Race Rank

Rank the races from best to worst

My list-
>Western European
>Eastern European
>East Asian
>Southeast Asian
>Native American
>Australian Aboriginal

Best Country: Iceland
Worst Country: Afghanistan

>Not putting Jews equal to Niggers

>Top Tier
>Shit Tier

If you had to choose between becoming a jew or a nig, would you seriously be indifferent? Id pick jew any day. Least they get rich and dont smell like unrinal cakes

Fair enough.

Depends on whether or not you're worried about which one you're becoming or which one you're getting stuck with.

Jew should be at the top.
You know we rule over you, goy.

Which also reminds me. OP needs to be more specific.

>Rest of the world

Its everything combined together, who you'd rather be, who you'd rather be around, who's fucking up the world the hardest, who personally annoys you the most, etc.

Historically Western European was tops, but I think the tables have turned and the Easterners are overall the best, Westerners right now are just coasting on previously glory. Our great grandfathers created a dysgenic society at home and we have fallen.

Westerners are comparatively fat, impractical, soft, and gullible. The future of Europe is Orthodox. There will be a tiny minority of transhumans which will be lead by a speartip of mostly Western Europeans, but that's about it.

I'm 95% NW Euro, btw, with the rest being small bits of other euros

>Korean, Japanese, North Chinese
>East Euro
>NW Euro
>SW Euro
>SE Asian
>Turk, Balkan
>Native American
>Australian Aboriginal (good with boomerangs tho)

>West Europeans
>East asians
>East Europeans
>North Europeans
>horn africans
>Indigenous americunts
>Everyone else

My bad, left out South Chinese, they go between SW Euro and Latino

Cool to see some respect for Persians. Why all the way at the top, though?

>Ashkenazi jew
>NW Europeans
>South and Eastern Europeans
>South/Southeast Asians
>Arctic people
>Other jews / persians
>Central Asians/Turkic peoples
>Native americans

Cause if you read history you cannot not put them all the way at the top.

They have contributed the most out of all ethnicities out there and have laid the foundations of the west and east.

Because he is one obviously.

Best list yet.

I'm of Irish and Portuguese descent actually.

-my fellow redditors
-Native Americans
-Polish people specifically from north Poland
-everyone else
-bad aliens
-alien Jews
-fidget spinners
-Jewish alien fidget spinners
Also everyone else has a complex hierarchy within itself but I am too tired to explain it.

Nice try, but wrong. Though I would welcome them into the white race if they recover from that ass kicking they got 1400 years ago. Until then they go with the rest of the shitskins.