Why are Sup Forums filled with neckbeards?
Why are Sup Forums filled with neckbeards?
Politics is an easy "release valve" for frustrated autists who have no friends and no luck with the opposite sex. Just look at Manlet Woes, kek
why sage? I want Sup Forums to see this
It bothers me when these facebook frog autists stamp Trump's face over Fulgirm or Sanguinius.
how can you tell if we are neckbeard or not. You can't. Conclusion, you are a massive faggot.
We've been ASS fucked
its true just look at me
I'm trying to grow my chinbeard into a neckbeard but after a year it still looks like shit.
>look at me
because youre a lil loser marlboro smoking faggot beer drinking pathetic excuse for a life piece of shit unrelevant country.
its an unofficial pooping brotherhood
only a nu-male faggot would wear a political meme on his clothes. the silent majority here just likes the fact that Sup Forums has no real censorship. people can yell shill and mods tend to delete good threads that toe the line of politics and general sociology, but im still allowed to calle a nigger a spade here.
It's a horrible release valve. Everything falling apart as the guy you voted for wins but you still lose. We always fucking lose.
Post more neckbeards
/leftypol/ slide thread
Pic is op
>he's only barely realizing that making decisions based on "will this elicit schadenfreude" isn't always logical
That gentleman's beard clearly extends above his neck and onto his face.
Also I got ree.peating integers so you mouthbreathing esoteric frog-worshiping numerologists have to acknowledge my post as objective truth
jealous? everyone knows we are the lords of the underworld.
Sup Forums is actually filled with middle-aged soccer MILFs
Every single great man to walk the Earth has been a neckbeard.
jesus fucking christ
why do lesbians wear flannel ? why do gangs wear "colors" ? why do hipsters wear coke frame glasses ?
so we can tell whos who in public
It's quite depressing to see the party of Abraham Lincoln devolve into a party of cross eyed, violent, simple minded, radical racist troglodytes.
God help us all. For the first time in my life, I'll be supporting the Democrats.
$5 says he came from plebbit after he saw about the "BASED EPIC TROLLZ" messing with Shia
Based Tranny!
Shall I post a picture of my neck? Will that satisfy you? What I want to know is why there are so many threads where OP asks dumb ass questions of Sup Forums and then contributes nothing to the thread. Its called a "slide thread". OP, you're a faggot. sage
So a 4-9 y.o. has the wit to at least attempt punctuation, and is a Sup Forumslock. NWO mush be so scared.
why is real life filled with niggers?
not how it works fgt
no, i think this is from a thread a little bit ago, and one that pops up often where it's a 1-10 scale of "how based are you" or something like that. 10 being LE SAVIOR OF THE WEST and 1 is like degenerate normie or whatever. it's stupid shit.
>disagreeing with kek
>disagreeing with trips
Of course it's a fucking leaf
>im a 31 year old black/white mom and i come here to laugh at all you losers.
have fun with your sandnigger, kike loving "emperor" god.
I know he is talking about pic related, and I'm sure the leaf is only posting his LARP fantasies for (you)s
Leafposter, you forgot your vpn.
King of fucking Sup Forums right there...love seeing that fuckers pic with his $100 worth of food-stamp purchased shit-food. Typical fucking Trump Warrior around these parts. Keep em coming.
me on the right
my sister on the left
Respect for wearing that to high school.
Here is another high school kid (not me)
Give me source
It was either /wsg/ or Sup Forums...don't remember.
>Savior of the white race.
Look in the mirror. Sad bastard is here spending his free time in a place he hates. Gonna go for an all nighter?