Love this guy. He showing the world how great Canada is at NATO meeting while Trump is humiliating USA.
Love this guy. He showing the world how great Canada is at NATO meeting while Trump is humiliating USA
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Isn't it illegal for you to use the term guy now?
Canadians are fat.
did you just assume xis gender ? im calling the mounties on your ass
WTF is he doing?
and dat asssss.
He's totally just out for a casual jog and definitely not taking part in a staged photo-op.
>taking photos of students in still poses
>PM runs through briskly
>no motion blur at all
>aperture and shutter speed are somehow already set to capture perfect image of PM
Really gets your noggin joggin
You country is literally neutered, leaf.
Why is he making such a gay facial expression
not everybody is a photography nerd faggot
but i'll take your word for it
dont forget the LGBT police
He's trying to properly represent his nation.
We have a leader who respects women and minorities
Your leader in a misogynistic, racist manchild. I laugh at all the stupid americans who voted for that idiot because they're scared that some people have different colored skin and practice a different religion
its obviously some PR stunt
Oh no! Giving respect to groups facing hatred for being different?! The horror!
I thought the fashion police were just a joke
You're gay.
Normal cameras, and even digital SLR cameras, have a set mode. They also have presets, but if you're shooting a moving object you need to increase shutter speed and reduce aperture diameter, or you get blur (too much light entering the camera for too long).
This was clearly fucking staged.
I hate this goddamn cunt of a PM more and more all the time.
Lol this leaf is a faggot
We have the worst fucking neighbors
t. Guy in pic related in a month
It's probably staged but this 'science' is retarded. Literally pull out any iPhone and you can capture that image.. he's not running at 60mph.. he's not a NASCAR
And you're a small-minded transphobic piece of shit.
Society is against you and your shitty, intolerant views are only going to get more and more ostracized. Progressivism has caught on for a good reason. Grow up.
Brought to you by Chevron
You're gay.
Shit a guy i know was there
It's not science you retarded reprobate, it's fucking photography 101. They teach this shit to high school students. Literally 20 seconds on Google will confirm everything you want to know.
No one is this stupid
Typical uneducated inbred american hick
Go pray to jesus while calling obama a terrorist.
Transphobic implies I'm scared of it for starters leaf. I just don't like praising mental illness and hormone imbalance as normal..
This has to be bait or you are so incredibly lost on the internet. Why are you here? Reminder pol is a Christian white nationalist board and doesn't tolerate your weakness and sub human Marx tier rambling
Your ''''''''''''Leader'''''''''''''' Is a smug numale faggot thats entirely ineffectual.
You're gay.
Yeah I'm not arguing it.. I'm saying you have down syndrome if you think literally any $200 camera or iPhone can take that picture on the fly.. I say again.. he's not a NASCAR.. the cunt just isn't moving fast enough for your shutter speed bullshit
Why are leafs the worst people on pol. Day of the rake when
How does it feel knowing that you can only spew your homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist hatred while you cower behind anonymity because the moment people find out what a bigoted piece of shit you are you're out of a job and your life is ruined ;)
You're gay.
It must be hard being Amrifat. Being autistic, obese and shitting yourself all the time must be hard.
You're super double mega gay.
He is the basis on which the term fuckboi is measured
>Why are leafs the worst people on pol
More like the only people with a bit of decency, empathy, and humanity
There's a reason our country is so loved internationally, because we're actually good people :)
Stay jelly!!! ;) XD
too literal my s i d e s have gone into orbit
Picture was taken by the PM's personal photographer. So stop arguing you daft cunts.
The correct pronouns have to be verified and a legal contract signed stating that the two parties have successfully obtained an understanding of which pronouns are to be used for each 24 hour period of each calendar day.
This contract must be filed with and approved by city, county, province, and federal government before any conversation, verbal or written, may take place.
Parties that are resuming conversations after 24 hours have elapsed must regain approval, since, pronouns may have changed.
You gay boy
What pronouns does this citizen of Canada prefer to be a addressed by in conversation?
What pronouns does this proud citizen of Canada prefer to be a addressed by in conversation?
And what pronouns does this citizen of Canada prefer to be a addressed by in conversation?
And pray tell, what pronouns does this citizen of Canada prefer to be a addressed by in conversation?
felony endagering the welfare of a child
There's pics of it up on faceberg, it was staged
This is why I cant stand burgers and leafs. Your women are all ugly and fat as fuck. So much tht you invented the thick meme to convince yourselves otherwise.
Nigger tier.
t. French expat.