What is the problem with reducing the world population to 500 million?
What is the problem with reducing the world population to 500 million?
because who would choose the 500 million?
500 has too many zeros. *^_^*
(((500 million)))
They're just guide stones saying 500 million people would be the limit to what the United States can sustain. Seems reasonable to me. It's just some rich guy's stone henge. Don't fall for the conspiracy theory about some new world order where people like Bill Gates are trying to control the population with birth control and vaccinations you'll sound like a nutjob.
Nothing, if they're white Europeans
>Reads topic
>Looks at flag
Its too high.
Serious? you first kill yourself
yeah cause bill gates doesn't give out free vaccines that mysteriously make negresses unable to into babby
not that its a bad thing, but he is doing it
It's satanic. God told us to be fruitful and multiply.
a fucking LEAF
>Dead jew on a stick religion
but its literally a freemasonic structure with solar alignments and dead languages written on it...are you blind or just lack information?
>What is the problem with reducing the world population to 500 million?
It's not a low enough number.
You first.
Me. Problem solved.
Get out, son of Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ.
>its literally a freemasonic structure
No, but thanks for playing
t. Master Mason
Still too fucking many.
>United States
The stone has obvious global context. #5 reads:
>Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Also It was written in 8 languages.
Ergo - it implies 500,000,000 WORLD population.
Jews thrive by taking a small piece of every transaction they can stick themselves into. Less people means less transactions, which means less for the Jews to steal.
And now we know Kek's plan.
You go first. We'll follow right after.
>supports White Genocide
>1 post by this ID
Dont know whos behind this, but current (((elites))) certainly dont have such plans judging by how they help population of 3rd world grow.
Dunno about the frog, but if I get my way about it, 500 million is way too optimistic.
>What is the problem with reducing the world population to 500 million?
As long as they are white, there is no problem.
nothing wrong with that, its just that poeple automatically think
>holy jesus we need to kill 6 billion people
while really, we just need to make sure people dont reproduce as much
i would say the "killing 6 billion"-part. also
Because the world can hold 5trillion poeple. The rich assholes dont wanna share the land and resources. And you believe their lies about not enough space. They want control, they want globalism.
No one wants to live in a world with only high IQs
significantly smaller chance of ever finding a gf
Depends on the gender ratio.
Why not just liquidate the human population of the 3rd world and sign a non aggression pact between whites and civilized Asian countries with the caveat that North Korea conquered and returned to South Korea.
and again, who decides who is allowed who can reproduce and who isnt? noone should be given that power
That's a slave population you idiot.
i dont mind but white people can stand first in line to cut that number
>5 trillion
The methane gas produced by the amount of livestock required to feed such a population would destroy the Earth
>Liquidate all non-Whites.
>Liquidate all White race traitors.
>Liquidate all White homosexuals.
>Liquidate all White degenerates.
>Institute National Socialism.
Utopia Achieved.
No problem, you just don't have any kids and the rest of us can help shape the future.
Kill all non-whites (Anglos included) and you're left with about 500 million. Sounds good to me.
>Institute National Socialism
Honestly I could care less if that gets implemented. Let the Libertarians have a party at that point, their policy can't hurt us once all the other points are achieved.
You would die senpai
you moron the human population would die out for sure if reduced to that number
the hole in your head where a brain should go can hole 5 trillion people
>Honestly I could care less if that gets implemented
That's because you haven't been properly schooled on National Socialism.
>Let the Libertarians have a party at that point, their policy can't hurt us once all the other points are achieved.
Libertarianism would cause the death of the soul of the White race.
What good is the White race existing if we're soulless niggers?
That is literally the definition of cancer.
5 billion people in the world make less than $2/day. They are worthless. Narrowing it down from 2.5 billion is just nitpicking at that point. You would already have saved the world.
The ones they want to kill off are people of European origin.
Agenda 21 & 24 are connected into this. So are Bioweapons that target Races & Sex's. It all comes back to the "Globalist Endgame".
In several KB's I talked about this:
The jews
They can live outside their hosts
digits confirm
Evangelicals are just puppets. If the pastor says it's in "the good book" it must be true.
The real question, is over population due to degenerate values?
If you were a virtuous society/planet, would you even find yourself in a situation where you would have to enforce a regulation on global population (murder would be involved)?
Or in a truly virtuous society, would the individual(s) naturally produce at a coherent rate that would avoid the chaos and anxiety of over population?
From an objective standpoint, humans are reckless in relation to the concept of balance. How can expect a balance in relation to human population when the act of sex is treated and portrayed in a reckless manor?
Kind of a strange situation to be in as a whole.
So is this a monument to hubris, a taunt at normies or a declaration of intent to satisfy some kind of karmic demands on their spirits?
>What is the problem with reducing the world population to 500 million?
Nothing, but just so you know, you and your entire family and genetic line will not be included in the 500 million.
the number doesn't matter as long as ((they)) are in charge and are living and pushing unsustainable lifestyles on everyone
How many fucking people do you people think there really are? Ah to be so gullible again. Who do you think does all your "statistics" retards? World pop is another jewish lie. What's the real number? 300 million? 400? Who the hell knows.
>But muh 8 bajillion
Grow the fuck up please
C'mon bro, wtf.
I always knew kek had a plan for us in mind
Fuck off, I want us to spread to the stars; not die here!
And of course you're going to link to the whole archive and not to specific posts.
Nigger can you do anything besides muddy the waters in a fantastical wanking session?
nothing...its how they are going to achieve that number thats the problem.
There's really no problem at all with reducing the population to 500 million. It's how you stop the reducing once you've hit your mark that's the real issue.
>Im ready
If anyone ever calls him on his specific bullshit he has to back down because he's got absolutely nothing to back it up with.
pic related
Stop feeding niggers would be a good start.
God commanded this with the idea that ethics and righteousness/virtue would be involved.
In the world right now, sex is portrayed and marketed in a way that conflicts with the possibility of balance. Basically people act more like animals with no self control in relation to sex. Unexpected births leads to increased numbers and a justification for abortion.
Abortion being: One side telling the other to exercise more sympathy and empathy for human life. The other side implying that sympathy and empathy for human life should be suppressed.
All of this comes from the inability to exercise discipline, self control, and said balance as a whole.
Not trying to act like I'm above it, but our situation is what it is. You have to be able to call a spade a spade.
Because its not 6,000,000
Somebody's never been to Cairo or Mexico City...
There are easily billions of people on this planet, you've just never been outside of your mom's basement long enough to notice.
that's cool
Yes they will.
That 500m of the best is 95 percent of all white people.
Nigger gore
You first.
Is that a new Tyrone comic in the picture?
Go drive around India and China you absolute retard
You first leaf.
Not being cute or ironic. Only the most vile sociopath advocates others do what he won't do himself.
main problem is this who gets to die or who gets to breed
honestly the latter is the only plausible one anyway. you can't stop people from living, even by killing them you'll just end up in a situation wrse for the environment and resources. so the only plausible way is control reproduction. As a lefty I think this is a lofty goal but I can't imagine the buttpain on either side increase seven gorillion fold
>Still better than savage "Gaia" the best intentioned Greens worship.
>Orders of magnitude better than the nihilism most advocate (see OP's sociopath plan).
>t. Uncucked Atheist
We'll have a battle royale! Last 500 million standing win.
I think 1 billion is a good limit. It was the world pop in the 60s and things started going downhill after.
why is pol so full of iq 80 idiots? killing all the stupid people would take so much time and resources that the benefit of killing them and reducing popularion would be competely lost.
What is the problem with the current world population?
Invalid get. Kek is a god of Chaos, not murder.
the problem is they want to kill whites to accomplish this. If those 500 million were whites than it wouldn't be a problem.
Plus, only small minds would think there is a cap to how many humans can exist. If we run out of land for agriculture on the world than we can build space farms. If we run out of fresh water we can desalinate salt water (Israel already does this). Us white men always find a way.
too many people, not enough resources, environment caughing and wheezing. Having less people would reduce the strain on the world's material goods and the footprint of humanity greatly. The planet is obese, it's time to lose some weight. Of course everyone in this thread is such a faggot that they'll never suck it up and stop fucking, no they're going for the lipozene approach. figures, even if not in body, pol in spirit, is a landwhale.
As long as it's the shitskins and cunts being culled from the human gene pool, leaving the white and Asian men who made civilization possible, nothing.
Unfortunately, our masters have other plans.
There's no need to rush. Mass sterilization would effectively cull the population without the need for outright murder.
Sounds great. Canacucks go first and you're turn is right now, faggot
Nothing. But there is something wrong with (((them))) reducing the population to 500 million because of (((the ones))) (((they))) would choose to survive. If Sup Forums chooses which 500 million survive and sends all of (((them))) to the ovens then there's literally nothing wrong with it.
The problem is: Who decides which 500 million live, and why?