Before it became cucked?
Canadians always seemed more educated, polite and better to be around.
Not that rebellious and loyal to their queen.
Except for maybe Quebec.
Before it became cucked?
Canadians always seemed more educated, polite and better to be around.
Not that rebellious and loyal to their queen.
Except for maybe Quebec.
Other urls found in this thread:
Canada is America's hat, and will soon join us, once their nation begins its economic collapse.
>need to be a failure to be considered american
makes sense
You see what I'm talking about?
Americans are always irrational and simply gross, they don't think much before acting. Unlike Canadians.
You'd have to find some decently old Anons at this point to give their accounts.
Nice proxy leaf fag.
não porra tnc
This is just something I have noticed
>Is it now?
Seems like you share my opinion.
I could see that when I went there, the few Honored Canadians I have seen looked nothing like the Honored Americans I have seen.
>Honored Canadians:
dresses well
speaks well
>Honored Americans:
irrational pride
KILL EM ALL mentality
Honestly this is pretty accurate, sucks being born in the best era of Canada and watching it just turn to shit, worse each year.
well I can say that Canada will be there 100 years from now
Sucks even more being born after the best era, just accepting the way things are because the person has never known anything better.
More of a draw, really.
Earliest US army battle was a shock ass-kicking by the Canucks.
Earliest US navy battle was a shock ass-kicking by the Americans.
Americans and Canadians are basically the exact same people. Get over yourselves.
>Honored Canadians:
>dresses well
>speaks well
Ummmm WTF are you even talking about??
Leaf proxy faggot.
Canadians have been voted worst dressed by so many fashion mags and blogs.
Plus, they wear nothing but AMERICAN clothing. There is no "canadian fashion houses" or "brands", that differ from America. Canadians literally copy EVERYTHING America does.
PS: Anyone can use google translate.
Tente mais
>will soon join us
under trudeaus gubbermint i fucking hope we join trumps USA. But at the same time i hope for a conservative PM who isnt cucked by sorros.
English Canadians always had an unhealthy sense of identity in that they thought they were just British people living in Canada. When the British Empire collapsed, they didn't know what to do (and still haven't figured it out) so they tried this multiculturalism thing that also isn't working. That's also why they're big on the "not being American" thing, it's another grasp in the dark at finding an identity.
The English-speaking colonists to Canada were always way too diverse to form a coherent identity, even in 1840, so I don't see this going well for them
Canada was fine until Trudeau 1. Now his wife's son is delivering the deathblow.
>no writers
>no great works of any kind
>universities and average iq were both below ours
>took all their culture from us
this desu
>Hope for a PM who isn't cucked by Soros
The Queen OWNS Canada. You're cucked regardless.
The Royals are supposedly the same reptilian bloodline as Soros. Ohhhh spoookyyyy
This is true though.
Canada has never had an identity.
I just resolve myself that I am a "westerner" now and support the real US as much as possible, as they are the true final vanguard of western values.
you're right, how ironic
>celebrating 150 years of (((((independence)))))
what a load
this lol, the only real difference is that america fought for their Independence, we just asked nicely for ours.
Nice meme by
Canada fucked itself in the 80's while insulting America. Its industry and economy slowly collapsed until all of its gold was sold to help support the economy and keep it from crashing. Its coming. Canada was not some badass, coolguy version of the U.S. - they acted as if they were better than Americans while failing.
This pretty much. The US is our friend and only delusional retards/sjw will deny this.
technically, it's been 35 years, but considering the Queen LITERALLY owns Canada, like the other said, I wouldnt even say that.
Fought of the BAD Americans and OPPRESSION in 1812 for Canadian "Freedom" of being servants to the Royal Family in UK.
Go Canada!!
Canada (minus Quebec) is basically the US just more north, every different corner of the USA holds different values and Canada (culturally speaking) is basically USA just different attitudes
This probably.
It's true. We've always been a land with no core identity.
If you ask what's "Canadian" people say hockey, poutine, maple syrup. We're a literal fucking meme. We have no core meaning like the USA and no true bloodlines or blood identity like Europe.
It has ALWAYS been a problem.
>Before it became cucked?
The cuckery began in the 1960's and has just ramped up since then. Now Canada is financially and socially fucked and the funny thing is it's not because of Canadian's direct action, it's because Canadians are indifferent to government and so the government can just do whatever the fuck it wants with basically no inhibition from the population.
>stormed the hills and beaches of France for our...freedom?
>Canada is a nation
>America is a nation
>Canada is not already in economic collapse
>Fought in Korea for Canadian Freedom
> need to lose in order to win
Canadians originated from the Punjab region.
No core identity, maybe. But back in the good ol' days, Canadians were looked upon as rugged individualists. A far cry from the pussies that inhabit the big cities.
early 90's Canada was kino
Started in the 1800s when you fought Americans to remain servants to the Queen.
Also, ONE British Loyalist named Laura Secord, gave away American positions in occupied Canada, costing them the victory. Yes, Americans had the British by the balls in Canada.
ONE WOMAN made sure Canada stayed cucked to the Royals.
>One Woman cucked a Nation for 200+ years
>implying the government would be bold enough to celebrate the shifty trick it pulled off in 1982
>Canadian text books will teach this in 25 years
Better to be servants to the Queen than servants to Israel.
Well also because the Americans were fiercely anti-Catholic and Canada was majority French at the time
Rode my moose into town today to sell my beaver pelts, stopped at Tim Hortons of course, bought my monthly supply of maple syrop and back bacon, chopped down a few trees, then apologized profusely and went home to my trailer and half-native waifu and drank myself to sleep on newfie screech.
What did you fags do today?
True. At least in the West of Canada. We still kind of hold to that. Lots of hunting, fishing here.
We do have regional identities.
But what it means to "be Canadian" doesn't exist and in my estimation has never existed. We have always had an existential crisis about our identity. It's hugely documented politically and in Canadian literature.
Within 25 years we'll be to the point that "textbooks" are oppressive colonist white patriarchy devices of "knowledge" which purport certain truths when in reality all truths are equal and so textbooks shouldn't exist since they suggest one truth. This way natives and African voodoo shamans can also be true.
>need to be irrelevant to be considered canadian
makes sense
Canada is a more docile version of America. People call it "polite" or "mild mannered" but its passivity and domestication.
Any country that low energy is bound to get cucked sooner or later.
Anyone know anyone/been in/is in the CF? Enrollment in 3 weeks, dont know what to expect.
My man. We should've fucking finished the job. And I'm metis for fuck sake. Well. I have that ancestry anyway.
Get out of town there bhad, pretty sure I saw you there at Tim Hortons.
I'm just going out for a rip with the boys, slamming a few brewskies with the broskies.
>What did you fags do today?
Bought a new tuxedo ya hoser
The average Canadian is smug as fuck and thinks we're great and the US are mean assholes.
The average Canadian is a fucking smug piece of shit.
Haha yeah right. They have less people to feed, a higher percentage of whites, and more resources. When the collapse happens they can transition to a FIRE economy like Russia did. The US would never be able to pull that off, without military enforcement of the petrodollar we'd be fucked.
even your rednecks do not look as disgusting as America's
O-KAY buddy, how's your country doing right now there champ??
>b-b-better to serve tha K-w-w-een eh???
It's all the same fucking people, retard.
So that's why it was the British in the War of 1812??
UK and France fought their own wars over the ownership of Canada as well.
Well no, I'm saying that in 1812 French people were still the majority, and the Americans were very anti-Catholic while the British had passed the Act of Quebec that gave Canadien Catholics more rights than even Irish Catholics had. So having the support of most of the population definitely helps
Yes please, could you petition your big orange man to annex us please, most of our central provinces wouldn't give a shit as long as we could still drill oil and mine uranium like usual
>the queen is Jewish
>O-KAY buddy, how's your country doing right now there champ??
Not currently directly enslaved to Jews, not currently full of niggers raging a civil war against us, not currently full of Mexicans waging a civil war against us.
I dunno. The Canadians I've known personally were pretty fucking cool.
But then again, they all came from west of Ontario.
fancy duds, you going to court?
The queen is a ducking stupid tart who's ruined the country to let Winston jewhill ruin the world
Can someone post the pic of Soros and Trudy for this brain dead chump faggot??
>all those things are only happening in your mind, retard boy
Just good governance.
Really. We have had better governance than the US for as long as I've been alive. Less corruption, more technocratic decision making, none of that uniquely American religious stupidity, we aren't arguing about healthcare, school shootings, or integration cuz we solved that shit ages ago.
Trudeau is a technocratic neoliberal centrist, he doesn't have any opinions of his own, they all come from panels of experts from all fields. Trump is the literal embodiment of the Dunning Kruger effect and while dipshit Americans whine about cuckoldry Trump's stupidity and ignorance on trade and economics is bringing your country inches from a recession.
I am a proud mothafuckin leaf. Every time I think my country is boring I look south and realize there are worse places a country can be.
It ain't a problem at all. Trudeau called it when he said we are a post national nation. It's true. We are the cosmopolitan globalism of the future, we don't need to cling to some stupid founding myth bullshit to give us meaning in life... we make our own meaning in life.
Hey buddy, go give Trump a lesson on trade and economics, ya broke nobody fucking loser Canadian.
>blah blah blah, I'm Canadian. i'm an expert on everything cause I'm Canadian, I say so. Blah blah blah blah
STFU leaf bitch
>Less corruption
Would have been nice if it was actually dealt with instead of ignored like in Trudeau's case.
> Neoliberal
what???? he's a big gov leftist
> expert panels
like the one on firearms composed entirely of anti-gun advocates
> no opinion
he's the biggest SJW cuck around
Stop hating on Ganada there guy. That's not very nice, eh ?
heheuhuehuehuheuhuehe you are black by heart
>Need to be universally hated, muslim, and considered a failure to be considered canadian
I'm actually a black man
You're an ape doe
A poverty stricken one who's wife would suck my BBC for a chance to live here in Canada.
yes she would
I'm so sick of this shit how my beautiful Country became an embarrassment! I used to be so proud to be a Canadian and's a joke! As soon as Trudeau leaves, we'll get our Home and Native Land back!
Why me? Why not the 200 phd economists that make up the igmChicago poll on economic issues? Let's see what they have to say about Trump's policies:
On Trump's 100 day plan:
On Trade Deficits
On China - US Trade
On Being 'Tough' in Trade Deals
On 'Free Trade'
On Low Skilled Immigration
On High Skilled Immigration
On H1B1 Visas
Huh... wow... look at that. Turns out Trump is a fucking moron, and by proxy, you are a fucking moron.
Trump was asking his fucking national security adivsors if the dollar should 'go up' or 'go down'... Jesus Christ America you sure know how to pick em.
Eat my shit burger.
Yup! Too true fellow Canuck
burgers absolutely btfo
>american colony
no one cares about canada
Where I'm from it's all about hunting/fishing/ mountain climbing etc. We try to do it all with only a few months of the year without snow.
>what???? he's a big gov leftist
Interest rates and inflation are at historic lows while the economy has a major demand deficit. Gov stimulus is the Neoliberal evidence driven response to that.
He's also pushing hard for free trade deals, revenue neutral externality taxes, and intranational trade deals... straight neoliberal policies.
>like the one on firearms composed entirely of anti-gun advocates
Don't give a shit. Why would I give a shit.
>he's the biggest SJW cuck around
I don't give a shit, he plays at the left on stupid identity politics while going straight neoliberal on the shit that matters. Americans can enjoy their 'alpha' dipshit while their country goes to shit.
that's probably just speculative- I've known people in Canada going way back and they always said the crime was really bad.
America is Cartman and Canada is Kyle.
Prairie provinces OP.
We can flame each other all day and bring on the bantz until the cows come home but at the end of the day we are friends. In fact we are showing the world how it's supposed to be done. Can-Am = Geopolitical Greatness
You are why the West is dying.
>Sup Forums constantly complains about America being fucked and Canada being cucked
>Fight about it whenever it's brought up
>No solutions yet
>No constructive arguments
>Haha fuckin burgers amirite
>Haha fuckin leafs amirite
>Canada still cucked
>America still fucked
I'm pretty sure it's degenerate NEET neckbeard Nazis and the narcissistic dipshit they elected that are currently fucking up the West. Imo, life has never been better: knowledge economy means bank for programmers, cosmopolitanism and Tinder means sushi, burritos, and a buffet of exotic pussy to savour, and globalization means I get whatever I want from Amazon and have $ left over for vidya games.
>Canada the Patrician version of the USA
Implying the US is the pleb in the relationship
What about Newfoundland? Quebec and Newfoundland have there own culture while the rest of Canada is US North
>Before it became cucked?
>Canadians always seemed more educated, polite and better to be around.
>Not that rebellious and loyal to their queen.
Prior to the 60s, Canada was more always conservative than the US. This goes back to 1765.
>well I can say that Canada will be there 100 years from now
No it won't. Canada is a grotesque parody of a formerly respectable country. In 20 years there will be no reason to call it Canada anymore. They should just change the name because there is nothing Canadian about Canada anymore.