What the fuck is wrong with his face?

What the fuck is wrong with his face?

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he drinks to wash down all those red pills


white "people" age like milk

Holy shit that is the face of a broken man. What does he know?

1 for 4

That's the look of someone who probably watched Steven Spielberg's "The Last Days" about the Holocaust.

The film features Paul Parks, a black soldier, as the one American soldier out of 5 people featured in this documentary talking about their experiences during the war.

The problem is, Paul Parks was a known fraud and liar. He was outed after taking part in an earlier documentary focusing on black soldiers who supposedly liberated concentration camps in the war (no black soldiers liberated any camps -- whoops!).

That didn't stop Spielberg from including him, though. And it didn't stop the documentary from getting the Oscar that year, either.

Amazing, isn't it?

You can find out about this and other ridiculous lies by watching this documentary about "The Last Days"

>The Last Days of the Big Lie

He took on (((them))) and almost won


your eyes ok bro

What? He got hypothermia?

This. He's on a race to save the world before he dies of redpill poisoning.

His thyroid is fucked.

He's reached the point where he's so rich and so smart that he just doesn't give a fuck. Steve Bannon:
>born working low-middle class
>voracious reader
>president of college class
>Harvard Business School
>gentile hired by Goldman Sachs
>hangs a shingle, makes tens of millions
>Breitbart becomes massive success
>helps Trump win POTUS
*we are here*
>forces out globalist kikes Kushner & Gary Cohn
>gets back to America First

wtf is wrong with YOU? who cares about someone's face?

That;s the face of a man seeing everything that he worked for being destroyed by (((trump)))

he smokes kush


more accurately, destroyed by RINOs & Kushner's band of globalist kikes

You forgot to say that he was a solid 8.5/10.

Superior Aryan genetics.

OK, and?
RIP Bannon in 5 years.
Might be being Poisoned too. Like Roger Stone was back in December

Damn, he was a handsome devil as a young man.

after the Navy, he can't keep shit into his anus.


Too many redpills. Life isnt easy

Too much

hopefully he has his way and accelerates the fall of the western world so we can build it again, but the right way

Just medititate. Cleans the system.

I don't understand why Sup Forums isn't more interested in Bannon than Trump. Bannon is the one who made Generation Zero and is within inches of actually creating the Happening we all dream of. Trump is just a conduit for Bannon's will.

thats the face of someone who knows a lot of shit but cant speak about it publicly

Like poetry.

Fucking hilarious post OP! Seriously man, I fucking laughed, like, a lot at this post. It's crazy isn't it, that this guy thinks he has better genes than other races.

You should post this over at r/BeholdTheMasterRace. Seriously man, these fucking Nazis thing they're superior, but, you know, it's like, just look at them???? You know what I mean?

I can't with these people man, I seriously can't. You can't reason people out of things they didn't reason themselves into, so might as well laugh, right? But yeah man, I'm a mod over at r/BeholdTheMasterRace so you should join us man.

Why is he so perfect?

I always saw trump as an opportunistic, brash, retard who was just funny with his banter. When Bannon joined him, that's when I supported him. I urge everyone to hear his speeches on youtube, the guy is a right wing hero, not your typical neocon bank kike which is the norm. The fact that he is inspired by Evola is incredible

Nigga look like Steve buscemi

Any speeches in particular?

>he still thinks (((trump))) is """"our guy""""

>1 post by this ID


>he thinks trump isn't playing along and waiting to strike at exactly the right moment like he did with comey




Looks interesting, ty

>trump's just playing along
>its (insert number here)chess goys
Why do people think that a multi billionaire who had ties to the clinton's, saudi's and kikes before running for office, could ever be our guy?

He knows he fucked up

God bless him. Truly the Savior of the anglo

Redpill dependency, many such cases. Sad!

Wow, he sounds a lot better when he's in speech-giving mode.

That is what a fuck ton of stress looks like. :(

The Dark Triangle, you stupid goyim.

Few of the bios I read quoted college buddies that said he was always reading books, trying to have deep conversations ... and pulled dames with ease

i dont care faggot


PTSD from being around the muzzies in Saudi Arabua

He's my favourite American

>tfw your face physically manifests the stress weighing on your shoulders to not only save the western world from the Muslim horde and kike bankers, but also to slay the sleeping Chinese dragon and restore American economic domination

Why do you fucking Jews never quit at this fucking divide and conquer shit. Why are you faggots so ball-less that you always play this faggoty litter girl shit of breaking people up with their friends. You fucking little homos lose all sense of manhood when your mohel cuts off your dick and sucks the wound where you baby pee-pee used to be and forever then on you little fags are running around after 'le goy'


Goldman Sachs and whiskey dick

He's Irish. That's what they look like

Steve bannon, if you're reading this kys u ugly fuck

Why does he look like a scared child cowering under a security blanket?