>tfw I actually believed a 70 year-old multi-billionaire was an outsider to the establishment
Can't believe I was this stupid
Tfw I actually believed a 70 year-old multi-billionaire was an outsider to the establishment
Its getting old son
I think we were just caught up in the moment. The election was fun, but we became a bit too convinced by trump
God shut the fuck up and go slurp some more Russian kike putin penis you faggot. Only leftist commies, sand niggers, spics, canashits, europoors and faggot Russians hate Trump.
Stil better than Hilary would have been.
by what metric exactly
> Shareblue-Crew-Sample-COPY-0-1.jpg
fuck off kike
If the Russians hate Trump why did they get him elected?
stop replying to these threads you fucking chimps, youre more of a problem than the shills posting it
what problem? not being a t_d redditor?
bumping slide threads is the problem, dont encourage these cunts
Catch that Grande concert the other night? Heard it was a blast.
If you unironically still support Donald (i love shlomo goldbump) Trump, then you are an 80 iq cracker. Whigger.
>tfw reddit
It's okay.
I believe you're stupid.
bad bait
you have to go away now
shoo shoo
^ This. Now cut it out you autistic faggots
How? Hillary would have made arms deals with Saudi Arabia too. And unlike Trump, she wouldn't suck off the Jews.
>i can't believe they're still paying you fuckers
Question, though. Do you nerd virgins still have to turn in you cell phones? Do they have you sleeping in the office? Do they still remove the 'print" key from the keyboards? Didn't they tell you to CHANGE THE FUCKING FILE NAME OF THE IMAGE BEFORE YOU POSTED IT< YOU DENSE MOTHER FUCKER!