> creates disformed creatures (100% to normal all ranges inbetween fucked up lives for free, human and wild animals alike)
> sacrifices a group to illustrate another (who can say "I am against god" or "I don't want paradise"? 100% sacrificed, ennemies do not exist. theyr not going to illustrate themselves watching flowers growing. they will take on their neighbours, parents, next door city.
> he created all idols and forced their worship, he sent all usury, and everything illegal to him that gives him open door to strike.
> add the guilt of the father unto its childrens from adam to the last child until end time. drops humans out of humans so he doesnt have to redo its "fabricated" (adam tells moses this when he curses adam) original sin on each human. from 1000 years to 120 because "x" group did "y" stuff. + typical admited sin transmition from father up to 4 generations.
etc etc etc
Fuck god in the ass, anyone agree?
Other urls found in this thread:
it is probably more polite than nailing him to a cross.
the best creator in action. just worship it right away please
It's a merchant goes "fuck god, fuck christianity, who's with me" thread
ultimate architect of life, where is the carpet i need to bow right now
Oh look, another atheist faggot rebelling against his parents.
How is the dick coming out of his mouth? That doesn't make any sense.
looks neat
We need to add the "merchant fallacy" to the image in the sticky.
If having faith is the only thing that makes us human than having faith is a mental illness that should be treated with medication.
I propose Xanax.
God would want us to put creatures like this out of its misery and for us humans to pursue eugenics.
God too needs to practice. You think it's easy?
Here's what I just said in simple programming logic:
If faith then Xanax.
This is the biproduct of sin, decay, abnormanities, death; we fucke up, and these are the consequences.
Your idea of what "God" is is an incredibly childish one. It's like you've never taken the concept past the ability of an adolescent's reasoning.
But I wont just insult you and give you nothing better to go on. Listen to this if you actually care to edify your perspective on the "God" concept rather than to lash out at a imaginary character of your own conception.
>999/1000 humans will go to hell
>behead children and encourages it
>rape stone and pulverize women for free
>childish vision
The whole world should be addicted to Xanax.
Really scratches the old noggin
Xanax is the chill pill.
>French RPG
>The Final Enemy is God
Xanax is God.
Chemical biproducts are themselves a biproduct of human corruption. Our lack of foresight, empathy, and our arrogant overconfidence in our understanding of science causes this to happen at rates much greater than would be otherwise. If we had the hubris to admit when don't understand something our scientific prowess would be tempered by morality.
>greentexts made up interpretations of second hand accounts because he's never read a single piece of written canon of any religion
>acts like this is a substitute for an intellectual response
I didn't know they made fedoras for children with skulls as thick as yours.
those numbers involved ain't so holy ayyy lmao
>God is a idea and not actually an all good all powerful begin
then use a different word dufus
Why have faith when you can have Xanax?
I think god started a life simulator and walked away to take a dump.
He'll be back eventually to get things on track again.
OP is forgetting God's beautiful clergy, sent in love.
I went to see my psychiatrist and I told him it feels like a mental disorder thinking and/or believing that I can actually do something about the world.
He prescribed me Xanax.
If there is no God, there is no Israel
Why aren't you fighting the ultimate religious zealots instead of Christians?
>"abortion/infanticide is evil guys!"
>*calls Sup Forums pagans and masturbates while massaging migrant feet*
It's absolutely wonderful not having to worry about what I see on the Internet or on TV or in the newspaper or in magazines or read in books or see in movies or...
You should try Xanax!
Well shit happens.
I'm atheist but I never criticise or even think about religion. Because who gives a fuck you fucking loser, don't you have better things in life to do? Some problems you're dealing with to think about them instead??
Fucking fat neckbeards. ..
God is evil. He still exists though.
Kys bar tard
In Xanax We Trust!
You can't criticize people with the "better things to do" line when you are on fucking Sup Forums.
why do anyone has to suffer anyone else 'sins', transmitted ignominy, wars, hatred, poverty, diseases, shame, etc. isn't it an evident aberration? and incurable diseases/deformations occurs not necessary with transmition, if you are to be judged and the price is hell, why can't you even have a clear mind / (body) to begin with? how is it fair to just say "they are pardoned" or "they are the product of sin and satan"... disgusting & brainfuked stuff
What if our creator doesn't know who created It either, and every successive creator is more retarded than the previous one?
What if there's only one creator and an It killed itself after setting things in motion? What's the point of criticizing someone or something that doesn't exist anymore?
This business of complaining about God is pointless. It's not like if we don't do it, future generations will forget to criticize God. Almost every person that grows to be an adult questions the intentions of God regardless of whether they voice those thoughts or not.
There are people happy to be alive and those that terrible lives and hate life and themselves, and thus, those who hate and love the idea of a good or evil God, respectively.
So what does one do with this information? You are still going to keep living unless you decide to kill yourself to spite a potentially nonexistent God, I guess it's useful not to think about this stuff and try to find contentment everywhere in life.
Xanax in my nose!
Xanax between my toes!
Xanax is what I chose!
Xanax for my woes!
Sup Forums isn't one board newfag
cool chimaera
Give me LIBERTY or give me XANAX!
What is the Merchant Fallacy?
It got some good reviews, I might try it
Currently using Stresam, it's shit
I pledge allegiance to the Xanax of the United States of Xanax, and to the Xanax for which it stands, one Xanax under Xanax, indivisible, with Xanax and Xanax for all.
>using shit unimaginitive storybooks to justify your equally unimaginitive and shit philosophy of all that is
Using drugs is living a lie
This commercial has been brought to you by:
Paid for by Xanax.
Xanax is love.
Xanax is life.
Xanax for you and your wife!
>100% to normal all ranges inbetween fucked up lives for free, human and wild animals alike
what the fuck are you even trying to say? I know you're french; but geez.
wherever this creature was found needs to be thoroughly tested for toxic contaminates, including radiation
Attend the church of Xanax!
>i blame God for everything i do
yeah man like all atheist, dont worry
>Believing God exists
U wot mate?
*overdoses on Xanax*
> At least he was happy.
Drugs are bad
>said op as he swallowed a hot throbbing cock*
Why do atheists keep using the same arguments over and over despite flaws?
deformed/damaged in a way or another from 100% to normal (0%), all range between that, personnaly i believe that 50% is the worst, you get double because a 100% fucked up noone asks him anything, but the 50% gets questionned and cannot answer, and surely will be looked at without pity or will get insults, degrading comments.
>teeth on top of head have yellowing
Who created himself?
fuck you in the ass
ok abdull im all open
A lil too much agent Orange in the local creek water?
48 chromosones can fuse into 46 chromosones.
in all fields
Sage and Xanax have a lot in common.
Fuck science in the ass! Nature did this, not God!
If you cannot grasp a concept because the word "God" is semantically offensive to you then you ought to go waddle back to your safespace and and put a quarter in the hugbox.
It's a concept that's older than civilization itself yet here you are telling me to use a different word? Why? Are you incapable of updating your understanding of a word and it's definition? There are many words that represent vague concepts and if you just want to shut them all out because there are too many implications in its meaning that you find unapproachable then feel free to stay ignorant of complex ideas. I've never understood why a single word would cause someone to become entirely antagonistic towards the attempt to understand a new concept. I guess it's a reactionary response to a perceived threat.
By the way, you spelled "doofus" wrong.
ahahah so true my bro, preach it like it is. god has nothing to do with creation!
What if "God" was the process of setting the dominoes in place and all he did was tip the first piece and we're trying to do with science is find out when the next piece is going to collide?
I mean, Xanax.
lol, wut?
>implying it isn't all Eve's fault for giving into temptation and eating The Apple.
do frenchies think that is a real animal?
didn't know there were so many niggers in france
I 've got the joy joy joy joy joy
Dick move, YHWY!
Dick move...
If the Christian God is real, and people who commit suicide go to hell, why would he unfairly stack the cards against certain individuals to the point that they are almost certainly doomed to kill themselves.
how much xp when I kill it?
Because Xanax.
What is XP? Is that like Xanax Points?