Ding dong the devil is dead! The devil is dead!
Press S to spit on this piece of shit's grave.
Ding dong the devil is dead! The devil is dead!
Press S to spit on this piece of shit's grave.
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Why was he a piece of shit?
If you don't know who this man is, then you are not red pilled.
Read the Grand Chessboard. Evil genius
Stupid double threads.
Rot in jewish hell son of a jewess
2017 just got a little better.
Afaik he's not Jewish, he's Polish
His family, members of the nobility (or "szlachta" in Polish), bore the Trąby coat of arms and hailed from Brzeżany in Galicia in the Tarnopol Voivodeship (administrative region) of then eastern Poland (now in Ukraine).
Soros next
A Polish Jew.
Kikes fear death the most because they know what awaits them
Suck a dick. This fucker gave us islamuc terrorism.
You know the taliban / alqeada mess? This guy practically invented them.
The man I loved to hate. Wat do now? :( With Rockefeller and ZB gone we're fresh out of Blofelds except for Soros.
You are literally a complete fucking retard. Why don't you step up to a chalkboard and show us the implications of the Technetronic Era and the Geostrategic Triad. Are you people complete fucking idiots or what? You should all be WEEPING (?) over this man's passing because he was so much fucking smarter than you. Your ignorance is literally going to make me side with the CFR against the "uninformed masses" like you. You deserve World War 3, you ignorant wretch. It's the end of an era. I'm going to go cry now :(
Wiiiiinnnnniiinnnnnnngggg!!!! I wonder if its Trump curse since his bitch daughter and morning Joe constantly try to knife him in the back.
(((Kissinger))) is still kicking.
Kill yourself, Jew.
>flips the table
I've been wondering why I haven't been hearing anything much out of him for quite some time now. For all his faults, he did at least present a keen and prescient analysis, always valuable at least to consider.
Kissinger for President !!!!
>_< I have come to idolize the very conspirators I once hated because the public is so FUCKING WORTHLESS and the global stakes are not even understood by dipshit Americans who deserve to be enslaved if they are so stupid. Dipshits that don't even know who ZB was, AND THESE PEOPLE GET TO VOTE? ARE YOU KIDDING? I'm done defending humanity. The deviant sub-classes are a total right-off. Literally beasts of burden for the elite. And they SHOULD be. Willfully ignorant, pitiful, uneducated, stinking, mongrel rabble that they are...
inb4 "wewlad" *^_^*