You should eat at lest 4 eggs every day so you won't become a pussy faggot
Eat big = redpill
You should eat at lest 4 eggs every day so you won't become a pussy faggot
Eat big = redpill
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Eggs are bad for you. You will die of high cholesterol
Two eggs a week
>but i have a fast metabolism/am a hardgainer
Eating big is just a practice, you need to get good at it. If you think you have a fast metabolism you probably just don't have a good idea of what "a lot" of food for someone your size is.
here are some tips that sound dumb but really helped me
>get big plates
>get big bowls
>get big forks/spoons/ etc
you need to be able to pile a lot of food on a plate and shovel it into your face quickly.
if you take too long your appetite will dull and you will lose the motivation to EAT BIG
muh dick
lol just dont be a lazy faggot and stop eating so much sugar. cholesterol wont get a chance to harden if you keep your blood pumpin'
My three chickens only lay 2-3 eggs a day. Im screwed.
don't eat anything other than brown eggs with orange yoke
>american posts about eating BIG
imagine my shock
I've got sixteen in the yard and another dozen in a brooder. I got ya covered.
>I'm the first stranger on the internet to tell someone to consume more foetuses
Er, no, you're not
I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
do you eat your chickens if you find them dead in the hut?
Eat lean proteins instead
Chicken, fish, and beef
whats wrong with white eggs?
Nah. The only ones I've lost has been to dogs or hawks.
>Eat big = redpill
wtf i love binge eating now
I dont eat 4 eggs. I beat between my legs..
No, remove the heart and plant it 2 feet into the ground, wait a month then plant a mulberry tree on top for best results.
4 eggs? no but really how many eggs should i eat per day, wey?
For me, the yolk color is more important than the shell. A bown egg just verifies that it wasn't laid by a damn Leghorn..
white eggs and yellow yokes are a sign of industrial grade malnutrition.
How many chickens eggs is equal to my wifes egg? Cause I eat one of those every month.
bullshit, eggs are full of good cholesterol.
2 or more a day is good, raw preferably.,
Only beta males suck female cock.
You probably eat her after she got done being bred by a bull
If you are an actual human (at least 5'11 in height) you need to EAT BIG. Im talking 4000 calories a day, minimum
4 eggs per meal, minimum.
didnt know what a mulberry is, checked pics and they look delicious
I eat 3 eggs + half a cup of whites in the morning
It's social justice bro science.
"White foods=bad"
White eggs have no nutritional differance to brown, and white rice is actually healthier than brown rice (way less arsenic than brown, no antnutrient phytic acid, and similar glycemic index if eaten cold or with MCTs).
Fuck the anti-white foods meme.
nope that's based on 50 year old lies. Literal sugar companies paid scientists to blame fat and cholesterol for the problems sugar actually causes
Partially correct. Yellow yolks are a result of commercial feed but shell color is determined by the type of hen. I have a mixed flock of 41 hens and 4 roosters. 2 of my breeds lay white eggs while the others lay varying shades of brown from nearly white to dark brown.
Commercial white eggs are all produced by white leghorns.
Too much fat. Egg whites are key if you're cutting. Whole eggs will cost you way too many calories for minimal protein.
>4 eggs a day
Lol, faggot, you should be eating at least a carton every femtosecond.
how many scoops of haagen daas a day senor piana?
they are great. the trees will give you a seemingly endless supply of those delicious bastards every summer.
Why do faggots eat only the whites, the best part is the yoke
Damn Leghorns. Those birds are Schizo. Marans and Cochins are my favorites.
Egg whites are pure protein
They're afraid of energy, they only eat to get minerals.
I eat 4 eggs x 2 meals every day. I just eat brown rice and eggs every meal because I can't really afford to eat much else. It's mostly organic and nutritionally complete at least
have you started to quack like a chicken?
>people that hate egg yolk exist
Raw eggs have less bioavailable protein. It's also how I imagine jizz feels in the mouth. Pass on that, cook it faggot it takes 30 seconds
>eat big
4 eggs over medium, black beans, cup of juice, cup of coffee every morning.
>Eggs are bad for you. You will die of high cholesterol
My cardiologist says I can eat 4 a day.
I'm eating 3 whole eggs right now. Cooked in the microwave.
I can eat 50..
False. You should eat zero eggs.
don't eat all the yolks
eat 6 eggs with one yolk
dat chu JRE?
australians eat hot sauce?!
>not eating 4 dozen eggs as a lad every morning to help yourself get large
>not eating 5 dozen eggs when you're grown
>not being roughly the size of a barge
I ate 4 steaks yesterday, two for breakfast and two for dinner. 5 scrambled eggs for breakfast today. Tuna melt sandwiches for dinner.
Sex and candy..
Yeah but don't be a poof eat the yoke
>29% risk of heart dissease vs ditching my favourite food.
Shieeet i think i would go ape shit if i couldn't eat my 2 fried eggs daily.
Kill me slowly egg bros.
>egg industry
jesus fuck right off
Power shake recipe:
1/4 cup dry rolled oats
1/4 cup pumpkin seed
1/2 cup greek yogurt
1 tbsp butter
2 raw eggs
1 banana
1/4 cup strawberry
1/4 cup blueberry
1/4 cup blackberry
1/4 cup raspberry
1/2 cup water
shit is like 1000 calories, 60g protein, good fats.
Gotta eat big to get big cmon
I take 1000 calories a day, maximum. What is wrong with me?