How do we stop this degeneracy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Leave house, have to spend money on gas.
>Bars are over priced
>Food is over priced unless it's fast food
>Die in a terrorist attack or get mugged by chimps chimping out
Seems pretty fucking pointless to me.
>How do we stop this degeneracy?
LOL "Going out Sucks"
I am gen X. This is not news to me. Going out does suck. Reality wants you to pay out the ass for mediocrity. Sorry. I have 200 other ways to be entertained at my house.
Going out is pretty degenerate I agree
For once Millennials did something I can agree with.
>civic engagement
Clean your room
>pic related
find meaning in what exists
>Reality wants you to pay out the ass for mediocrity
Did I misinterpret the caption from OP?
I see it as "Kids are not frequenting places of commerce"
Does it mean "Kids are becoming spinsters and shutins"?
Get the iFag generation to delete Facebook, stop running their own narcissistic advertising campaign and do something worthwhile
> Posting memes about that autist
I did enjoy his book on infinity though.
>not going out
>(not engaged with anything in a meaningful way for society)
Going out costs money and you could get blown up by aloe snack bar
>Realised I am dressed like this
>Oh fuck mode
>Wait I have an injured leg and am not supposed to leave the house and walk as little as possible
Least i'm not degenerate.
This degeneracy is the only reason we have Sup Forums.
Liberals and boomers destroy any sense of community by alienating everyone with identity politics and destroying tradition.
>Pffft hur wtf wont these millennials go out?
It's only going to get worse with Generation Z. Over the next 30 years, there will be cataclysmic changes to the service industry, all across the Western world. Bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants, theatres, retail stores, post offices, cinemas and many, many other industries will be wiped out completely.
What's it like being ugly?
Nowhere to go without spending money.
There was a time when you could go and do shit for free, but these days you just get arrested.
>drinking in public, arrested
>on private property, arrested
>loitering, arrested
>too much noise, arrested
>bonfire, arrested
>swimming, arrested for trespassing in private water
>being black and doing anything at all, arrested
It's no fucking fun. I recently graduated college and there were only a handful of parties I attended that weren't totally shut down by the fucking police.
I mean, as much I don't like saying this, they're right. everyone is insufferable, miserable, or just impatient. I feel like they're dead in the mind but they try so hard to hide it by forcing a smile. The last time I truly enjoyed going outside was the 90's.
It's more like "going out in the States sucks". Partying hard in global party spots like Yurop, Japan, Thailand, &c. when you're young, footloose and fancy free are great places to "go out".
LA, Chicago, and Manhattan, and maybe Vegas Hunter S. style, are really the only good urban party locales in Murica.
I think people should at least exercise for hour outside
>enjoyed going to the local park to walk around or ride a bike with my headphones in
>was swamped by nigger gangs
>cant be there after dark anymore
Everything you can possibly need is at home or can be delivered to your home. It's also cheaper to watch movies than going to the theater or drinking at home instead of going to a bar. It doesn't have to be lonely either you can invite friends over.
Seriously staying in is perfectly logical.
How is staying home more degenerate than going out to bars, getting drunk/high, and trying to fuck sluts?
>Becoming a Neet hiki is becoming mainstream.
>millienials should stop wasting money so they can afford a house
>millenials should go out and spend money
which one is it
I used to go out alot when I was 18-23 and did tons of coke and amph and shit. Stopped completely.
>I don't like dancing.
>I've worked in many bars/restaurants/nightclubs, still do.
>I'm not 8/10+
>My social skills are okay, but I can't flirt.
Woo can't wait to blow 150 euros, get drunk and have as much fun as I would have watching a movie at home.
Btw being sober in a night club without getting paid the shittiest thing ever. It's actually infuriating. I can't enjoy myself in the slightest without getting really drunk and doing tons of coke or something even stronger. But then you wanna die the next day.
The former.
How you ask???
Spoiler: If you are born between 1982 and 2000, you are a millennial. 90%+ of Sup Forums's users would fit in that category, with the remaining 10% being almost entirely made up by underage faggots from gen Z.
>traveling when young
No money no foundation desu senpai
>vice writes something redpilled
What, vice? Just stop fucking reading it.
Or were you talking about the contents?
>oy vey the kids aren't buying enough of our crap
I'm so sad for you.
Answering surveys about Sup Forums?
Wtf are you on? Xanax?
It all started with the bar/nightclub smoking bans
Go meet friends at bar, they smoke, stand outside of bar talking to them while they smoke
It's snowing, go stand outside in the snow and cold
How about just stay home
>go see guardians of the galaxy 2
>first date with kinda cute gir;
>50 bucks on the meal before the movie
>50 bucks for movie and snacks
>theater is crowded as fuck
>bitch keeps talking to me during the movie
>I just spent 100 bucks to have my movie night ruined
>never leaving the house again, fuck everything
When you can wear a snuggie and post on imageboards, why would you ever imagine going out?
nonono, read the subtext.
"Young people are the new old people"
the degeneracy is always present.
the rag is called VICE for fuck's sake lol
>(not engaged with anything in a meaningful way for society)
Oh. So this is more severe autism than just not going to spend money, this includes places to make money. Hmmmm.
They need a shot of testosterone. They will be bench pressing their smart cars and beating their worthless friends in no time.
Going out is kind of garbage if it means going to the bar or something, going to a house party is alright for the free alcohol but if you go to house parties after college you're kind of a loser
Just chill with some friends after work, get drunk and smoke some weed or tobacco out on the porch and tell stories about stupid things niggers do or something. That's what me and my friends do. We just chill at home we're we've got everything we need there
I haven't watched a movie yet with a girl
think it'd be like how you describe,
ruining a good personal movie time.
I love going to the movie theatres
that have so little
people in them and I just laugh outloud.
It's more fun to snort coke off an escort's ass though.
We know that Abbo the Amazing, nobody hates Millenials more than Millenials because we have to put up with each other and watch our friendships fall distant because everyone is "depressed" (read: shitty person using an excuse).
Don't get me started on dating life with 3rd wave feminism being so rampant.
>It's also cheaper to watch movies than going to the theater
Its free if you torrent (Fuck giving Hollywood Kikes your money)
Do you go out OP? Don't imply you're better.
>go out
>$10 parking, $15 cover
>drink O'Doul's at bar
>give bartender $20 for beer and tip
>eat $15 dry overcooked burger
>drive home
>get arrested for drunk driving
Most people live in the suburbs. Have to drive 30 minutes into ghetto inner city to find something to do.
I've noticed that people that go out a lot to bars, clubs, or other public events usually have severe hearing damage due to the excessive volume of said events.
There's no reason to go out, its boring as fuck
In between sleeps I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for hours.
Some days I don't eat at all.
Other days I'm snorting Xanax and shitposting about Xanax.
>Don't get me started on dating life with 3rd wave feminism being so rampant.
>mfw I see "swipe left if you voted Trump" on Canadian Tinder
going out sucks when you cant afford it...thats what the story is really about...millenials are learning what liberal economics and importing masses of new voters to ensure perma liberal majority has brought their lives...their great grandparents that migrated here from communist europe had a better life here as immigrants than them.
I know that feel bro but I swipe right on those every time. Liberal girls are for fucking and discarding.
TFW i'd swipe right to fuck'em and leave'em just to reaffirm their hatred for men
also...the boomers actually made shit and worked...and did build shit economically...imagine what the next generation that comes from the millennials will see...with more liberal economics but having done fuckall with the country other than flooding it with immigrants....next generation is either going to be slaughtered and wipe the american experiment from the pages of history or wake up and take it back...i really dont see much in terms of a good life for the next gen...and they are going to look back at what this country was before the millennials and get angry..its going to be a war...outcome either slaughter or success and revival..
I love spending as little money as possible to make the government mad. I wish everybody saw the light and cut spending down to nothing. Buy a cheap computer device, an internet plan, and that's it. It would be hilarious to see what the government would do.
Remember when emails were a thing?
Me neither.
Going out:
>Forced to have plan on where you're going
>Drive in traffic
>Depending where you live, it's either to hot and humid or too cold
>Other weather like rain
>Do 2 things the whole day, maybe 3 things you only do for socializing. Possibly see a friend walk by.
Staying inside:
>Comfy as fuck furniture
>Do what you want when you want
>Make it as hot/cold as you want
>Protected from the rain and shit
>Get to entertain yourself with way more things you have while still being able to communicate with other
I also believe that.
>the only way forward is backward
Sounds great and all but hows someone who's single in the generation of millennials supposed to meet a mate without accumulating a huge amount of social equity in high school?
Naturally user, the answer to 1984 is 1776
"going out" just makes me feel misanthropic and spiteful of "normies"
drunk people are obnoxious anyway
It's stupid to "go out".
Only women enjoy dress up and shaking their ass. Niggers enjoy shooting people and dancing like niggers because it's their music we are forced to listen to by the culture.
I always came out of it wanting to fight, even if I humped some human cum-rag stinking of perfume and vodka (aka modern girls)
I hate watching women act like they're "fun". They're not fun, or they wouldn't need to be the center of attention.
Shits tight. They're just loser ass bums with no interests.
I was just shooting the shit with a decent looking broad about a baseball game. If I wasn't with my old lady, I'd be hitting on it.
Going out and being like '"yeah, dude, what if Zelda was girl!?" isn't going to get you any action.
Pussies stay home and go to comicon.
>LA, Chicago, and Manhattan, and maybe Vegas Hunter S. style, are really the only good urban party locales in Murica.
Worked and parties in all but Chicago. It's fucking terrible unless you're drunk out of your mind and want a Vegas hooker. NYC is fucking terrible, the people are HORRRIBLE. LA is just obnoxious and now full of hipsters which replaced the wigger/nigger scene. God awful. Austin/Nashville just as bad as LA
How exactly is wanting to stay home degeneracy?
Hopefully find a 6.5 or 7/10 girl somewhere. It's starting to get to me and I'm 24. I just want to know love man.
In my city, the most popular nightlife hotspots and live music venues are all closing. There are protest movements that have sprung up to try and keep these places open and "keep the cultural identity of the city".
When I look at the photos from these marches and protests the people are all in their late 20's to early forties.
It really struck me how the subversive rock/metal live music scene is now dead. No youngster wants a part of it.
Young people in my city are either fully invested in the even more cancerous urban clubbing scene, (which is also declining) or just staying at home, studying and shitposting on the internet.
>not degenerate
>stop the plebbit spacing.
>everything's expensive
>guess i'll stay home and not do anything
its almost as if we are at the edge of a precipitous drop in living standards
Staying home and hanging out with a friend is better, plus clubs are disgusting and the wider city is full of insufferable cunts
Only people who don't have to work for a living, like cunts and niggers, enjoy going out.
Normal people want to rest after a long day's work. They don't leave the house after work if they have any choice.
outside is where tyrome shoots people. dont you love me mom?
same but they give me $300 a week for free and i try to spend it on overseas ebay sellers and buy as little australian shit as possible
Go out and lift, start talking to people out of the blue, get rejected and learn.
She wants to meet a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 too. Be that.
Going out to a club sucks, It is much better to just play some sports or go hiking.
Maybe all the millennials are busy raising families and working to go out?
I stopped caring about my social life 3 years ago.
That being said, Vice is fucking gay.
Girls don't date anymore, it's hook up culture from here on out. Hopefully you have some friends who will invite you (or fuck it just invite your damn self) to a party or get together where you can meet a nice female. Good luck user
I understand why people aren't going out in many cases, but it also shows the problem with our generation.
People complain about cost, but never save. They'll squander their money on useless trinkets and then complain when they can't eat until their next paycheck, which they do the same with.
They don't get the same boosts of dopamine from real life as they do video games, or checking their facebooks for new comments.
It's all right there in front of people, but rather than unhooking from it all, they wallow in it.
That's why going out sucks. They can't afford it, by choice, and when they do go out, they hate it because it isn't instant gratification and seems like work to them. HAVING to reply to comment made to keep a conversation going is just too much, but choosing to comment on what you want online is much easier.
Plus, caring about anything in our ironic world is now considered wrong, so even caring that people are hurting themselves makes you undesirable.
I already had to work for the whole week, why should I go pay to get bored and disappointed when I can stay home and get bored and disappointed for free?
Sup Forums where everything I don't like is degeneracy even if it isn't.
Not in Canada
well over 15 first dates in the past two years.
>pretty girls are coal burners who are now single moms
>ok girls are "free spirits" who have touched more dicks that I have my own
>ugly bitches are libtarded and want to change the laws so "we can all get along"
No hope
fucking welfare piece of shit.
why would i work for a country that's banned everything fun?
I will do just that actually. It's just.. kinda hard. I don't actually know what to talk about with a girl.
That's honestly sad but can't complain about that. I was raised in a "lovey-dovey" seemingly positive atmosphere and with everything changing so fast, I felt pretty left out.
Thanks for the advice Chad
i want to hang myself but i wont because i know when i go to hell, the founders of vice will be there soon after
You don't need to go out to get laid. It's cheaper and easier to use Tinder
You don't need to out to have a good time - You can do way more at home and actually be able to afford it.
Bonus Round for Europeans: Less chance of getting exploded by Cultural Enrichers.
It's weird that every article they write about millenials seems to describe me when I am not anything like most people my age. Going out does suck by the way. I will never understand the draw of spending your time in crowded noisy places, overpaying for drinks and getting in fights. The one thing I don't mind doing is seeing movies.
Galveston is pretty comfy. I liked my time down there, if I could get an apartment along the Strand I could live there all my life.
Couldn't of said it better myself user
Going out is degenerate, goof ball. You think medieval peasants spent their time "going out?" Were celibate monks "going out?" No, it's a waste of time. You work and pray to God that you can finally die soon. That is what we call a virtuous life.