I'm black and I find shit like this way more offensive than just being called a nigger outright. Have whites sunk so low that they simply have no pride left for their race or themselves to speak of? After forging civilization, after dragging my ancestors black asses here, after wiping out most of the native inhabitants of the Americas, this is what it was all for? A bunch of apologetic estrogen fueled numales who think that by crucifying themselves they can somehow make amends and make everything right instead of moving the fuck on and trying to better themselves and their country. Can't you just accept you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs? Have some fucking semblance of pride for christs sakes.
Do whites have any dignity left?
These are brits. European whites outside of Eastern Europe have zero pride
Can you stop sucking racist white people's dicks? They are not your friends
>Have whites sunk so low that they simply have no pride left for their race
>A bunch of apologetic, estrogen-fueled numales
Just part of the population. Most of us have our dignity in tact.
Many don't, they want blacks to like them SOOOOOO badly that they project the simple fact that they notice a fella with a different skin color while everyone does this, they have something to prove. Ever saw those people who kiss cops asses and very fakely suck up to them no matter what the case or even if said cop is a molester? Yeah that's what your pic is of those kids, EXACTLY!
Uncle Tom detected
I'm not sucking anyones dick, I just prefer honesty over kissing ass to make amends.
>They are not your friends
That depends
>being this new
You are the one kissing ass tbqh
Please tell me how.
>honestly white ppl so oppressed n shit I'm a BASED Black magapede and even though people on this board complain about people like me every day and want me genocided I'll still care about them because muh morals.
Fuck you and fuck white people
God forbid someone have a solid morale standing right?
Nobody seriously wants genocide. We just want you to properly assimilate. This is a white country in that democracy was invented by white people. The idea that all men are created equal is a white idea. All of our institutions are rooted in the teachings of white philosophers. Black Americans who succeed here do so because they think like white people.
>no response in 14 minutes
did I just BFTO this young man?
Maybe if YOU say it, it will finally sink in for these castrated pantywaists.....
are you guys gonna pay that fiverr black guy to read this out loud like you always do?
Wont find me in that situation.
If anything I think that dad and sun should be executed.
Speak for yourself nog lover.
How many times are you going to make this thread, faggot?
It's important to learn from history but blame your country / race for all evils of the world is stupid.
Do you know which civilization has the record of killing more people?
The Mongols. 5% of the world population is what they killed
We don't see them self-flagellating maybe it's important to understand context.
I don't care if they're here as long as they stop nogging, stay at 13% and there's no race mixing. Genocide just isn't realistic.
It's in the eurofags' genes to be cucks
Those are liberal whites.
They are scum. Nobody likes them.
>Stay at 13%
>No race-mixing
If they stay at 13% why not just breed them out so there's no pure nogs left? It'll reduce the chance of them chimping out
nothing good can come from that. their children won't have any really culture to lean on. go with the baby boomer approach. pay their welfare and keep them separated, but go further and crack down harder on the crimes they commit.