Is this what passes by as a "joke" nowadays in Trumps America?
I have no words
Is this what passes by as a "joke" nowadays in Trumps America?
I have no words
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Judging by her name, they should have said she was most likely to be undocumented.
Most likely to pick asparagus.
"terrorist" is cut off, fake news
Oh, you're serious. Excuse me while I laugh even harder.
this is disgusting......i hope someone lost their job because of this.....
Last day of grade 12 here in australia, students usually dress up and I remember some muslim kid dressed as a terrorist, fake bombs and shit
Nobody cared
>muds cant handle banter
As a Texan I support this 1000%
Fakest gay in the universe
Post the full image of the award or its fake news faggot
Hehehe we should have those over here too
Most likely to have to go back
Yeah, totally not fake.
thats 13? no wonder age of consent is 12 in mexico
I hope she also won the "most unwelcome in a white country" award and "cotton picker of the year"
There was an earlier thread about this today and there definitely was a full image that said terrorist. I don't have it, and I'm sure people here won't take my word for it but I'm also certain that someone else will post it soon.
Those that are too lazy to look it up.
Is she going to explode to prove them wrong?
It's the fucking "everybody gets a trophy" generation.
Sides: obliterated
I fucking love Texas
Kek, she was probably spouting a bunch of La Raza bullshit and they did this to put her in her place
(((connection error)))
considering it was a JOKE award ceremony giving out JOKE awards and there were DOZENS MORE, such as MOST LIKELY TO CRY ABOUT ANYTHING (you) and MOST LIKELY TO BE HOMELESS but oh no HURR DE DURR TERRORaYSCICTS AND A BROWN GIRL BLAOO ABLOO BLOO
But terrorism doesn't exist so this shouldn't be an issue.
2 more years and she'll be pushing 3 kids already, most likely getting knocked up as we shit post
The news would never cherry pick to stir the pot. Next you're gonna tell me that people get on the internet and lie.
Probably a nigger or a spic teacher anyway, in a class full of nigs and spics and muzzies.
I swear, every time I drive by a school here in Texas it's filed to the fucking brim with brown kids. Niggers, spics, etc. The schools I went to were full of whites not even 10 years ago, now it's like a fucking brown tsunami has washed over the land. Whites are literally going to be a minority here in texas in 5 years or less at this point, it's inevitable.
This has false flag written all over it.
Check em
I salute the teachers
I had a "Most Likely to Shoot Up Campus" Award, and I thought it was hilarious as shit. I even posted it on my fridge, before my Mom threw it away. This bitch, however, can't take the banter, and takes herself too seriously. She deserves to be ridiculed.
Lol, how could have possibly thought this was a good idea?
It is funny. Channelview is up its own ass
This is DISGUSTING. And Trump is implicit, regardless of what Sup Forums says.
Phoneposters, I swear...
>Students voted.
Maybe this generation wont be so bad.
teacher is a black woman
completely untouchable, she'll probably get a raise for the inconvenience
had a good laff tbqh lad
I would hang that on my wall if I got one of those
US federal age of consent is also 12.
Texas is like 40% white now. I'm not sure if hispanics have technically passed whites yet, but it's close.
It's not racism then.
BASED school
kill niggers
I bet everyone in class got their own paper roasting them with laughs all around but then everyone AYO'd when the brown chick got hers because das raycis. We need segregation.
OMG please let this be Trumps America. I don't believe this but- hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
(((fades into black)))
Well if they did this to me I'd be elated. Imagine the money she's gonna get out of the school.
Trump's America?
Schools are Liberal Institutions overrun with Commies.
this seems very inappropriate, like saying "student most likely to become a rapist"
Isn't that the kind of shit that gets you bullied by other latinas?
What, you haven't seen the pol infographic that lists all the "white" people?
We are clearly already the minority because they've been fudging the numbers this way for years.
>They don't want us to realize until there's too few of us to fight back
>says death to America a lot
>gets called a terrorist
10 bucks and dobz says this is what happened.
she's black
>tfw that was me
We always called the Mexican in highschool a terrorist because hjs dark features kinda looked arab. Lmao
This is like some fake George Soros funded news story, right?
No memes, this is fucked up if legitimate, demeaning fellow Americans on baseless terms is unpatriotic and idiotic. Someone will loose their teaching licence.
>most likely to be homeless
No idea what those teachers were even thinking for doing this shit when Libcuck media is on a witch hunt for anything newsworthy. They deserve to lose their jobs desu.
You are blowing smoke out of your ass and have literally no idea what this person acts like. Fuck off back to rebbit, kike
Work smarter not harder
I'm so sure a child acts like a terrorist.
>She was probably a little brown angel like all other 12 year olds
I also won that award.
Are you a larping faggot or is this the real deal?