With a government like this, its immoral not to cheat the tax system or bleed the system dry
Varg is right again
Fucking paying taxes for Syrian nigger refugees to shit up this place and for whores to kill their children , if Trudaeu wants to destroy this country with muslim scum so bad, I ain't paying him a dime
At least I save my autism bucks to start a business.
Don't start a business! how do you think tax revenue gets generated?
I won't pay taxes, I want to breed lots of animals and care for them well, or course
your employees will. your business will and sales tax revenue.
So he's a nigger
I'll hire them under the table
I'm not. but your wife fucks them
I somewhat agree.
It's pointless. Unelected bureaucracy trumps the President and his constitutional powers. Until you get proper representation screw the system to the max.
>has no job
>lives off welfare with his kids like a nigger
>lives in a house with no flush toilets
>married a fangirl he met on the internet
>leeches off her rich parents
the system wants to destroy you white boy why not punch it back?
If white people all took advantage of welfare as much as shitskins, governments would begin scaling back programs or start unraveling after a few years or decades.
he lives off the system lol half that shit is kinda the point
I don't think you understood my post.
I rarely agree with varg but there I do
This traitorous scummy gov deserve no respect or any kind of moral standards toward it
I understood it better than you did
Made me think.
Stop being productive, goy.
Modern wageslaves are worse than boomers. The boomers sold out the two generations ahead of them to fund their degenerate consumerist lifestyle. The modern wageslave sells out a thousand generations behind him to fund his degenerate consumerist lifestyle. Varg is right, if you work, vote and pay taxes in this day and age you are basically a cuck
I've been saying this shit for years, good to see someone else say it as well.
I feel your pain
It's a very smart idea, sadly I don't like my credit being shit.
You don't need good credit as a welfare nigger though.
What I find the most fun about being on welfare is seeing all the low IQ degenerates whine about never having enough money while I manage to save thousands of euros on the same amount and still live well. You can thrive on welfare, here at least, it's just that most of the people who are on it are literally too stupid not to be broke.
Seeing an immigrant playing the victim and saying 'I'm on welfare too, it's fine' ruins their whole spiel.
I take a buttload of money from financial aid programs and feel no shame.
That's what Ayn Rand said right?
I like Varg and I feel like he has identified the problems of our society. But the guy is way too passive and he basically relies on a fucking ice age to kill off all the brown people in Europe. Way too fucking stupid.
The system will collapse, they all do. It's merely a question of when.
He's doing the smart thing by being prepared for it.
Would kind of active thing could a person do to hasten the fall of civilisation? Trying to bait China and the US into nuclear war by himself?