I'm starting to regret voting for drumpf guys. What do we do to fix this mess that we made?
I'm starting to regret voting for drumpf guys. What do we do to fix this mess that we made?
Don't. Let him. Get. The nuclear codes. How many times do I have to say it.
Fuck, what do we do mates? Trump still has 3 years! He's going to fuck it all up.
He's doing good we got a supreme court judge and euroweenies have to pay for NATO and welfare being cut 25 percent and soon tax cuts plus less immigration what's your problem
that file name. Sage.
It's too late. He's in the white house. We need to meme him out ASAP
I can't stand it anymore, WHEN DO WE START WINNING?
>I regret voting for Trump
Said nobody who voted for him.
He's in for 8 years. Suck it libfags.
Not a liberal, I'm from a trailer park in Alabama. I hate africans and latinos. FUCKKKK Trump is going to blow the world up!
How much you getting paid for this?
Also sage
Alabama trailer parks say " niggers n spics".
You outted yourself. Try harder m8.
ohh good god, stop believing the media streams. Remember he was put in office to make dems and repubs work together again. If you believed he would solve all problems instantly then you are as retarded as antifa supporters. Grow a set and live with your choice.
7. He has 7 years.
Shareblue, you are some assblasted cunts
I was 100% on board the Trump train, but I stopped after he bombed Syria. Now we just need to make sure he doesn't get his hands on the nuclear codes!
Nice, two of the same
You guys, what the fuck do we do!?
You guys are stupid.
That's okay, it's like medicine. This is going to get worse then a lot better. Have faith
There's nothing we can do it's over drumpf betrayed us all i should have voted for hilldawg atleast she's not an incompetent idiot
Well, at least mods are pruning duplicate threads now. Sage.
Share Blue computers won't let them use "racial epithets".
Literally nobody cares. You could atleast have tried to make good bait.
Um dude we know its just you posting over and over again. The ID next to your name is used to identify the same poster in a thread (ml/VfbDS)
PS Might want to change your filename lol
Don't regret.
The results might not be good
but the voting for him was
Praise kek
I was actually rooting for Bernie, but I am glad drumpf won. Watching those sub-human rednecks lose their health coverage is so soothing.
Eight years
pussing out now?
me too
why hasnt he implemented the plan to destroy isis in 30 days?
Why isn't the healthcare bill delivering more coverage, for cheaper, covering everything, everyone, and better like he promised?'
Is this the 4d chess?
we should kill ourselves, you go first op i'll do it after you i promise
I love you pol.
This isn't even ironically funny anymore.
How does it feel to wake up knowing that the deep state funds controlled opposition from every side and that the layman will never win?
checked , nice.
Who are you shilling for?
This...nice shilling Soros...7/10
What does shitpost mean?
we can't it's broken now, oh well better just nuke africa and mexico
This...how much does Soros pay per shitpost?
Check the file names. Must be new hires that didn't get the "change the filenames before you post the image" memo.
Starting? You're too far behind. There's no hope for you.
Goddamnit, that's actually funny.
Definitely. She hates him and wants nothing to do with him. Here's another example.
No let them in. They have seen the error of their ways and they won't make the same mistake twice!
>all the Reddit newfags replying seriously to this obvious shitpost bait
Why are plebbitors so bad at recognizing irony? You have to go back.
Let it burn. We didn't make the mess we just lit the gasoline that was poured over it.
Stop being a cuck
Dude. The id's lol
>flipped hat letters
The left is still using internet decoys? You lost, give it up
someone quick tell me how we can get hillary in.
all we gotta do is impeach LE CHEETO HITLER, Pence, and Paul Ryan and we win, right?
>implying Trump won't pull a Putin and extend the President term to 6 years instead of 4.
I'm starting to regret fixing this mess we made. How do we Drumpf for voting guys?
(You) harvesters are the biggest cancer infecting this board.
But serous we can't let hI'm get the nuclear code.
correlation =/= causation
if this were true then you would see a subsequent dip after the election but you have conveniently not included that information
We should accept more refugees to EU, US, Canada, Australia, and UK.
I am a successful educated white male with a highly religious and traditional background and am highly traveled, have 3 adopted children, operate a non-profit charity, and we CANNOT let him get his hands on the nuclear codes
ye of little faith
n-dimensional chess my friends
Dont look at me, I voted for gary sanders
Hi Shareblue. I understand Hillacunt had another coughing fit today and is confused about whether Nixon was impeached.
You're the worst shill ever. You aren't even changing IDs when you respond to and agree with yourself.
Saged, and anyone who doesn't sage is a faggot
>Hi Shareblue
This is an r/the_donald faggot pretending to be Shareblue in the hopes that Sup Forums will like his kind more.
>Hillary is not president again today and she never will be.
>Katy Perry never got to serenade her with the Firework song.
>The fireworks show was cancelled and the fireworks were never launched.
>Zero people attended her innauguration.
>She'll never appoint a SCOTUS justice.
>She still has Parkinson's disease.
She got most of her foreign policy and all of her immigration policies though.
this sucks
>Trump din do muffin