Should I join the military Sup Forums?

Should I join the military Sup Forums?

I'm 21 and graduating with an Associate's this semester. I have no plan for after college, so I fear I'll become stagnant. Joining the Air Force will keep me busy, as well as give me military training, and I'll have the opportunity for schooling while I'm in.

Is joining the U.S. military a good idea?

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yeah it's not bad. but don't fuck up. the UCMJ can fuck you up for a lifetime.

Don't die for the Jews.


If you want a career after the military, join the AF. If you want a lifetime military career, join the Navy.

no, you are probably die in the incoming invasion of syria, for fucking israel and wahabism

/k/ usually has a Military Enlistment General. Better to ask there.

If you join the military now, you may have the chance of entering at a higher rank because of your college credits, which means more pay from the get go. You'll get more training and a chance to travel. Air Force is the spoiled branch of the military at the moment. They have higher test score standards, but I hear their housing is much better. There's good benefits going on right now. Have a talk with a recruiter and ask on /k/ too.

Is being a faggot a good idea?

Yes goy, trump needs more goy cannon fodder to ensure the expansion of greater israel.


You should just to make it look more white

>you are probably going to
im tired

Yeah, and Chair Force is a good choice if you want to be lazy faggot. I'm using my Army GI Bill to avoid having to work for a few more years, then I'm enlisting in the AF before I get too old.

Do 4 years and get out. Document your medical history extensively. Claim for disability compensation on your way out and become a protected, real citizen like in Starship Troopers. I get over $1300 per month for the rest of my life guaranteed, Chapter 31 is paying for not just my bachelors but my MASTERS in computer science, and I get reduced interest rates when buying property. It is the best (time) investment you could possibly make for your future.

Go for it..

With an AS you can try out for Army flight school. Not a bad program, Warrant is a good rank and most leave ya alone.

Do you 20 and get out..

Sure but for fucks sake become an officer



Wait what... they let you in the army if you have glasses? No wonder you faggots cant even win against sand people hahaha what next letting in fat people oh wait






34 dead, 150+ wounded.

Now compare the colors of these people to pic related, Russia

If you're thinking about it then do it.

Delete this, goy.

Always be doing SOMETHING. US military service does have a "die for the Jews" problem, but in the Air Force, at least you will be developing more generally applicable professional abilities. Do not join combat arms unless there is an imminent existential war, in which case the JQ element is irrelevant.

Veteran's advice:
>Work hard
>Lay off the alcohol. Every bad decision you make will be because of alcohol.
>DO NOT GET MARRIED while in the service
>I mean it. I don't care if she has a nice ass. DO. NOT. GET. MARRIED.
>Do not reenlist.
>Take your GI benefits and finish university--do STEM.
>Did I mention DO NOT GET MARRIED?

If i didnt catch a bs felony i wouldve joined the airforce. Definately better than the army

No, the military is a fucking joke.
Don't bother, volunteer at your local fire department where you can actually make a difference.

How did you even qualify for disability?
I got messed up knees and back, and a little PTSD but I didnt get jack shit because medical records say i was perfectly healthy when I got out.
Oh well, its too late now.

Don't go around telling people about the warrant gravy train. Rules 1 and 2 of WOC nigga.

If you have absolutely no direction and purpose, yeah. Otherwise I'd say no. I did 8 years out of highschool and came out just as directionless as I went in, just in better shape and with some scars and discipline. It's not a waste of life, particularly if you get in on a decent MOS and learn something useful, but it can be meh.

Personally, I think the worst part is postponing family formation. I got married and had my first kids at 30 instead of 20 which I view as a big mistake. Kids aren't nearly as expensive as people make it out to be. I've got a 50k/yr job now with 4 kids and my wife stays at home, we still have some rainy day savings and keep the bills paid. Kids being grown up is an extremely important part of the post-modern retirement plan (even if you don't give a fuck about continuing your genetic heritage).

So being a 20 year old starting a family means by 40 you're got some adult kids making their own way. If you wait til 30 then you're 50 when it happens. The earlier you start, the faster they become able to help you help them etc. It's part of building that family network you need to succeed in this (((tribal))) world.

tl;dr: Go for it if you have no direction in life, but if you can get a job that's not completely shit-tier, do that instead and start a family. You'll be stressed out at a young age when you can handle it and won't be so vulnerable to shit hitting the fan in your old age.

>50k job
>4 kids
>stay at home wife
Thats my dream

You won't be able to support a family of 4 kids and stay at home wife with just are 50K job, are you high?
This isn't the 50's anymore son ,that dream is over.

I plan on living frugal, having a homestead and be almost self sufficient. so yeah I think its doable

explain how iraq and Afghanistan were for the jews

That's the problem. If you reported this while you were in, you would probably be at 60 percent and could easily reach 100. In currently at 70 percent and I got the VA paying for everything.

The real question: Should I join the air force or the coast guard? (don't want to get shot at)

thats why you go into jobs that dont deploy to war zones

source: aircraft maintenance on reconaissance jets that only deploy to qatar

>invading syria
not when 59 tomahawks will do just fine

It's great as long as you don't get yourself killed.

What discipline is your associate's in?
If engineering, I'd join the USN, more opportunities.

good advice. I did 6 years in the AF as a 2W1. I enlisted with the intention of actually doing something military/aircraft related, not just sit at a desk. While I got what I wanted, loading god damn missiles and bombs on F-22s has no civilian counterpart. So my advice is:
>either do 4-6 for the GI Bill, or do the full 20 for the retirement. none of this 14 year bullshit.
>pick something either a. aircrew or b. useful in civilian life
>do not get married
>do not get anyone pregnant
>do not get a DUI
>DO NOT GET INTO TROUBLE, you need that whistle clean DD214.
>save your money for when you get out, do not blow it on new cars or boats or whatever
>do not fall for the online bachelors meme

>Should I join the military Sup Forums?

NO. You surrender ALL of your rights. It's a living hell. If you like gay rape, go for it. Oh, and getting blown to hell by various explosives. NEVER JOIN THE MILITARY.


2a7x3 is where it's at. MQ-1 and MQ-9 were my thing. Saw the beast of Kandahar - fucking disappointing.

either one is good. they're the least "military" out of everything.

dragon lady mx detected

If you try to live in the country on some farm or something then I guess it would be doable. Better do it quick though, land is getting bought up by the govt.


At some point all you will need to graduate from an american college is a pencil.

I was going to join the military after high school, but I decided to open up my own business instead and here I am. Although I make a lot of money now and have a family there's still a strong side of me that would happily throw it all away to enlist and serve my countrymen. My wife doesn't understand. Women just don't understand. That said, if you do join good luck out there, OP.

Honor the gods. Love your woman. Defend your country.

Go Army, be a warrant officer.

Source, I'm Air Force.

I want to join the military so that I can get combat experience to fight the globalist takeover, but at the same time I don't want to contribute to the advance of the Jewish agenda. How do I get training and skills to fight against ZOG?


air force will have better bases and more opportunities.

4 year contract, do not accept 6 years even if you plan on staying for 20 years, I promise you will regret it. It's not worth the extra stripes. Don't go into security forces or aircraft maintenance. Don't accept an open category contract under any circumstances, bargain for a specific job that you want and threaten to join the coast guard instead. Keep in mind that certain jobs have better travel opportunities and some jobs can only go or can't go to certain bases. If you want comradery, become aircrew, and or try to go overseas.

not quite

Yeah join the rangers though so you get good training.

forgot pic

>don't go into aircraft maintenance


if you're going to join, make sure to pick an MOS that translates well in the civilian world. Once your contract is up, GTFO, do not stay in unless you like the military for some odd reason.

DO NOT pick a combat job; you will be nothing but cannon fodder for Israel and the CIA interests. Losing limbs or getting burned isn't worth it.

then who were those wars for. we really haven't benefited

Destabilize the region to prevent a unified force against Israel, and pave the way for Greater Israel

>see Syria and Libya as well

God said so and fuck sandniggers

dont. they execute people who see to much of their faggotry in other countries or shanghi them in a isis controlled city and they are slave labor at oil refineries

you ever wonder how people standing at checkpoints get ptsd ?the perpetual threat of getting killed by your own does that

or how suicide rates climb while your not even really at war with any one? standing at check points isnt a war and the ddint even send bodies back in many cases

>oven 101
>nazi dresscodes 107

no. unless you want to go give your life for those who enslave us.


why no marriage?

>joining the military
>without making them pay for college first
You're such a cuck I could have sworn you were a leaf.

Stop spreading propaganda you fuckiing kike. 50k goes a long damn way in 90% of the country. Not everyone lives in a bay area cuckshed working for Mr. Kikestein.

Yes lets compare nazi germany to the modern degenerate usa.

>handing out H1B visas to the more intelligent pakis and ching chongs like coupons.

>shame on you.

Our people are screaming at the govt to stop. Yours huddled in their villages while people burned. We can do this all day bruv.

>You surrender All of your rights.
Yea, kinda comes with the "Service" thing. Being a public servant should be that way so you know the "people" are always above you.
>If you like gay rape, go for it.
Haven't heard alot about gay rape. Alot of sexual assault accusations, no penetration tho.

Only if you hate yourself

you cut off Germany's balls after the war and wonder why we are a western/jewish shitting ground?
we have nothing left. You ruined Germany just as you ruined the middle east.

All this degeneracy is western made. Not German made. You did this to us.

The UCMJ still operates on 1950's family law. Adultery is still a literal crime, but only if you're a service-member. The difference is, that the out-dated laws interface with modern no-fault divorce law. It's a double-fucked situation, where you, as a serviceman, are expected to uphold 1950s marriage standards, but your civilian spouse and fuck off at a moments notice for no reason and take half of you paycheck. You can get fucked over financially even WORSE than a typical man in the civilian family court circuit. When you're in the military, you already sign over you balls to the government. You're an indentured servant in a strict sense. Getting married means two entities have you by the balls, and can ruin your life if they so chose. Frankly, it's not fair to women either, because the temptation to take the money and run is often too strong. The divorce rates are higher than the general population, and those rates are already atrocious.

It's a family law system designed for 25 year old baby boomers, and it's being applied in the current year. Also consider that bases are usually located in economically impoverished areas. Local women are looking for their government subsidized ghetto lottery, and it's the easiest thing in the world to fuck a young stud for a few months, get a ring and/or pregnant, and then leave with a nice government-secured alimony check with benefits. The temptations are simply too strong.

if you're suicidal it's a good way to go out

We didn't build those ovens, mate. You (your govt) deserved righteous punishment. Not our fault you can't dig your way out. We wasted Japan, look at them. It's been 70 years...time to move on and get better senpai.

If you are a passionateness, low IQ, and wrongly coloured then please, by all means, join the military. Whatever keeps you out of universities.

And pardon me, I mean 25 year old WWII vets, NOT baby boomers. The system is designed for the PARENTS of the baby boomers. It's insane to think it's going to work for tramp stamp bar girls, and their idiot E-2 farm boy husbands.

someone is mad because they couldn't make it past meps.

>believing in ovens

chair force is the way to go if you want to learn a trade and make $

>someone is mad because they couldn't make it past meps.
More likely couldn't finish Call of Duty.

No, become a businessman.

Settle down, Karen. I am schooling a kraut and you're busy larping the jewspiracy.


You aren't punishing us. Your infecting europe with your degeneracy, using Germany as an entry point.


I've actually been looking into joining the army as a WO to fly army stuff. You don't need a degree right?

And you have officially surrendered to my superiority. Seig Kyle my friend. If I were in K-Town you would take off your leather pants and fight me like a true German, right?

holy shit
that pic right there is a bigger redpill than many probably realize
loyalty to the USA is a big one for burgers who are usually apathetic as fuck

You sound like a guy i know. Regardless of the source, this is repayment for sitting around doing nothing about Hitler, and you know it.

Go coast guard, national guard, or reserves.

First of all, it's sieg heil. Secondly, like a true American you do not understand the meaning of surrender, which sounds like a good thing but ultimately leads to false facts in American history books and photoshopped flags on top of the Reichstag on D-Day. You are so pathetic, like an autistic child screeching at his parents to praise him for the achievements of others. And now you have a president that is the perfect representation of your country.

As a real honest 'US Imperialist' I've always had to thank Hitler for giving us an excuse to get deep into Europe's asshole. We didn't have enough plausible deniability to cuck you guys shortly after WW1, but oh boy, did Hitty give everyone the heebeejeebees. We got to go in, fuck all the euro girls, and establish US friendly governments, and all because of that crazy german bastard. Gotta love him as a US citizen.

In short, focus on your inner german, you know what you must do.

Race is more than skin color. And those russians are brainwashed with pro-Soviet, anti capitalist, anti national socialist propaganda.

Whats your felony?

unequivocally yes, joining the military was the single best decision I've made in my life

Glad I could be of service. And, it is Sieg Kyle. My name is Kyle and you will Sieg me. Your comments about us writing history are hillarious coming from a kraut that can't admit your grandparents killed millions of people for no reason other than their religion. You sound like a muslim. Perhaps that is why they are filling up your country. Do you think they will end up gassing you like you did the Jews?

Don't die for "greater" Israel

I should add that I retired as a senior NCO so I carry a bias.

>military training
>Air Force
Pick one

But also yes you should absolutely join.
It is the wisest decision I've ever made and I believe every American male should serve.

if you want to be a real man than yes

The vaccines will fuck you up for life but go for and be a sabateur or something, good goy. Goooood goy! Whooos a goood goy? You!

Join the Chair Force, become a morse code operator, get stationed at Hickham on Oahu, they have a Par-3 right behind the barracks, Burger King like a two-minute walk away, great private beach, enjoy life.


Stop fucking w/the dude. I've had them mogloid kids, no tumors, balls swing healthy and free, bullet proof constitution.