What went wrong
Teens nowadays
The device she has in her hand is 90% of it.
Social media and easy access to it via phones.
why are you responding to a slide thread?
Women's suffrage
So World War I
So the (((French Revolution)))
my gf is 31 and has a teen body that looks just like that. she's russian
You guys are literally hardline Muslims and don't even know it
>The device she has in her hand is 90% of it.
aka Vanity and instant gratification of it. It's destroyed the social structure of the world in a decade. Imagine if these things didn't work for a week? There'd be millions of depressed whores wandering the streets looking for someone to talk to and give them attention.
Big head small plank body. Shes a low estrogen cuckette
Aaaaaaabsolutely nothing
Oh and saged
There is no way I would ever get to see that if it wasn't nowadays. I love nowadays. At least I can look
Teens were like that when I was young (almost 31 now). Sage.
Please meme correctly:
Sorry Im not an expert on cuckoldry
i was a teen in the 90's, girls wore reg jeans and sweatshirts 90% of time. we had to use our damn imagination! uphill in the snow with no shoes! kids today!
It's the eternal female minus strong cultural control. It's not wrong so much as unregulated.
he's pretty cute. you mad because hes skinny?
We need to shame sluts instead of fucking them.
Unfortunately, sluts are awesome
When I was a teen in the early 00s all the girls wore clothes like that at my school.
It was good times, I'm glad it's back. If you complain about this you must be a literal faggot.
They're just too fucking sexy t b h, someone has done something to make our teens abnormally sexy and it's got to be stopped
It's "uphill both ways in the snow"
>tfw can look at an upside to Armageddon
it's not that I can't get women now, just that it's so fucking hard when half the time they only pay atttention to their phones
How many white children has she had?
Teens dressed like that 10 years ago too.
And boy,did I love it
Gentlemen, ee need more images to properly research this subject.
>Tfw you graduated highschool by 00 and all the girls wore jncos and baggy clothes
look at the guy trying to stand straight posture to impress the girl. He actually thinks she wants his d.
>national geographic magazine
That guy has a fucking great jaw i noticed no wonder bitches are lining up, FUCK
nice meme srgt.
you know, as a minor in social psychology whose bothered to read propaganda and large scale marketing, there is much truth to that racist comic.
Get real, shes an angel
what are you some kind of faggot now?
>Kids these days!
You guys are fucking pathetic. What's happening to this place?
girls pussy flaps hanging out bottom of shorts
guy wearing pants to knees
If you like the little boy body type then maybe
Young women are a lost cause
If you don't want to pound that pussy all night long I got bad news for you, proto Muslim cuck
Most polacks are a bunch of angry virgins just like r9k
Stay subhuman buddy
thats cuz you're a beta cuckington. you gotta walk right up to that meathole, smack her phone on the ground and say bitch we're going to taco bell.
nothing went wrong , all generations are basically the same . everything today's kids do someone of your generation did their time's equivalent of .
>What went wrong
[1] Technology moved at a rate that the development of the human mind has yet to comprehend. We can't even get the brightest minds to determine if technology can become self-conscious
[2] Although women more or less control reproduction on the whole for evolutionary reasons, men have began playing the game that women want them to (i.e., "let's have sex but don't tell anyone!). Women began navigating social hierarchies that they seldom had previously. Sexual promiscuity was a cost:benefit before that was weighted heavily against women engaging in sexual promiscuity. However, "it takes two to tango" applies here. Men also had to engage. Since men had 'less' (I use this loosely) health/social risk by engaging in promiscuity, women got the green light.
[3] Essentially, men stopped practicing self restraint after the social conditions for [2] were met (i.e., birth control, condoms, legalized abortion, etc.) When these three, and many other conditions such as technological and capital gains began making massive leaps, women were at the same age historically able to engage in sexual activity, but not monogamously.
[4] Stuff like is true, as the instant gratification became way, way more readily available, even outpacing advancements made in birth control, contraception, etc.
Women being allowed to dress as they like, women are shameless wild animals who need to be controlled constantly.
>If you don't want to pound that pussy all night long I got bad news for you, proto Muslim cuck
Are you one of those conalep students?
Most young lads these days dress like gays.
>he's tedpilled
go feed some goats muhammad
Thats the most popular body type on Sup Forums
Next person to write "Sage" is going to get their fucking ass beat
They wear their pants that low so it's easier to get sum succ
You mean what went right?
Girls like that are the reason I still step outside my house.
ted did nothing wrong
With the exception of teens (because who fucking cares?) the problem with "women" that that the ones most you guys talk about are skanks. If you want to meet decent women, you're not going to find them on Tinder or on social media or in a fucking bar or club.
Participate in the better aspects of your culture, not the lowest ones. You'll meet "better" women in libraries, museums, at a symphony, in a Scottish Country Dancing class, in a running/hiking/cycling/skiing club, at a bookstore, at a church event, in a French class, at the opera, etc.
If you make your "culture" Tinder and Craigslist and Twitter and such shit, your life will reflect that. Raise your culture game and reap the rewards.
What's wrong?
I see nothing wrong with this picture
You fucked up kiddo
we should have never climbed down from the trees, big mistake
idk, when I was in school it was mandatory. I had to go home to change to longer shorts because my mom didn't dress m like a slut apparently?
Why can't men air out the nuts?
>he thinks we hate them for reasons other than appearance
>nothing went wrong , all generations are basically the same . everything today's kids do someone of your generation did their time's equivalent of .
Nice (((flag))) btw
FBI pls go and stay go
seems like things went right
Jews. White sharia when?
Who cares you fucking virgins.
Stop using a proxy then
FUck off just because we dont have godlike jaws doesnt mean we're virgin
Hormones in water. The fucking anti baby pill brings hormones via pee pee into drinking water. That's it. Go send bayer and phizerbags of your wasted shit.
>not wanting our underage daughters to walk around literally almost naked in public
>hardline muslim
>pretending teens didn't dress skimpy in the 60s
>acting this old
Mods should bang all these fucking leafs
Nothing's wrong with that.
Some women were simply born to breed and please, not to have a family.
I only wish the girls in my teenage time were more like that, they were like a lite version of it.
Still BRs get to lose their virginity at around 14 so it was a good time.
You mean what went right?
I can't tell if you're a schizo or if you're shitposting some obscure tryhard meme
What does liking women like the pic in the OP has anything to do with conalep?
You wish the mods would bang you you hand-holdless virgin
Yes, during the sexual revolution. Your point is what?
We wore clothes like than in the early 70s, too. I pretty much wore BF's cutoff Levis and a halter top most of the time (beach girl).
It didn't mean you were slutty.
they probably only want to bang guys with nice jaws
Mommy and daddy didn't give her enough hugs. She lives in a feminized society that is designed to cater to her (see: Missing White Woman Syndrome). She has learned early in life that all she has to do is keep herself pretty and people will fall over themselves for the chance to do things for her. She'll always have someone to hang out with, she'll always have men courting her, as long as she doesn't sit around and feel sorry for herself eating ice cream like the girls who were not born with easy natural beauty.
It's a part of the downfall of this civilization. All you can do is remember that when things really start falling apart, these people are going to be sucking off strangers for a can of beans.
I'm high af right now, also.
>considers himself a true christian
>wants to see women dressed up like filthy whores
shaking my head to be honest
what's with your jaw obsession mate?
Christian ethics have been destroyed with no replacement. And without heaven and hell the stupid plebeians have no incentive. Only biological processes like empathy are keeping them straight. But the same are hurting them like sexuality and drug addiction. The government isn't working, the teachers turn a blind eye and the parents are encouraging their "independence".
Its a major part of what makes a guy goodlooking
>anime fag
>degenerate pot smoker
>muh MGTOW
>muh civilization is collapsing because girls are hot
It's sad to know there are so many subhuman specimens like you on Sup Forums
>implying that's a good thing
i wish i had a nicer jaw
You're just as bad druggy.
> a fucking leaf
> a fucking mexican
i hate both equally
Start chewing something everyday and keep proper jaw / tongue posture
Might not make miracles but it can improve your jaw if it makes you that insecure
Men should wear equally exposing garments.
This will have the effect of counterbalancing social attention. Attention is the only commodity these people crave.
Problem solved!
Well said Leaf, did a better job than I could have done had I taken the time to do so.