Spot the Alpha.
Spot the Alpha
The jew in the middle.
Poor Trudeau lol
Look at the leaf on the right. Different than everyone else Kek
Justin looks pretty good, even if a little close to that evil German whore.
Wish Japan was closer to the big man.
Where is Sophie?
what a joke
This pic truly defines trumps narrcissim and trudeu's lack off. Good pic.
Pic related is the real Alpha of the pack. Just look at the size of those feet. Trumpstein could never compete.
I only see 1 alpha. Look at all the betas. They look like dressed up hobos.
with her bull. she has no interest in being first lady, only first mistress
kek, these niggas gay?
who the fuck is Trumps tailor and why does he let him do this shit to his pants
>muh dick
>Trudeau cucked to the outside of the circle
theyre conspiring to dethrone him as leader of the pack
they fear him
that's really unfortunate
What did he mean by this?
You know that USA should be front and center and so does everyone else. They literally put you in the corner and no one wanted to even stand within a foot of Trudeau.
Literally every male foot is larger in the pic desu
kek i was going to do this
There are people on the back step still under 6'2"
lmao and he's trying to stand even closer than his name tag said he should be LMAO what KEK
here's the real unaltered photograph
>mfw trudeau standing alone off in the corner like the cuck he is
A fucking 1kb thumbnail? Please throw yourself in a wood chipper.
my sides
are there more?
My boy Abe on the left.
He's thinking bout who Goku is going to get for the Tournament of Power since Majin Buu is asleep.
Is that Abe-san's wife? She is qt.
for some damn reason that I can't really express, fukken saved.
wheres trudeaus wife? why is he standing awkwardly sideways? did you do
Merkel EVERY FUCKING TIME with that hand gesture. It's really annoying me since I started noticing it. Is she so autistic she can't act natural with her hands and just goes back to her PR programming?
do not disparage the swedish prime minister team that way
japan wife a cute
Why the fuck is Trudeau standing awkwardly to the side like a member of the staff that accidentally wandered into a family photo as the flash was going off?
>not pictured: putin
Can't wait to see this on black people twitter!
kek that was my first thought too, hes definitely the only person there who knows he doesnt belong
Post it on Justins twitter.
I will admit the man could have a new pussy served on a platter every single day until the day he died and half of Canada was related to him
Just like dear old dad
Why does trudeau look like the odd one out in pics lately?
She has to be legitimately autistic or something. I remembering reading a little piece on it and she said she didn't know what to do with her hands while speaking. It went on to specifically point out that she came up with the finger pyramid on her own without the use of a therapist, as if people typically need a professional to tell them what to do with their hands when they're talking or standing around.
Trudeau reminds me of
Why asian women age like wine?
What are yo a hufpo columnist? Justin has had more dicks in his ass than Barack
They just skip milf-stage and go straight to grandma
Wait, is Trump lying about being 6'3"? He's barely taller than Macron here, but the pictures of Macron with Trudeau show that Trudeau, who's 6'2", practically towers over Macron. What's really weirding me out is that I looked up pictures of the Trump/Trudeau meeting and they're the EXACT same height in the official/posed photographs, even though Trudeau is 6'2" and Trump says he's 6'3". Then I found a picture of Trump standing next to Sergio Mattarella (pic related), who's 5'6", and there can't be more than a 3 inch difference in height here, and definitely not the 9 inches Trump claims to have.
Does Trump just wear multiple pairs of heels or something?
What wrong Brazil not enough plastic surgery and nigger in the picture? Do not insult Japan. You're lucky the Japanese would even consider living in your Afghanistan of a country.
What the hell is wrong with the weak leaf?
Fuck, man up leaf ughhhh
They are conspiring to eat him alive, they're deciding who is gonna eat his benis
>the man could have
>could have
I was doing the Justin Castro meme
I think meant wine in a good way dude. like as in better with age. contain your autism
>Trudeau being that awkward guy standing off to the side
no, short faggots in politics always do this trickery
its the same reason the liberal shitbitch witch clinton wanted a custom podium for the presidential debates to appear the same height instead of the weak old hag she is
notice who else is out on the fringes
He's probably more concerned with comfort
Kek, melania dwarfs all of those manlets
O. W. T. OUT!
I think Trudeau had an issue with BO and is trying to stay away from others so they don't smell it.
Trump is alf alfa as fuck
>When you only hang out with the cool kids at school but never outside of school
Why doesn't she just do a normal hand clasp?
She looks creepy because it doesn't look natural.
Gives off Dr Evil vibes...
The Jew in the middle has a look on his face like he's thinking about how great it is owning all these people.
I think Trudeau has autism or something
Damn, Trump is a sizable man.
Reread the first sentence of my post.
I's ancient Chink-Nip secret, Gaijin.
In all seriousness, I've no clue but it's probably some crazy Eastern witchcraft.
A German who doesn't know what to do with her hands?
YouTube hitlers speeches biatch. The guy had an excellent command of his extremities
The black guy to the left of Melania looks like he saw the horrors of the Hilary timeline
>when the cool kids single you out
>Unbenannt.png (25
>yfw you're getting cucked by the nigger to your left in the middle of a geopolitical bureaucratic entity's photo op.
What world leaders are in this pic (the ones nearby the fence only)
I can obviously identify Trudeau, Trump, Abe, Macron, and May. Who are the 3 old men between Trump and Abe?
You all thought Turnip was the outsider, but it's been Trudeau all along. Based leaf. Based Canada. #OurCentury
holy shit the jewiest jews are between trump and macron
I bet this makes wypipo mad.
>someone having their head turned to the side = cucked
Sometimes I wonder how anyone could be THIS retarded, but then I see it's just a leaf.
>Look at the leaf on the right.
rake yourself
The one with no tie.
The wife is also close...