9/11 was Kek approved

Think about it, would we have awoken from our little spell without this bumbling clusterfuck of a false flag?

911 was a watershed in American history and it will be remembered much like the lotteries which, once exposed, broke the political machine in the late 19th century here.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wait i havent seen that BBC source vid in years. Sauce?

She says the tower fell before it fell right?

Yep, they said it fell over 15 minutes before they imploded it.




Nice mission patch

Hoping to lure the jap poster out, he's apparently feeding the 9/11 perps to his dog or something.

If anybody has his images please dump 'em.


where are the shills today? they seem to be strangely less active

its the beginning of Ramadan, so, you know...

>the lotteries which, once exposed, broke the political machine in the late 19th century here.


Hey, did you guys hear about how Jared Kushner is a Russian spy?

It's called The Machine and it was featured in education previously, they removed it for millennials so they wouldn't be able to see what's going on.


Oh good our first shill.

May captcha topkek.

they got the holiday weekend off for all their hard work

they will be back at work on Tuesday

Has anyone bought Ryan Dawson movie about 9/11 guy is a black belt when it comes to this shit.

gonna have to make more sense than that junior


More than this being a generic 911 thread, I want to delve into how 911 woke people up from our magic spell.

It was, for me, the thing that didn't make a whole lot of sense until time and information exposed the idiotic, ham-fisted nature of the thing.

Possible that the live feed was green screened on top of prerecorded footage

>41 minute video
pleas just encapsulate it for us, there's so much bullshit on youtube


people already checked it out and sync'd it up to other videos

What does this have to do with a lottery?

>prerecorded footage of after the towers collapsed


The Democrats would sell you tickets to a lottery, if you voted for them. They'd have a bully boy come down with a herd of voters to make sure they voted for the proper candidate and everything.

Typical DNC tricks, used for 150+ years now.

911 shill team still active

interesting to note

Chaos is always kek approved
