>the (((media))) create a tv show based on what life would be like if the nazis won ww2
>it is literally the perfect society
what did they mean by this ?
>the (((media))) create a tv show based on what life would be like if the nazis won ww2
>it is literally the perfect society
what did they mean by this ?
They're probably going to ruin it in season 3, or maybe they'll set it up where you feel bad for feeing good about championing for the "bad guys"
I liked the story arc about the son with the illness.
That was a proper internal conflict.
Overblown, but still amusing.
The race mixing was forced and lame.
And the superfluous Muslim guy was lame.
The writers clearly have no conception of Nation of Islam and NoI's views regarding whites.
Realistically, he'd have told the white people to fuck off or just killed them.
Not a great show.
Though I did like the Nazis.
>(((They))) indoctrinate that all Nazi's are the worse people to have ever existed
>Make a show that shows the perfect society
>Use the Nazi trope to implant the idea into the masses that a perfect society is a bad thing
That is evil
how kickass would disney world be?
It was a distopia dipshit.
Not only that but they designed it to look like 50's America
Aka America is Nazi is evil
they tease you with "alternate history"then use cern / quantum mechanics to make sure you never get your "perfect world". this is all done just to rub your faces in it, like a carrot on a stick to torment a hungry horse to "work harder goy".
It's actually really well-down surprisingly too. It doesn't shill for left or right politics. It just depicts people as they are and I love Julia. No matter where she is she doesn't lose her character. She won't stump for Japs, Americans or Nazis.
>Too much Negro influence. You can't listen to that music.
loved this part
If you guys seriously believe that living under a nazi regime would be utopia, go live in China for a year or two. China has all the advancements in technology, great buildings, and great accomplishments. The thing is, you're not free there. The only thing hitler would do different is base their culture off of German history. You're still a sheep to the system, with just as much freedom as chinese citizens have today. Have fun with that.
Because deep down she's knows the true truth is to have a half jap baby in multi cultural utopia.
Get the fuck out of here ki
I'm pretty sure the Nazis never had a problem with restaurants using sewage as cooking oil
>what did they mean by this ?
I cant wait till we go to the final season and the brave Allies end up winning and full blown degeneracy ruins everything.
>>the (((media))) create
It's an adaptation of a novel.
I really like the aesthetic of this show, but it's a real shame that they make look the nazis as the evil guys instead of making it a story about how nobody really wins.
They set it up for Smith to turn against the Reich
Actually, I was thinking about how she protected the Nazi's sick kid, just because she had compassion for the family. Thanks for once again displaying the arrant, far-right partisan barbarian stupidity that's destroying this world though.
Philip K Dick is based. Read all his stories now.
You're not really free here either. What's so different between America and China these days? Other than owning guns, everything the Chinese govt can do to their people ours can do to us now and free speech is only ok if you're not saying the wrong thing. The entire legal system is set up for profit/political use and 9/10 times justice isn't served correctly, either by lack of punishment or excessive punishment. You owe the govt thousands of dollars every year for services that don't benefit you or even people of your tribe. Really I can keep going on and on and on. You have fun with those thoughts you dumb nigger.
Anybody see the new Einstein miniseries on National Geographic? I don't know if I have become totally warped or if the show runners were trying to red-pill people. The episode I saw had Einstein being an unlikable and nasty cock who shit all over nationalism and it showed two isolated Nazis fighting off an enemy platoon by themselves and committing suicide rather than being captured.
>Communism and Nazism are the same thing
>Handmade's Tale...
Yeah... what's wrong with it?
>you're not free there
Ask me how I know you are 19 years old.
I still can't figure out what the fuck this show is even meant to be about.
Alternate realities or something, it's pretty shit desu but better than watching yet another singing contest I guess.
>japs raping californians
>nazis raping new yorkers
truly the best timeline
This is how its going to be seen through normie vision also learn how to spell dystopia
>national socialist
what did the retard mean by this
>Handmaid's Tale is suppose to be about fundie Christians
>Handmaid's Tale is closer to modern Islamic counties than any Christian country ever was
They got caught up in their own bubble too much and genuinely didn't even consider this.
o shit
Learn to get over grammer
Look what freedom of opportunities has brought you. Jews and niggers. This system clearly doesn't work. True freedom and equality are overrated in a diverse world. There are things of higher priorities.
he meant that they both have totalitarian regime ya dingus
>The only thing hitler would do different is base their culture off of German history.
That's a pretty big fucking difference.
tbqh i liked nippifornia better than the united reich of america... but then again i am a total weeb
what could have been
if this show has stuff like that I might have to watch it
>50's America
You mean back when it was white, Christian, and without feminism and whore culture?
Didn't watch the show, but this is just ridiculous. As if Nazi statues are all about sieg heiling...
Did the nip still have anime? I guess not, then 4chink is fucking doom and we will have some resistance website instead
The show depicts some all-white utopia where people don't lock their doors because there's no crime and you're supposed to hate it as the viewer because... people with severe illnesses are euthanized? I'm not necessarily in favor of such a thing but I don't consider it malevolent either. It's like "living there as an average joe would be heaven on earth but it's not diverse so we gotta destroy everything"?
Also the supposed good guys in the series (jews and resistance) are douchebags and extremely unlikeable.
>perfect society
if it were there wouldn't be anything to watch, would there?
There's always an angle
Did you not even watch the show?
The point is that Germany didn't actually win the war and that the people are being lied to. That's why they have tapes of the A Bomb
Are you retarded?
The tapes are from an alternate reality and past and future.
Its a sci fi show
I wonder what would have happened to Australia in that timeline? I would hope that we were annexed by the Reich and not the Nips. Though if it paralleled our times, we'd probably still be overrun by gooks, it would just be official.
HT is inspired by the Iranian Islamic revolution. You're supposed to read it and get a perspective of how things are like there by being shown a scenario where it happens here.
Also, it is about feminism often picking seriously shitty allies.
>technology, great buildings, and great accomplishments.
Yeah, I lived in China. The nicer parts, even. You're wrong on all three counts. Still have a cough. I could go into great detail, but suffice to say there is a profound lack of trust in that culture. There's much about that country I love but it's profoundly broken in so very many ways. Look to the Taiwanese if you want a better example.
>Be monetarily enslaved to big banks through high debt for the rest of you life
>Piss poor job opportunities
>Be socially outcasted for having "wrong opinions" thus completely ruining your chance of ever living a successful life
>Be constantly told to be thankful for living in a (((democracy)))
Yeah man, nice fucking freedom we all have here.
I really want to watch this show, but I feel like it will just piss me off.
Also, if the NatSocs came across the Atlantic (which they never would have except for diplomacy) they would have taken the Statue of Liberty down. It was a gift to the US by the Freemasons, one of the nemeses of NatSoc Germany. Just a hunch tho.
I'm Fairly certain they are teasing us
10 things that won't be there if the Nazis won WW2
1. Jews
2. Niggers
3. Fags
4. Hispanics
5. Muslims
6. Asians
7. American Indians
8, Feminists
9. Retards
and 10. PC SJW Liberals
What a wonderful world it will be.