Zbigniew Brzezinski dead. Good riddance!

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Globalist mentor and all around sociopathic cunt, dead at 89.

Roll his fetid husk into the same pit as David Rockefeller.

The world becomes lighter and more salvageable on this day.

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best kike is a dead kike.

He was a polack

He was Polish dude.

He was anti-commie and he was a geopolitical genius.

Him and Kissinger are incredible minds. Only libshits and retards disagree.

Kissinger is a corrupt mental midget compared to Zbig. Even his accent is fake.

Lots of dead in /ptg/ thread defending him, praising him for "bringing down soviet" and shit. When all he really did was use the taliban as proxy warriors against them and as a result trained OBL and flew planes into twin towers.

Not familiar with that /ptg/ general, is it full of t_d shills? I know from election time that t_d often tended to defend these kinds of people, saying how "based" they are. They did the same with Bush even. Many of the t_d people just seem to be normal republicans who would have shilled for any republican candidate.

Yeah, Kissinger aka Bilderberg top member is amazing. Zbig also, his penis so nice.
What's up with all the mainstream-republicantards here lately?
This is a "conspiracy" board you idiots. Get real or get rekt

>>Kissinger is a corrupt mental midget compared to Zbig

he's treated around washington like the second coming of Machiavelli

>This is a "conspiracy" board you idiots. Get real or get rekt
No, this is a sanctuary for free speech and smart people. Brain damaged retards are the side show.

>>The world becomes lighter and more salvageable on this day.

hardly. he wasn't anything except the player in the grand chessboard. hate him all you want, but the game doesn't change after he's dead.

You're not smart. This place ain't either. If you think this is a place for smart people you're likely retarded. It's a parody board to be honest.

Neither does it after Al baghdadi is killed as leader of ISIS, but it will still be fun.


" The Grand Chessboard" is one of my favorite books. Read it if you want to understand U.S. foreign policy, specially these middle East wars.

This image is from 1997. The government is following his strategy.

Bro you Killing me ..

BUT HE IS BASED xD What he planned literally confirms what the "conspiracy theorists" has been mocked for saying the US is doing. But this guy SO BASED AND SMART xD
This place has turned into a bunch of globalist bilderberg shills for real.

Dude was real life Zero.
RIP in pieces you evil bastard.

Kek is preparing his power. Daily reminder that George Soros will die on 21 August which is exactly 7 months after Trump's first full day in office and during a total solar eclipse. Praise Kek! Shadilay!

Damn, bill o'Reilly has not aged well

I know right?! Either:

a)NDAA is being well implemented after that massive funding surge prior to Obama's departure

b)Shareblue is going full force

c)There are alot of retards who act like contrarians for the simple sake of it.


a) is actually a very very scary scenario which is also not unlikely. It is truly being ignored too much. Seems people forgot about it. Me included, I have to admit. It barely crosses my mind ever, but it's a very scary thing and we really should be making more noise about that one. Unfortunately, that situation appear to have been normalized.

for sure. terrorism or the political situation underlying the phenomenon won't change. national strategy and survival under the global anarchy won't change either. there's much more Brzezinski and Kissingers around the world and much more to come until something fundamentally alters the nation-state model

>What he planned literally confirms what the "conspiracy theorists" has been mocked for saying the US is doing

anyone paying attention could already see these moves possibly happening. most americans or people in general who think ideas and values are the only things driving nations' grand strategy won't see it coming. those who've read on history and understand nations trying to survive will always entertain these actions.

i'm sure Satan gave him a handjob as soon as he got to Hell.

Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.

Rot in Hell you fuckwad

as always, fpbp


No wonder I felt better today
A great evil has faded away on this glorious day

we can thank this fucker for the fucking islamic terror that he unleashed on us. piece of shit

this is why we can't let zuckerburg or the rest of those degenerates advance life extension technology. we have to destroy it and anyone who tries. death is the greatest gift we have. otherwise we'd never be rid of filthy kikes.

Digits Confirm
Praise Based Lord KEK
Fuck Brzezinski
Fuck Rockefeller
Fuck Kissinger next, inch'allah

thank you, Lord Jesus, we will all sleep better tonight.

t_d stands for the donald, dumbass, they weren't around for other republican candidates. kys, shill. and try harder next time.

only two thread on this? nu/pol/ is fucking embarrassing! death to the cosmopolitan! death to the CFR! death to traitors of America!


Praise kek

fukken lizard

>>only two thread on this? nu/pol/ is fucking embarrassing!
not surprising. i never see discussion about geopolitics and international relations. most people don't have a clue how remorseless other countries can be and the people who plan these things out.

kissinger next or bush elder?

funniest part is that his books blatantly admit their plans, but tell them to anybody and they say, yeah right prove it? or why would they do that? at any rate, I'm glad he's dead. now kissenger, bush 41 and soros need to fall. can all ths Rothschilds die too?

>same shillfag is here as in the previous brzezinski threead

what do you think about him saying the US Constitution is Usurped by the United Nations Charter?


fuck you, stupid faggot. I've read all this mans works for decades; he was a globalist communist piece of shit.

>desperate kike , ignore him

>>kissinger next or bush elder?
>now kissenger, bush 41 and soros need to fall. can all ths Rothschilds die too
you're gonna need to collect more names than that. every country has dozens of these type of schemers

Rolling for Soros

fake ,great .. how yu kno ?

The new generation isn't nearly as competent.