Was George Carlin Redpilled?

Carlin spent a LOT of time talking about the danger of big government and the "lowering IQs" and how "everything is genetic, [wanting to work hard and get yourself out of hard times is genetic]" (vid related)


He was also VERY anti-PC.
Was he /our guy/? Or just a Libertarian or what?

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He was our guy.

Also traditional liberalism=/=modern liberalism

he's burning in hell as we speak writhing in intense pain.

Carlin is proto-pol
>realizes both sides of the establishment are equally manipulative and damaging
>realizes the authoritarian society that is shrouded in "democracy"
Only nu-pol """" fascsts" """ blindly hate him

He certainly knew what was up regarding Muslims


Maybe but most likely black pilled.
Rip great funny man

Seems like a redpilled hippie libertarian if that makes any sense.

Wow saved, remember George Carlin is a hippie icon so this is good material to show to "woke" individuals

this pretty much

He was kind of /ourguy/ as far as warning about big gov and the power that we give idiots in our society.

However his view on language censorship had a huge effect and was a big reason why swearing is much less stigmatized today than it was thirty years ago, I would say for the worse.

He is an enigma of a man, definitely the last comedic great who all sorts of interesting beliefs that could apply to all sides of the spectrum.

true, but modern liberalism is an inevitable consequence of attempting classic liberalism.

Nah, if you have a problem with swearing you are just stupid. Swearing isn't inherently degenerate. Using fake words like "lit" "senpai" etc. Is though

He would have ripped drumpftards for their stupid hats. He hated groups with their own hats.

Just a grumpy old hippie.

I like to post it on reddit. It's received pretty well there.

He hated all kinds of groupings.

Some of his stuff is true. He's way too fedora though. It's like if Reddit stayed 16 forever this is what you would be like in the retirement home.


>"He's way too fedora though."
>Pass user since 2016

What does that have to do with anything? I used Captcha for years before I bought my pass

>hehe im such a rebel no one's ever been this independent and logical
>so i blame men and conservatives for 99% of our problems and concur withthe establishment

He doesn't like bullshit, but other than he is pretty much a liberal.

He doesn't like police, seems to be pro drug legalization and so on

He was the first person I heard talking about white genocide ten years ago.

He was redpilled as fuck

Watch this.


yah just watched that clip, he hated Nazis too

I get the sense he would have told people just not to vote in the most recent election. He seemed pretty immune to identity politics, which are a mainstay of the establishment.

carlin was our guy all day.

Carlin is left libertarian, like any sane non-psychopathic or self-absorbed person.

He was also smart enough to see that most people were too stupid to do the right thing, so he was aware that it would all come crashing down.

He lived through the neoliberal, "reagan revolution," globalistitic age of the last 50 years and lost all optimism. The solutions are clear, but people are simply too greedy and stupid to collectively implement them.

Circling the drain folks.

Part of my childhood as a narrator on Thomas the Tank Engine

Carlin was classical liberal, as far as I can tell. Spent his life agitating against authority trying to control what you say.

And maybe he visited Sup Forums.

oh shit I didn't know that.

that's huge for me

Dog him up in hell. You can ask he but he's more interested in water.

I guess he's very redburningpill.

He had many chance and he mocked the God of heaven and, Earth.

And Hell!

"All my Riches for a moment of Time".

He was a third wave feminist

his radio shows were redpilled as fuck, yet no one likes to mention those :^)

Wasn't the narrator British or am I remembering wrong?

He hated PC shit

He once lamented how college liberals became exactly that the status quo they fought against the moment they came into power.

He hated environmentalists too, but for different reasons than Sup Forums does

Black piled for sure.
Maybe just a frustrated liberal.
Possibly brown pilled

No, he was a realist. He saw reason and truth on both sides.

Most comedians are. He was also an atheist, which I'm sure you hate. Only idiots fit into the archetype of republican or democrat (e.g. Sup Forums .

>legitimacy of your movement requires more comedians

call me a democrat then

I agree with this. Anyone falling lockstep into an ideological "side" really just fails to think for themselves

It's not that hard to form an ideology man sometimes cookie cutter philosophy just works
>more freedom
>less not-freedom
literally Carlin ^

what feminist stuff did he say?

No, he was practically a mangina.


>2 sexes

ye you're right desu


He also didn't realize that chimps raid and fight wars.

Heck, ants fight wars.

Cats even kill when they're fed. Cats. I mean you can debunk him before you're a teenager

oh yeah i forgot about this one

>Malcolm X
>Live peacefully
ok so he was mostly just a fake-deep nihilist good to know

This is true... man I miss GC

None of that shit's deep tho it's all surface level observation


Exactly the sort of person who got us into this mess
>le so above it all xD
Wow! The open borders moron is passionate about his epic rebel cursewords etc