Weed is for fags part 2:

Weed is for fags part 2:

Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

Weed Smokers Have More Violent Convictions:

Weed Causes Cancer:

Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

Weed Is Addictive:

Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

Other urls found in this thread:



Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:

Weed Causes Lung Damage:

Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:

>inb4 the weed-heads begin shilling for their vice because "it feels good, manye"

We know. I can't really say shit though because I average 4 shots of whiskey per night.

Fuck Weed. It retards your brain.

Alcohol doesn't have the same lasting effects the same way weed does. It's not good for you and you probably shouldn't drink, but it won't permanently shave off your IQ points like weed will.

Oh boy, the fags of (((part 1))) will be here shortly... the anticipation is killing me

kys potato nigger

5, 6, 7, 8!
Weed makes you degen-er-ate!

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them
wtf i love tobacco now

hurr i spam links that are just studies and not proven facts about how bad weed is hurr i cant wait to trigger pot heads xdddd


One time my friend offered me a puff of his joint. When I finally came back to my senses it was 3 weeks later in a hotel bathtub next to a dead prostitute screaming lines from the communist manifesto at a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.

Not even one time.

Imagining this in Irish accent is hilarious.

>just studies and not proven facts

They're here boys!

I smoked weed every day for 5 years. I quit just over a month ago. Holding strong.

you link one fucking website, like it has all the eternal facts and the whole world knows that one specific website is the key. way to even fail at baiting fag.

>Weed Smokers Have More Violent Convictions:

>Weed causes cancer
You mean lighting it on fire and breathing in the carcinogens causes cancer? You don't say..? By that retarded logic, everything causes cancer.

>Weed Is Addictive:
Can be addictive* Anything can be psychologically addictive. That's not a recognized standard. What matters is whether or not it's physically addictive, and it's not, so you're a faggot

There's plenty of good arguments against degenerate MJ use. No need to make shit up..

>potato nigger
Only people who hate the Irish are the kikes trying to destroy whites by dividing us by bringing up painful history. Yes, the Irish were abused wrongfully, but those times are over.

weed is a crutch for retards

I know. I fucked my brain up a little bit by smoking for a a few years in my teens and I regret it. Thankfully I didn't smoke everyday or anything like that but I do have mild anxiety I have to deal with because of it.

Its a data base. It hosts independent studies. Most of them are from that website because its the largest data base although I do link other hosts.

Weed is dumb, but Alcohol is worse

If you do weed, there is still hope for you. However if you Drink Alcohol, all hope is lost.

Valid point. But that still means if you smoke weed you are acting like a nigger.

>Cancer is from smoking it.
Also a valid point, but you'd be surprised how many people believe smoking it cures cancer.

>Psychologically addictive not physically
No it has physical withdrawal symptoms

>Thats not a recognised standard
There is a recognised standard for addiction of which weed ticks every box.

At least if you drink alcohol you still have a chance of getting laid though

Most shitposters don't know how to use databases, user. Hell a lot of U.S. college students don't either. Their professors in Comp I & II likely just let them use any source they wanted knowing from my experience in the wonderful liberal world of secondary education.

is weed is mother fuckign plant you stupid piece of shit

get girl stone + fuck her = profit

Yeah, but is that a good thing though? The last time I drank Alcohol was 5 years ago back when I was 17. Yeah I was underage, I did have sex while drunk with my cousin. At least when I did weed I was too lazy to fuck.

True. Okay I guess weed should be legal but only if you plan on using it to rape women.

Sex is good for men, bad for women.


can we please not make this a thing, i like my weed, stop making me feel bad


You're probably so sensitive from all that eostrogen weed is making you produce

But is it always good for Men? STDs are a thing, and I felt guilty for months after having sex with my cousin.

Beer literally has estrogen in it that's why you get flab tits

weed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jewcohol

who said anything about using force its the same way with alcohol you dumb shit

the it doesnt cause psychotic disorders, it elicits them in people who are predisposed to them, ex. somone who will become a skytso becomes one sooner if they are also a stoner, so it doesnt actually cause them

Better than being a perma-virgin.

Dont nuke our imagination bro! woooooh!


Im not pro alcohol either though.
Jewcohol = Cannajew

This brit gets it. Alcohol is shit. Either both weed and Alcohol should be legal, or they both should be illegal. I just hate logical inconsistencies that alcohol a worse drug than weed is still legal.

i honestly dont care, weed is love weed is life

Okay so who pays for the tests for every single mental illness ever people could get before they smoke weed then?

You'd need to be tested for years and thats gonna be fucking expensive. Lot of effort just to smoke a joint.

Same two fags still ranting about cannabis while sucking each others dick ignorantly using authority to justify muh safety

They should both be illegal. I dont see what one has to do with the other though, just because one should doesnt mean the other should. It just so happens that they both should be.

dude you have a giant stick in your ass smoke some weed and pull it our. op is a fag

you dont need to be tested, you can make the decision on wether you are to be predisposed by looking at your heritage, ex if your uncle is a skytso you probably shouldnt smoke

Told you guys it causes apathy. . .

Not every person that gets a mental illness has a family history of it so that argument is fucked.

>Smoking weed cures cancer dude
>Inhaling burning plant matter cures cancer
i don't know how anyone can unironically believe this.

Now have you actually tried both to judge? I have been clean for 3 years and I can tell you what happens on all sorts of drugs.

I have taken


Catch 22
If I say I've done drugs:
You're just bitter and angry you fucked up stop blaming everyone for your mistakes.
If I say I havent:
Why are you talking about stuff you dont have experience in

How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

Kill yourself

potheads btfo

saved for future use

even then it really doesnt matter, the ammount of people this is affecting is pretty much statistically insignifigant, and even then you should smoke at your own risk

Well since I dont do drugs my chances of doing that is pretty low


ive done more than that but ive never huffed gas why would you do that shit

Holy fuck you guys are retarded he's obviously joking look at his fucking name

Because those sources you cite are people dying to cannabis


No weed has legitimate medicinal properties that juistify it's legality unlikie alcohol.

20-25% isn't statistically insignificant.

I am having the time of my life in this thread. So fucking funny.

Cause I was a stupid kid, 12 years old. And my friends were doing it.

You can barely talk lmao

Weed has ZERO proven medical benefits.

Potato Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Potato plant poisoning

Lead in potatoes

Potatoes and risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy adults ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27413134

Potato intake and incidence of hypertension

I'm typing fag

I honestly think Hillbillycock might be legit.

WHAT where are you getting the numbers from, im talking major mental illness, think logically those numbers make no sence, like that implies that 20-25% of the population is predisposed tp major mental illness which is wrong.


Schoolchildren poisoned by potatoes

You are a primo faggot. There is obvious medical uses, shit for brains.

Well it is from the nightshade family generally those tend not to be very good for you lmao

bullshit. and i say that as someone who understands weed is degenerate and is against legalisation. its been proven to help stop seizures in kids.

better ban them

No there aren't. Send me one then.

Kinda. You know, You do stupid shit as a kid. And later on when I was in college, to be successful you take adderall when you are as dumb as I am so you don't fail out of school. 16hr projects just flew by, but my heart would constantly race, also if I didn't focus on the project before taking the drug I would become engrossed in whatever I was doing before. Either jerking off or playing video games. Strangely though, when you mix adderall and alcohol together the effects sort of cancel eachother out as your heart doesn't beat as wildly and your head doesn't feel as numb.


Nah. They don't rot your brain and turn you into a nigger. There isn't an increasing epidemic of people using too much potatoes. Well maybe in Ireland there is, so you could make an argument for banning them here.

We do need to do something about fast food aswell.

HHAHAAHAAHHA a youtube video
Quality fucking soruce user

Okay where in the video does he give that kid weed? All I can see is him giving the kid CBD tablets.

>a youtube video can't contain any valid information
just put your fingers in your ears and yell la la la then user. you're wrong on this one.

The video wasnt even about weed. He gave the kid CBD not weed.

How retarded are you? Skip to 3:20

Sage retard's thread. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26800377

CBD - Product of Weed, ergo....Sage.

I do believe there may be some medical application for cannabis if dosing is proper, and it is not smoked but rather taken in pill form.

CBD is in certain strains of weed dumb nigger

He doesnt give the kid weed he gives him CBD you mong.

which is derived from cannabis...

yea because what you just said makes total sence

Nice source nigger.
>bash weed
>provide a source to drug addled rats

>not derived from cannabis
just concede this one user. it does have some medical uses.

Cheese isn't milk. Spastic.