro.

Exterminate all Jews

they are just thinking ahead. way to go Sweden.

So what's the problem with this exactly? Nations were invented in the 19th century anyway, it's just a social construct. You're dumb for believing in the nation scam in the first place since it's such a recently invented concept.

I'd just argue there are native ethnicities that have a long history within the region and with each other. To throw more ethnic groups into the mix when it had already on many occasions been contentious is asinine.

northern sweden is nicer because it's quieter and less non-whites, but on the contrary the northern parts of sweden are hardcore socialist strongholds where the social democrats and the left-wing party have singular majorities in almost every municipality. the most conservative parts of sweden are in the south where multiculturalism has ravaged most of society.

DN, so Bonnier

>är omstridd

Yeah sure, who the fuck questions the existence of an swedish ethnicity. Fucking commies. It's a god damned fact that there are ethnic swedes.

>this is what progressivism looks like.

Wtf im a right wing terrorist now


I'm not joking. If you all knew how bad it really is with (((who controls))) pages of any substance, you all would be terrified that it's only increasing as the world's source for "objective facts".

It's nice and white but they are actually more socialist than southern swedes because they have not been touched by immigrants. So they keep voting for the reds and fucking up Sweden for the rest of us while they sit back and fuck reindeers.

Nations are as old as pastoralism and agriculture.

Nation-states are a newer concept and a rejection of imperialism/globalism.

I don't see it?

It's a trick of language, one can say that there is no single German culture; thus there's no German culture. That's not true but that is an easy thing to repeat, and repeat it people will, until it becomes popularly accepted. It reminds me of my HS biology class, the teacher said that "people with blue eyes are mutants". That's technically true but everything is a mutation so that's irrelevant. Imagine stupid people and niggers hearing that? They'll just repeat it to each other and accept it

Then fucking reunite with serbia if its all only a social construct