The parents were living in the US illegally, and they were raided by ICE.
The parents were living in the US illegally, and they were raided by ICE.
>parents were living in the US
There's a link to the article, and their Ebegging GoFundMe is /duartechildren
Woah, what are you A RACIST????
>steal from one person
go to jail
>steal from everyone
he dindu nuffin
Look at those intelligent expressions.
okay? And. Parents fault. They knew what they were doing, they took a risk, and they lost. Why did they move? What's wrong with Mexico, I thought it was better than the US. I mean, that's what I keep being told. What's the bid deal?
>i cant believe this happened
>my parents had been breaking the law without consequences so long that now they are the victims
if i was a spic family id just make a vid like this and get some gofundme bucks
>commit crime
>get punished for committing said crime
Shitposting namefag spic anchor baby here,
Shit sucks but it's the law spiclets. My parents willingly left to back to Mexico 5 years ago, but I stayed behind to finish school. If my parent were ever deported I wouldn't cry and bitch because I learned from a very early age that they were breaking the law. I didn't ask to be born under these conditions, but I'm not complaining over lemons
If they dont burn the nests they arent doing enough.
no, they are not citizens. They are anchor babies. End citizenship for illegal children now.
Stopped listening at valuable members of community.
make sure you guys leave supportive comments on the vid, really let them know we care enough to protect these kids from dangerous lawbreakers like their parents
just kill them and give their house to some homeless vets
>End citizenship for illegal children now.
Implementing those laws only now.
Criminals deserve what's coming to them, there is nothing else to comment
the fucking 14th--it's how they legislate from the jewdiciary
Requires a change to the constitution I believe, or a supreme court challenge.
pay back taxes with interest and fines or gtfo
>get a job?
Good. If they bitch about keeping the family together, offer to pay to send their kids back too.
I once had some illegal mexican neighbors, they were good people. They wanted to do shit right, they went back to Mexico on their own. The spics that stay are usually degenerate cholo types, fuck them.
>Someone does something illegal
>Police catch them
>This is good
>Someone does something illegal
>ICE catches them
>This is bad and racist
>These cunts get 30K for being leeches
Fuck this gay world
we need ice in sanctuary cities. that's where these people are congregated.
Good they should have came here legally. If they had ICE would not have took them away.
Fuck Aztecs.
Wet The T-shirts ?
they have to go back
If they are here illegally they have to go back. ICE did the right thing and the community is all the better for it.
Fuck spics. Its a shame they deport them instead of killing them
>my parents were deported just because they didnt have the right to be here it is so unfair fuck america viva mexico
>be a kike
>make threats on your own center
>whatcha doin rabbi.jpg
fucking kikes man
All those spic children will vote democrat when of age. America is so fucked. Repeal the 14th amendment or your nation is finished.
10/10 would let move into my country and fuck my women
Haha, good. Fuck those MIERDAS.
Fuck them all
that older brother is a pussy
keep your head up high u fucking pussy. be a man and get a job and make sure your family is safe until your parents come to this country legally.
Head 'em up and move 'em out. They can't get those beaners, spics, and wetbacks gone soon enough.
Should happen more, illegal fags need to be forcefully moved out. Pic related doesn't work with autists as they lack empathy
Nice try though
Good. Remove these race-mixing gone wrong.
Who would have known that doing something illegal could get you into trouble.
>One of their other video
>lay 4 anchor babies while staying in the US
>who the FUCK has 4 kids these days
>make no attempt to get citizenship
>use public transit/schools/healthcare/etc. for your anchor babies
>laws are finally enforced as intended
>get kicked out
I'm genuinely grateful we don't have nearly this sort of a problem in Canada. Wading through these greedy spics seems so tiresome.
SPREAD THIS SHIT. Beaners need to know that ICE is coming for them. Time to self deport comfortably. Tijuana has some nice apartments now. GO HOME!
If only the US had changed it's law to make anchor babies illegal, the whole family could stay together
14th is wrong. deport them all.
wong sun case shows.
>>who the FUCK has 4 kids these days
it's sad you think that.
You are more than welcome to join them in Mexico. No one is stopping you
They should have a system in place where the parents get to stay, not as citizens, but as some sub-human grade of American resident. In exchange for this, their children must pledge half a century's service to the Empire.
And by that I mean being slave labourers in factories until they are old and decrepit.
I think it's fun.
>mfw they have raised 32k in 21 hours
jesus christ who donates to this shit? they could be scamming for all they know.
>valuable members
>don't pay taxes
pick one
t. Amhed
Seriously only niggers, indians, arabs, and white trash have more than 2 kids. 3 is really pushing it, but sometimes twins do occur.
4 kids is socially irresponsible and pointless. You need 1 son and 1 daughter, that is it.
Look at those dirty beaners probably 90% Indian
>Degenerate spics breaking the law
>Law finally comes to bite them in the ass
>user asks how we feel about it
Feels good
I hope they hang.
lel i crack up every time someone calls me ahmed. i'm a fucking ginger.
4 kids isn't a lot of kids you post modern shittard.
Send the kids with them and revoke citizenship.
republican super majority soon
time to rev up those constitutional amendments
no more pregnant rita the huts waddling over the border and dropping welfare sponges
Wtf is this from
>4 kids is socially irresponsible and pointless.
This. Only muslims should have 4 kids. Don't breed, kaffir whitebois
implying the US will ever allow their parents back in the US legally
Im not seeing the problem here..
>muh tearing families apart
the kids could always go with the parents.
Fuck you, we need to 14/88 and raise our birth rates. I want to have 5, and I'm from an affluent background, not white trash
Show on USA network called The Colony
Not everyone's parents were chavs looking to get as much in benefits as possible.
i was an only child. i know how fucking boring it was. stop being so vehemently against large families of white children you disgusting fucking traitor.
They have to go back. The kids should blame their parents.
I want a high quality of children, not high quantity of children. I want to my children to be white, intelligent, and privately educated, with as much financial help behind them as possible. If I can afford to do that with 3 or 4 kids and still live comfortably then I'll do it. Chavs on the other hand just shit out a bunch of subhumans for child benefits and shit.
then don't be a chav. dress nicely, pick a nice area to live in, even if you haven't got much money make your house good for a family and stop sticking to these postmodern rules that you 2 kids are ideal.
i approve
illegals.....get the fuck out of my country and take your tamale lard ass, food stamp using, free school lunch taking children with you
I never said I agreed with the 2 children rule. I am still in uni, but by 30 I'll have children and if I can afford to school, raise, and treat 3 or 4 children I will.
They are doing what is legally permited and what is ethically correct.
Adults that rely on their children as shields should be punished harder
those kids should not be citizens either
I always thought this, their citizenship doesn't get taken from them. Just leave with your parents and come back when you want?
Fuck these entitled Mexicans. My family came here legally, waited 20 years to become citizens and paid thousands of dollars during the process. If US gives allows them to stay in America than we legal immigrants should sue the US for the all money we lost going through the process. Btw, I'm a Kurd from Iraq.
id rather live in a neighborhood with spics than white people desu. fuck white people.
Yea they're not supposed to be here. They wouldn't have had their kids here if they weren't here when they weren't supposed to be here.
I think citizenship at birth is a bullshit loophole that many unethical people are exploiting. And people, I might add, whose children are highly likely to make similar choices due to upbringing & genetic predisposition for these behaviors.
We do not want these types of immigrants.
go at 'im, angus. a few fists'll teach 'im.
You're very pragmatic and mature. It's a shitty situation for you I'd imagine but you're dealing with it in a very measured way.
You're gonna make it, bro.
Good people being fucked over by irresponsible people, their parents made a mistake their kids need to pay for, it is not the government's fault for doing its fucking job for once.
Im fucking Hispanic, and I want them out of here. They can fill up the paperwork like everyone else. I feel nothing for them except contempt. Pieces of shit, getting more benefits than an American citizen. Fuck them and I hope they die when they arrived to the country they came from. I cant wait for the wall to be built and laugh at the scums who want to damage this great country. never put a video like that again because it disgust me as an American Citizen and as a man who follows the law.