
Some people say that carp is a useless fish.

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>checks flag
...hmm, rely maeks me tihnk


ditto my fellow burger.

but i thought the carp was a bottom feeder

Wtf is that girl holding?

>t. canadian chink dicklet engaging in beastiality

I did this once when I was really drunk.

Grew up on a fish farm.

A snake

I'm Leaf McClure.
You might remember me from such shitposts as "Leaf Wars: A New Trope", "Mama, Don't Cum in My Bum" and "In Toronto No One Can Hear You Takbir."


>"Mama, Don't Cum in My Bum"
checking the 88 and kek

H-how did it feel ? asking for a friend

Remember that video of that guy jerking his friend off with a fish at the beach and he thought it was all nohomo like he was just holding the fish but it was really just homo

Technically if balls don't touch and the men involved don't stare at each others eyes... its no homo.


Looks like a bass to me

Fuck you op, retards like you posting dumb shit like this is why I cant go on pol at work.

How do we end the Asian Carp problem in US rivers and lakes?

that's the point of this thread. when the burgers ruin everything and infest the lakes with carp what do?

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

More redneck fishing competitions?

This is wrong. Whoever would be degenerate enough to stick their dick in a fish's mouth needs to be killed.
You're one of these people that needs to be killed.

Overfish the fuck out of them and grind them into bait

a better vid

>burgers ruin everything
no your chinks brought them over the border and fucked it all up.

wrong. some hillbilly's down south thought it would be a good idea to put them in the Mississippi, as a natural means of getting rid of bottom dwelling weeds on the river. the infestation has now spread into the great lakes.


sounds like a plan, but what's the bait for if carp eat everything else out of existence?

this is a Sup Forums tier thread.

can't we just eat them?

good question. what if there was a conspiracy theory to turn the great lakes into a giant carp fishery, to satisfy the chinese. the only people who actually like this fish, know how to cook with carp.

I use a VPN so the ID has probably changed.

I only remember that it was slimy and my dick started bleeding a bit. It was a big pike.

>pic related


I was really drunk. Would never have done it otherwise.


Your fucking chinks saw a business opportunity to sell live gook fish here in the states. Some dickheads let them go in the wild and now we all( USA and Canada, have to deal with this menace and pray that they don't make it to the great lakes.
>der hillbillies
WRONG FAGGOT! This is a shit tier fish that no one wants to eat!

Anything that will eat it desu, this includes exporting to rice farmers over seas

>no one wants to eat!

i always understood that the chinese eat carp. 1 billion and counting chinese. thinking of making lemonade from lemons, i agree there's a huge market here.

Why not somehow catch 'em all, grind them to toothpaste, and then sell it to those faggots who are all into soylent and stuff?

Do it real cheap so poorfags can help consume the supply for protons and magical fish oils.

>i agree there's a huge market here.
okay schlomo let's fuck our great lakes up for A FUCKING FISH.

I thought this thread was shit and then i found this gem

unless a market is made from these things, they WILL fuck up the lakes.

over fish. sell to the chinese. grind them into FERTILIZER

Learn about the menace that this fish (asian carp) really is. They make they pythons on guam look like child's play compared to the asian carp working their way up north to the great lakes.

Thanks Canadicucks!

Lets make Canada pay to clean it up.

They can keep the fish and sell it to the zhangs or make fertilizer or whatever to try to offset the cost.

mods asleep. i would get booted off pol with a thread like this

why we called burgers
is it cause they make up about 90 % of our diet ¿



That carp has done more for mankind than the entire history of islam

>they WILL fuck up the lakes
Yes, but your solution is bunk.

>be a leaf
>fuck your dog
>go to jail for using wrong pronouns
>weed lmao man!
>not understand market demand
>zhang owns the block
>"grows" more fish to sell to xiapainggo
>lul what now amerifat
>great lakes infested with chink fish

Can't argue with that. Besides, without Islam, it's possible the Khazars would never have converted to Judaism.

Imagine if the entire Jewish sham barely existed, and the heebs in Palestine had never converted to Islam and there were no such thing as a country called Israel!

Underrated post

>carp is a useless fish.
it's a delicacy in yurop

I hope it goes better for them than the time they declared war on emus

Are you indian Op, i need to ask some questions to an Indian. No memes.

liberals are sitting in cafes sipping their thimble-sized latte and sucking each others cocks while rednecks do this cool shit. I think all the redneck bashing is just jealousy.

Yeah no you didn't stick your dick in a fucking pike.

Can't wait for part 2

Carp diem!

(You) could always go yabby hunting in the bush if you book a ticket to the west island

fun fact, in yurop the price of carp is comparable to the price of beef

its more expensive than pork

Surely there are local fish that you would prefer to eat and that are more inexpensive, no?

Or are we on the cusp of setting up a trade deal here?

How many more posts will this thread go before it is pruned and the leaf finally gets his day of the rake?

Looks cool as shit but there's pretty good hunting here if I could just stop being a lazy faggot.


>Surely there are local fish that you would prefer to eat and that are more inexpensive, no?
Maybe some europoor can correct me, but polish fishermen get a bunch of the quotas.
>look at map
>EU cucks BTFO

It's like how the French are called frogs.
I can't remember the last time I had a burger though.

Number One fish in Japan

Go away Denmark!

Digits don't lie so check that shit