What are the differences, if any, between neoconservatism and neoliberalism? Are they the same? Do they seek the same ends through different means? Was Zbigniew Brzezinski best categorized as a neocon or a neolib?
Neoliberalism vs. Neoconservatism
we call them both globalist now. same shit different flavor either way the elite got what they wanted while we all argued over gay marriage or other silly matters.
They're the same economically and they both strive for a one world government ruled by the internationalist elite. The only difference between the two is that they take opposing sides in the distraction game called "the culture war".
>Asking an intelligent political questions on Sup Forums without tits in the OP image
Hmm, then this could be a useful "mind blower" for certain soft-left and center-right normies. Just ask them when the difference between a neoliberal (Obama) and a neoconservative (Bush) are on anything other than social wedge issues. It's almost implicit evidence of the globalist conspiracy claim.
This. The culture wars are never-ending because (((they))) need it to distract the goyim from the actual assrape.
This sort of shit only started in the 20th century. Before that, social """issues""" were extremely drawn out, and only arose because of new developments. Not like the obviously manufactured problems of trannies and faggots we have now.
Neo con :
Military industrial complex
Israel's guy
Prison industrial complex/drug war
Neo lib:
Globalist/free trade thru government contracts which isn't free trade
Humanitarian motives for war
Government expansion
Both are the same Jewish controlled globalists. Neolibs are more socially (((progressive))) but that's about it.
There is no difference.
So, exactly the same thing.
First post best post. Two sides of the same coin, designed to distract you while they plunder the world for money.
Money is just a means to an end. Power is their ultimate goal. A globalist empire.
As weird as it sounds, the two are not mutually exclusive. Neoliberalism is an economic position; proponents are strongly against any kind of economic regulation, pro-austerity, want unlimited free trade, and are basically free market purists. Neoconservatism refers primarily to foreign policy and proponents believe that exporting American style democracy by force to other nations is both virtuous and beneficial for America's security. Many of the original neocons were former trotskyists (Look at Bill Kristol, he still spouts shit directly from Marx every now and then), which is why they have such a hard on for exporting ideology. Owing to their leftist roots, they tend to be more moderate Republicans, but they can run the gamut domestically. Another key feature is that neocons favor unilateralism and have a disdain for the UN; the Dems don't have this trait and are considered to be 'liberal internationalists'. Thing is, nothing would get done if people waited for the U.N, so 'liberal internationalists' aren't too different in practice and if you ask me, they're just neocons that like the U.N.
Also, Brzezinski is not a neocon. Neocons are follow the idealist school of international relations, which stress shared norms and ideology. Brzezinski is a realist of the European tradition and realists, long story short, are not into ideological proselytizing. He could be a neolib, but it's not relevant when he's a foreign policy expert, not an economic one.
Neo liberals are not the same as liberal interventionists
also, who is Classical Liberal here?
TBQH, American "Neocons" are actally neoliberals, and the "liberals" (ie clinton and the internationalist jews) are liberal interventionists
Obama and friend were socialists mixed with some ideology no one has pinned down
Communists = bernie bros and Antifa
too many anarchists and natsocs self identify in public as "conservatives" and give conservatism (clasical liberalism) a bad name, pushing people to embrace neo liberalism (good fucking job guys, thats why we are in the mess today)
libertarianism is a meme, like fusionism
this is the right answer. they might argue about fags or affirmative action but at the end of the day they want whites displaced and a global strip mall to play in
>also, who is Classical Liberal here?
Most people on Sup Forums are libertarian aka true liberal
>TBQH, American "Neocons" are actally neoliberals, and the "liberals" (ie clinton and the internationalist jews) are liberal interventionists
They're all the same.
>Obama and friend were socialists mixed with some ideology no one has pinned down
Still the same thing. Obama=Clinton=Bush=neocon=neolib=globalists=kikes
>too many anarchists and natsocs self identify in public as "conservatives" and give conservatism (clasical liberalism) a bad name, pushing people to embrace neo liberalism (good fucking job guys, thats why we are in the mess today)
True anarchism and true liberalism ("classical liberalism") and true libertarianism are all the same thing
>libertarianism is a meme, like fusionism
No, you're a meme
>Many of the original neocons were former trotskyists (Look at Bill Kristol, he still spouts shit directly from Marx every now and then), which is why they have such a hard on for exporting ideology.
his dad Irving was a literal Communist Youth Party member. I hate necons so much
Can you explain how one can be a classical liberal without believing in God-given rights, and equality under God? It could be that the reason classical liberalism devolved into New Leftism is because the Christian metaphysical underpinnings of western political thought are no longer tenable for most people. Hence why so many "liberals" are simply becoming Marxists.
It looks to me that Moldbug was right to call Progressivism nothing more than non-theistic Christianity. Without Christian axioms, Classical Liberalism becoming Progressivism, which is just another totalitarianism.
>Most people on Sup Forums are libertarian aka true liberal
get this faggoty deracinated historical materialist bullshit out of here. don't try and speak for Sup Forums , what's next, are the democrats the real racists? /k/ is the true libertarian board whereas Sup Forums has always been a split between fascists and libertarians with a LOT of overlay between the two.
pol is AnCap college students/ under 30 males and Natsoc blue collar /union types , which can be seporated from anti semetism if they wanted but works in their favor anyways
indeed, Classical liberalsim is conservatism in the US and to tell the truth, for upper class whites only, and classical liberals compensate by either faking the religion or finding fondness for classical conservatism/ monarchy
because you cant do either, most adopt a neo-conservative/ libertarian Tea Party ideology but would be classified as neoconservatives during the 90s, but now live a naive or nihlistic lifestyle thanks to the obama years and are referred to here as "Cuckkservatives"
they are the last beleivers in fusionism meme of the reagan years, which was a holy alliance against the godless communists and thrid position anarchists like Gadaffee
yeah, you heard me, im flaunting my white conservative millenial upperclass privilage, watchign you all radicalize until you decide to burn down the entire country as I sit back and watch
It's all just jewry and state control of the masses in the benefit of big nosed big companies.