And if so-how?
Do you think the world going to end soon?
No, but things are certainly going to get a lot worse than they are now.
so you dont think they will get bad enough to start a war?
>End of world
>Those trips
Thanks for the rhetorical question, Baphomet.
lol ty i didnt even notice kek
is it a sign?
who is that meat mountain?
i wish i knew :(
got the pic from this board tho. can post moar gaybois if u leik
A war between who? I'm sure there will be a few, but even nuclear war isn't apocalyptic.
doesnt have to be nuclear, but there are a lot of tentions between:
north korea
south korea
but again who knows.
>no benis
fucking homos
Is this achievable natty?
No gay shit you nigger. It's not gay to admire the physique of a man's body. No homo..
Holy shit 666 we dead already
Hail gay Satan
It will happen when the weather cools..
Yeah, but it's been like 65+ years and going with that tension. Someone needs to nut up or shut up.
wtf I'm gay now
I would end my life to be him for one second
Western civilization will end because the socioeconomic ideal of capitalism is not compatible with the balance of the natural world.There was never anything sustainable about the current way of living that Westerners have come to enjoy. Basing your entire civilization around a one time endowment of ancient carbon energy and then pretending like it will last forever is the epitome of hubris. Because of capitalisms infinite growth paradigm, it will collapse, as there are only limited resources on Earth to plunder.
It didn't have to be this way, but we chose ridiculous material comfort and convenience over sustainability and order. Population control also should have been implemented at the turn of the 20th century. Niggresses and Cletus Pickemuptruck having 6 kids on welfare is fucking disgusting and I look forward to the day natural selection is the rule of law.
true, so here some more to "admire"
September 23, 2017 will be the beginning of the end... if the end hasn't started yet
oil filtre all clogged up by the elite, less lubricant flowing to the engine, friction and heat are increasing, the engine will grind to a stop if we don't unclog the oil filter.
Why was that date chosen?
fuck off gay satan
me too, but make it 5 seconds, thats all i need
interesting, really made me tink.
ill settle nuclear energy, electric/hydrogen cars, and lab grown meat, no problem.
i do agree on the materialism tube being shoved down societies throat.
>all that shadow
>all that hair
I wasn't being sarcastic or ironic m8, I'm literally nohomo, I like imagining one day reaching pic related.
That went extreme right a bit too fast friendo
ty bb
fuck off bitch, i own yo ass nao.
Biblical prophecy with how the constellations Virgo, Leo, the Sun, and the Moon will align, don't have the pic on me though
well good luck to ya buddy, post pics when you do,pls and thank you.
Fucking faggot.
[spoiler] thnx m8, n-nohomo [/spoiler]
>we are so infested with Reddit that using pics of guys for lazy threads like this is more effective
You know it's true, my Irish friend. Every civilization becomes a meme of it's own, ours is no different.
P.S. I went to Ireland last month and had a romp with a qt lass, I'm white though so I hope you don't mind.
kek, fail
>I am very smart
Okay, so what you're advocating for is a collapse to systems that haven't produced a fucking thing when held up to capitalism. Those weapons will still exist in the world, and I promise when those who reproduce more but produce less get their hands on those, you'll be wiped out.
The people to be victims of population control will be the same to advocate it. If you looked forward to the day where natural selection would be the rule of law, you wouldn't be posting here and you'd instead be working on yourself, you fucking brainlet.
Nope, all of those things are a meme. Nuclear plants take a decade or more to plan and implement, and how many hundreds would be needed just for North America? It still doesn't solve that our entire transportation system still runs on oil. I would imagine that a bio alternative to oil is very much possible, something that is renewable and matches the energy density of petroleum, but the oil companies will never allow it to happen. Can't cut into profits, after all.
Yes just look at your post and those m u m b e r s you got you fucking faggot
Thank you senpai
>implying thats the epitome of a male body
try again rube
How much would he charge me to impregnate my asian wife? I want superior children and my DNA isn't up to the task.
calm down you jew
have another friend
Your ad hominem attacks on me do nothing to change the reality of the inevitable collapse of Western Civilization. I'm not smart, I just actually read books, something that most of the faggots on this board would be much advised to do.
All civilizations have failed because when times are good and prosperous, they degenerate because there is no external threat. What is happening to the United States right now checks all the boxes for a civilization in decline:
1)Unsustainable wealth inequality
2)Degenerating social normalities
3)Complete degradation of the global biosphere and ecosystems
4)Rapidly declining physical and mental well being on the general population
You don't have to be smart to see the direction we are going. Good times don't last forever, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know for sure when it will happen, likely decades longer, but I would be surprised if the human population is anymore than a billion or so by the end of the century. When the lights finally do go out, that's it. We will never achieve anything like this again, there simply aren't enough resources left on the planet to go through another Industrial Revolution. Enjoy the good times.
i didnt imply anything but
>dem scrawny legs
you gotta be fucking joking aussie
bamping for more theories
your thread's gonna get deleted if you keep spamming these pics senpai
So how do you feel about the end of the world senpai?
how come? i've seen threads of fully naked women on this board not get deleted-these dont even show willies!
not him but i hope it ends soon desu
Me too desu
yeah i mean people fantasize about a zombie apocolypse, even i like zombie stuff but lets be hinest if that were real it would be a nightmare, would rather be killed off at the beginning than worrying about zombies coming to eat me when i sleep.
Based sexy white man
I want to ascend into heaven then come back for the battle of Armageddon riding on dragon
yep. pol made me crave only white cock now.
sounds pretty good.
even though its a crock of shit i would like to see the rapture, but then all those teleevangslists actually get left behind and see their faces like pic related kek
The model's name is Stefan Gatt.
I would love to see their faces kekekekek
Thank you Senpai!
he reminds me of a young dolph lungren