Bitcoin is a bubble
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No shit.
Unfortunately I'm not sure if there a way to short crytocurrency
It's more of a pump and dump scheme with a bunch of autistic nutters on the hook
it's the best bubble, 8 years and running
Bitcoin was 2800 two days ago, it's now 4900.
A reminder, 韦恩兰布赖特 around him is a liar with parasitic display, especially the elderly. IP address Wayne Lanbulaite five months behind before God for kicking monstercock Wayne Lanbulaite eliminate hair. This photo has been leased Wayne Lanbulaite more than $ 1,000 nutmeg his failed attempt to make their Wayne Lanbulaite straighten horizons. Everyone came to study Islam and 韦恩兰布赖特 in the end. Wayne Lanbulaite there is no conscience, no future, no loyalty, no skills, no dazzling light. Behind coach Wayne is Lanbulaite memo vegetarian financial and harassment devastating 20S 韦恩兰布赖特 stretch. Wayne Lanbulaite can fool people offer tens of thousands of dollars for delivery may be carried out by Indian outsourcing project in one pill technology illiterate. In 韦恩兰布赖特 hand, even nothing can be done. Wayne Lanbulaite is desired particle efficiency and narcissistic unique promotions, willing to maintain and Wayne Lanbulaite mafia is more than a few months to indulge in ASCII art behind, methhead alcohol and blessings of homosexual debauchery Wayne Lanbulaite period, including seeking Hammamet using steroids engineer known as screen sick "BAMS Grand Slam." However, do not units, Wayne Lanbulaite exactly forgive all ear so that he is not gay.
there sure is, but im not telling you faggots
Gold is a bubble. Our solar system is littered with the crap.
That's one heck of a long term bubble.
u ok there, buddy?
t. Nocoiners
Enjoy your fiat currency that doesn't even keep up with inflation while I retire in 5 years
Goodluck cashing out any amount of bitcoin that is significant for anything other than gift cards lmao
but seriously, we can't let the ayys get their hands on the mercury
Try again. Between coinbase, bittrex, poloniex (all based in the USA, totally above board) you can clear 50k a week in cold hard cash.
This isn't 2013 anymore, you can liquidate coins quickly. If you are a bitcoin millionaire like the people you are obviously butt blastedly jelly of (faggot) then it might present a problem but there are people with millions in cash because of bitcoin, and you are still working for 9 CANADIAN dollars an hour. Faggot.
Bitcoin will reach 6K if i get repeating numbaz
unironically true.
is investing say 100$ into XRP at 0.02 a good idea? i figured if it even moves slightly up by .02 or 0.03 i'd basically make my money back if i sold them
All those sites you can do like 10k in coins TOPS.
Also most states in the usa and places in canada have already banned you from having accounts at poloniex
Bitcoin will reach 5K if i get repetitive digitz
Invest in MGTI
bitcoin will reach 4K if i get repeatin' numbahz
Who the fuck is banning poloniex in Canada? I don't even know what that means.
whoever didnt see the dip coming considering the bubble and news focusing on it is a retard
holding because it will get better ;)
Wrong again. The entry level cash out for coinbase for example is 10k usd, you can upload an ID and get it up to 15k automatically, if you send them an email it can get up to 25k. A week. Between all of the exchanges 50k a week is ez you nocoin jelly faggot.
Instead of getting defensive and angry why don't you start making money. Its not too late. bitcoin will hit 5k a coin in a few years and ETHEREUM is going to hit 2k, it's at 200 now.
Get in on this, I want to see other pollacks rich but it's never gonna work out for you if you continue being a homo.
I can't say. I just buy the dips on btc and etherum, I have a few grand in bittrex and I'm considering speculating on lesser known coins because they can POP bigly. Several hundred percent in a short time.
It's over 9000
Real Wall street jewcash moving into cryptocurrencies. I woudn't be surprised by as much as a 50% pullback in BTC on profit taking, but it will go up again. ETH is the new shit. Kicking myself for not buying more at $6.
broad stock market indexes are doing 20% per year right now and I can move infinitely more money on those than I ever could with coins.
Crpytos are for neckbeards living in mommies basement, equities are for men.
If I had the coin I'd buy out the entire black market of all its Xanax and spend them like cash.
>tfw bought ethereum
I turned hundreds in expendable fun money into thousands. It's fun. Anyone putting their IRA money into cryptos is nuts though.
Of course there is. There always is a way to short.
and that bubble has burst
Mine the shit, I mine 2 ETH a night. Made 1400 last week just letting my pic run.
Xanax is more valuable than currency and should be used like a currency.
Xanax prices are about to...
I'm all in!
For real
I would get in on it but I don't understand it at all. Why is there any value? Is it inherently valuable or is it just valuable because people buy and sell it and use it as a currency?
Isnt it made so that its the opposite? Since there is a maximum of like 21 billion bitcoins that can ever be mined.
I myself have 0.025btc at the moment. Should i sell? I bought them for 14 AUD and now its like 72 AUD.
And yet Ethereum has done 300% in a month.
If you're going to fall back on the balanced portfolio old timer logic then you should recognize that the potential for speculative investment in coins is unparalleled.
If you took the 5-10% allocated for risky speculation in the meager collection of assets you call a portfolio, then you could make some nice gains.
Oh let me just jumo in my spaceship and go grab some gold from outer space. Thats a good ing anyways, gold is needed in electronics, and the future will need many electronics.
you wont be able to cash any of it out.
might as well have spent in on hookers booze and blow
To short anything you have to have a contract with someone to buy whatever from you at said price and/or date. That is the only way I know of to short.
Don't ever short anything with this kind of irrational momentum. You can go broke before you are right.
Why would you sell? That's like nothing. If it crashes to zero you lost 14 kangaroo bucks.
Shits more addicting than heroin and is a schedule 4 drug. If you're a drug dealer it's better to sell xanax than pounds of weed, since weed is a schedule 1. Also xanax yields insane profits.
I dont condone selling xanax though, cuz someone will fuck up using it and the blame will shift up back to you until you're caught. Also xanax makes people into killer zombies.
I believe this is exactly correct. There are no regulators monitoring Bitcoin the way other registered securities are monitored. Holy shit is Bitcoin prone to pump and dump schemes.
Gotta gain Xanax Points (XP) in order to level up!
Get on that grind!
Not in terms of volume. It has very little "float" compared to more liquid securities, so it can have much more forceful rises on far less volume.
It's valuable because of the assumptions on future ubiquity. Fidelity Investments just announced that they will support cryptos like bitocin, ethereum, litecoin. Major tech companies are are building apps/platforms for financial transactions where cypto is the primary currency.
This is the real deal. We are still in the early adopters phase and you have a chance to get rich. People kick themselves for bot buying btc when it was in the 10's, Yu will do the same if you don't get in when they are 2k.
But don't buy btc, buy ethereum. Both are going to appreciate bigly but ethereum has even more upside in my opinion.
Let me remind you that if you had bought $1000 worth of BTC in 2010, you'd be having $35 million worth of btc as of today.
Shorting is simply a matter of making a transaction for a future purchase using todays rate. When the payment becomes due if the value of the currency is that much lower then you have made the difference between the value at time of purchase and current value. If it is higher you have lost the value.
So for example if I agree to purchase 1000 widgets at todays value lets say 1 bitcoin each payment to be received sept 2017. The transaction date is today and I own the widgets but the payment is not due until sept. If the price of bitcoin drops to $1. Then I will have made $2799 since the value of the widgets are relative to the time of purchase.
A short, is just a promise to pay later using a specific currency. In the case of stocks, bond or commodities it would be a promise to fill the order later. Exact same thing.
You can borrow bitcoins since they are a currency. Sell them. Wait for Bitcoin to fall and then buy enough to pay back the loan. Literal shorting. Of course you will have to find someone who lends Bitcoin and who you can pay back directly through Bitcoin for this to work. No converting to dollars and make sure it doesn't factor in the price of Bitcoin, only the actual amount of Bitcoin. And you will have to make sure the rates are low enough that you can profit. Of course if Bitcoin is surely going down like you say it is than it is totally worth it to borrow bitcoins off some shady website on the dark web. It's totally crashing right guys? Not like for literally all of bitcoin existence when it bounced back and hit record prices basically every time. Sure everyone said it was crashing last time and the time before that but this time it's for real. Totally this time.
Sure and your shitty Toronto condo will be worth $10 million.
Wrong. Bitcoin is everything that physical currency fails to be
I went into /biz/ the other day to see if I could make sense of any of these coins and they all seemed like pump and dump shit. Literally every thread was shilling for one coin or another.
Once you buy it you're incentivised to shill it to inflate the prices so you can sell when it goes up, then buy back during the dips. I don't trust any of these fuckers pushing them.
That don't make no sense. I can (and have) transferred BTC back to my phone, driven 9 minutes to a coffee shop with a bitcoin machine and gotten hard cash for it.
That's the one that I keep seeing. People saying it's better than btc because it fixed some shit that was wrong with btc?
But basically it's just a currency, right? There's nothing else to understand about it? It doesn't like have another function I need to consider? I'm not buying stock in anything, just converting my USD to eth or btc?
I know what a short is conceptually you faggot, what exchanges allow you to do shorts? If you tell me some dodgy exchange based in Russia, I'm not interested.
You have to get a "borrow" of the asset and sell it to be able to do that repurchase. See, the repurchase date is at your option if you have the margin to wait it out. GOOD LUCK catching a borrow to short btc. Won't happen.
will hit 7.5k before the year ends, digits confirm it
barter escrow exchange is a metaphor for xanax.
Bitcoin is facing issues because of the length of time (hours or in some cases a day or two) to settle a transaction. Ethereum doesn't have that problem.
Well there you have it.
Of course it is. Which is why you can get in and get out while making some decent cash.
Fundamentally, it is just a currency. That's where the bubble aspect comes in. There's no fucking way $10,000 in Bitcoin in 2010 has created value in our society as a medium of exchange to justify it being worth $330 million today. Separate from it's functionality is this tulipmania.
The explosion in wealth from bitcoin comes from the increasing ubiquity as a medium exchange, and also because it can serve as a store of value accessible anywhere in the world.
People park their assets in gold or USD or securities, but what if there was a new store of value that could be traded by anybody with an internet connection? That's why bitcoin is so valuable and it's only in its infancy. It reach the tens of thousands per coin in our lifetime.
What I am saying is that any vendor, market, service that allows for you to purchase in bitcoins give you the ability to short as long as they have delayed billing.
If you make a purchase for anything today, in current bitcoin value and can delay billing for 6 months, then if the price of bitcoin drops, you have the product, service, commodity at the price you paid for it in bitcoins at-the-time. Since you will buying the bitcoins later to pay, you will be gaining the value of the difference and however much it drops is the amount you make.
nigger gore for kek
Life is a bubble. You end up with nothing when you die. Actually. Your molecules will still be around and your atoms won't decay until the universe loses all its energy. So I guess... that's some sort of good news.
That's basically what I was thinking.
Regular money is working pretty well for me at the moment. I don't even really get the hype. Just good so you can buy drugs and hire hitmen online or what? Because I can at least understand the value in that, tbqh.
kek'd and check'd
Ripple isn't a good investment
Pick a relatively new coin in the top 100 with good tech, a strong dev team, and good marketing
Also make sure it isn't at an all time high
Check coinmarketcap
A medium of exchange doesn't have significant value in itself, only in its ability to facilitate exchange. The mania in btc pricing actually inhibits exchange because of its volatility. (For example, two weeks ago a house was listed in Vancouver for 2100btc. Clearly, that pricing is not viable.)
The only value being traded here is speculation about btc itself, which is very unhealthy / unhelpful in a medium of exchange.
so i know theres like 8 million different cryptocurrancies.
do you think this is the one that has the most potential?
what makes you think Ethereum wont burst its bubble?
would the inflation rate be as steady as it is now?
>That pic
Top Kek
Yeah, I've seen boiler room
where the fuck do i jump on to this bandwagon?
do you need collateral?
That's called slow-pay, and it's short-selling's skeezy cousin giving hand jobs for meth behind Del Taco. I Proper short selling requires a borrow and sale today.
GTFO out of here liberal arts poet, men are talking g
Currency of nations fluctuate too. Bitcoin is a whole new paradigm, of course there is going to be an explosion in the early adoption phase... that's why it's a good investment right now.
The price will stabilize eventually but in the mean time there is sweet cash to be made! Just put a few grand in and you'll see a nice return, you don't have to gamble your life savings even though you would make millions if you had the stones to.
everything is temporary.... egypt.... babylon... the roman empire.... the third reich... the American empire.... even the age of radical islam that is upon the world will eventually fade in 100 years or so and there will be another step in human civilization....
Bus wanker
i was more thinking in the next say 5 year range
caught me red handed... toodle loo
shill more for BTC and maybe, just maybe i will buy that shit in order to inflate the price and you can sell your shitty coins.
I have millions and have steered clear of these manias in the past. The cheerleaders here sound exactly like the people who told me to buy gold for $700 in 1979, to buy Netscape in the 90s, it's always fresh and different this time.
If you are reading this thread and feel like you must get in or miss out, you must understand that is a huge red flag.
OP is a newfag retard
The archive.is bot is drunk
I'm going to buy the dip when bitcoin corrects.
hopefully it goes down to 1k or so.. I'm gonna stock up BIGLY.
one thing to keep in mind is the room for growth. currently the market cap of all cryptos put together isn't even big enough to crack the worlds top 100 publicly traded companies.
pool or solo?
Yeah except this shit isn't on the radar of Joe Normie. Not even remotely. The minute someone breaks away from the fucking sportsball game on TV to tell me about cryptos is the moment I'm all out.
And that specifically is why it is prone to pump and dump schemes.
It's inappropriate to compare a medium of exchange to a security that represents a share of income from a going concern.
Ultimately I don't care if you're in or out, there's no such thing as a sure bet but this looks pretty fucking good, especially considering the buy in for big players and the fact that bitcoin is a logical "flight to safety" for the likely economic turmoil ahead.
Yeah bitcoin COULD be the next worldcom or citi but will it be? Probably not, it's looking like the next alphabet or amazon to me.
Joe Normie is most definitely aware, this is as alternative as a Sting album right now.
>it's over
>it's trading at a price that less than a week ago was all time highs
when will you poltards learn?
t. biz