I have a bachelors degree in economics with a minor in history. Ask me questions that are pertinent to politics and history.
Educated liberal here. AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
What did it feel like to waste 4 years?
How can you have a degree in economics and still consire yourself a liberal?
I graduated with 150 credits. The aggregate time to finish it all was 5 years. I didn't squander this time. I learned a lot, and I acquired a good job.
Do you think Jews deserve an ethnostate? If so, why shouldn't other races?
How'd you manage to finish both econ and history and still walk out retarded?
How does it feel to be 150k in the hole while being a complete douche canoe?
Not an ethno-state, but I support Israel because the Jews are a persecuted cohort everywhere they venture. Israel is not an ethno-state incidentally.
how does it feel to let your girlfriend(male) cuck you? please be specific as possible.
Scholarships subsidized most of my education. I graduated with 10k of debt and paid it off after 3 months of graduating.
How much do you know about real analysis, topology, PDE's, game theory, mathematical optimization and computer programming?
>History minor
Dumb nigger, read history on your own time unless you're going into lit or academia.
You have a bachelors degree in economics but you don't understand common denominators?
How many of the founders of communism were Jewish?
Hurr Durr I'm educated that makes me smarter than everyone else.
six gorillion don't forget
How much cocksucking was required to get said scholarships and supposed employment?
>real analysis, topology, PDE's, game theory, mathematical optimization
This is literally econ 101. I definitely know more than some moron who thinks he is a genius for taking a single economics class. The laffer curve would make any educated economist a liberal.
>american education everyone
So you agree or disagree with the laffer curve?
* Do you think you live in a democracy?
* Wishful thinking aside, how it is possible that money has power over everything but people still delude themselves with 'rights'?
4 years of schooling defeated by a pizza delivery driver in 30 seconds
pic related
Why do liberals praise Marxism
You are not special. You are a robot. Were I not blessed with a mind capable critical thinking and the ability to discern education from indoctrination, I would have graduated stupider than when i went in. Honestly looking at my BA just makes me laugh these days.
The time and money i could have saved...
He meant consider
Well said.
You fucked up you left-wing leaning parasite.
America is a republic. I am not a capitalist or a libertarian, so I don't believe America is truly free when money controls everything. Marxism encompasses a wide spectrum of ideologies. Marx is the father of socialism and communism. I am not a communist, but I am just informing you that not all Marxists are communists.
Monarchist here. Have a bachelors degree in economics and a minor in philosophy. I'm going to pretend my education makes my political opinions better than yours so ama.
econ 101 is micro, it's supply and demand curves. He's talking about upper level math which you got a small whiff of in econometrics.
Econ is like math but your models don't have to have any sort of predictive power. If you were a math major you'd be a conservative. sage.
>the Jews are a persecuted cohort everywhere they venture.
Yes. We all have that friend who can never hold a job or a girlfriend, but it's never his fault, it is?
>One single bachelors degree in economics with a minor in history
I tripled in history, philosophy, and political science and I don't consider myself "educated". You're a faggot for calling yourself that. Nobody cares about your upgraded high school diploma.
In all these years, communism has not been affective and has led to the demise of most countrys and though capitalism why the fuck did you waste your parents money on those shitty degrees many people agree that capitalism is superior but there is still a zest of communism in many universites and when you went to your only one you fucking wasted it do you think there will be a socialist revolution? What are your thoughts on the matter?
>bachelors in econ
why waste your time with only a bachelors?
I'd consider it STEM, real econ at least is basically applied mathematics.
Do you work at Starbucks or McDonald's?
Do you regret the history of your going into debt for worthless degrees? What's your expert opinion on the debt you're in?
Can I get a caffe latte grande please?
Why do you post this thread so often?
>econ 101 is micro
Moron detected.
>I tripled in history
Seems like a waste of money and that you were a directionless moron who "goes with the flow."
>Bach econ
>Minor hist
This is why people lose their shit about debt damnit
Fuck outta here
Also shit image, if you can run 7km continuously without fainting let me know.
So you believe that the higher you raise taxes the less income is generated. And you are liberal why?
lol just found this over at Sup Forums
How it feels to spend years studying a totally useless theory?
All right I'll bite. How well do you truly know your history? Did you learn about the (((Bolsheviks))) and the German revolution?
Sounds about right.
PSA for the kids: an econ BA is a meaningless degree. Beyond the classes you can take in high school (AP credits), it requires an extra micro class, and extra macro class, a (very) basic econometrics class, and electives. Ironically, no top econ PhD programs even accept econ majors (without at least a minor in mathematics). Rise above OP. Lean real math.
You posted the wrong version, cunt
Legitimate question:
Do you think the LBJ quote is real?
You know which one I'm talking about.
>These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.
I really wouldn't doubt it.
I wouldn't say it's meaningless but you definitely need a strong math/statistics background if you ever want to get a masters/phd.
Do you agree that artificially low interest rates set by the Fed cause bubbles? Like the housing bubble burst of 2007-2008?
>economics degree
pick one faggot
You posted the wrong version, cunt
i know its not the history op studied, but knowing economic history is important. alot of people predicted the housing/dotcom bubbles based of things like tulip mania
Libertarians would be the most obese fucks out there. They suck from the tit of greed until they drop like ticks.
Why are liberals opposed to third position economics? Most of you are opposed to capitalism and at least pretend to be opposed to communism, so what is wrong with something in between?
bachelors in economics, try getting job
You mean they work hard to be the best until all the poorfags get jealous? Libertarians =/= Jews, you can't be born into a rich cult if you live in a libertarian society
"Right wing" = having testosterone.
I worked as a trainer for Gold's Gym while I was in college. Can confirm: the iron-oxide from repeatedly grasping barbells redpills the blood and leads to strange notions like ethnic and cultural identity. Can be reversed through cessation of training, decreasing protein intake, watching interracial porn, and white knighting feminists to let them know you're not one of the bad guys.
But people who are born into wealth often become libertarians and claim they worked for what they have despite being propped up by mommy and daddy.
That's true, but ironically economic history is often the opposite of "history." If you take an American history class in a university's history department, and then another in the same school's econ department, they will present completely opposing narratives. Historians are generally too stupid to understand any of the fields whose history they are cataloging. OP's degree probably made him dumber.
Wow so impressive...
then they aren't libertarians, are they?
You tell them that.
I'm close to graduating from podiatry school, do not consider myself educated, but fairly well-read and I support a welfare state. In this sink or swim environment, most people are going to sink because most people are fucking stupid. Therefore, instead of people like me being forced to watch them die in the street, I support the government taking my taxes and paying them enough to keep a roof over their head, food on the table, their kids vaccinated, and their old and or crazy people taken care of.
What does this make me? I've never met anyone with a political stance like this nor have I read anything coming close to it. I accept that most people are failures and happily accept the government taking my taxes to subsidize them for bare necessities.
wtf??? this pic really made me think I am democrat now
>I support the government taking my taxes and paying them enough to keep a roof over their head, food on the table, their kids vaccinated, and their old and or crazy people taken care of.
One caveat. They have to be white. Same reason I only donate blood in Montana.
Point me out, buster, I'll give em the old two hand sandwich
What's your opinion on the fact that you went to a shit school, earned a shit degree, and will always be subservient to another man?
>educated liberal
>no timestamp
I'm an econ major now. I believe it's been tainted by corporate globalism. I have heard countless times "open up borders and free up trade and there are unilateral benefits".
I don't buy it. What's your take?
Wow, all that time and money spent on economics and history. And they didn't even have the fucking courtesy to tell you the jews control global finance and the holocaust is a lie.
>only an undergrad degree
Nice try moron, undergrad degrees are literally useless and teach you no critical thinking skills at all. Come back when you have a JD or a MBA
If you was in the middle of a billion Arabs, you would want an ethno state as well
An idiot. Welfare systems don't work. The reason there are so many failures in modern society is partly because the government is incentivizing people to stay poor.
If only education meant one had common sense and decency, I might ask a question, but since there's no shortage of retarded faggot "educated liberals" today, I'll just recommend you hang yourself in your closet with a nice, sturdy belt.
We need to thin the herd.
Liberals are really pushing that meme that upper body strength is only for right-wing men. I can't understand why.
It's sounds ridiculous, but get this.......... they actually think communism and socialism are economics.
>is incentivizing people to stay poor.
Fine by me. If you don't want to budget wisely and save for your future, then just keep taking my taxes and stay in your shit-shack and out of my neighborhood. I'd rather pay to keep them indoors then keep that money and have them roaming the streets.
>I have a bachelors degree in economics
Are you going to be on TV or youtube? And if so who will are you going to shill for or against? The "globalists"?
You are the obsolete man. When will you kill yourself?
It's a stupid thing to lie about.
>this shit again
Those poor kikes, having been kicked out of their host nations 100+ times for whatever reason.
Wow you're a smug faggot too
Pick one
I know, it's so hard controlling all the banks and the media and hollywood. They're so persecuted. Please, share more of your brain washing with us so that we can retrofit it to kill off the kind of idiots that would fall for your shit.
How much ETH/BTC are you holding?
Learn when/how to use greentext faggot.
This is a question you need to answer to prove your """(((education)))""", OP, and you'd better answer it correctly
Why do men's jobs pay more than women's? I'm speaking plainly here, such as the difference between STEM and Nursing but also other jobs
I honestly don't understand how you can argue against comparative advantage. The specialization brought on by comparative advantage can have a negative effect(Dutch disease) but I don't think that's as much of a problem as it used to be
Why do you list your degrees instead of your jobs?
Where did you go?
Saw this thread the other day. Sucked shit then and sucks shit now.
/Sup Forums