How can people be so brainwashed and stupid to think that any religion we have on earth is correct? let alone their own religion
Religious People
Lots of people are incredibly stupid.
Why are you so hung up on being correct though? I'm Catholic but the most important part of my religion is having a personal connection with God.
All religions are supposed to fall under the dominion of the antichrist in the end anyway so I don't really bother with defending the church as a whole. More the faith and God.
1. Christianity his the only religion with proof. actually click the thread and also scroll down.
2. I lose nothing by believing so it doesn't matter if ni God exists because it then wouldn't effect me at all. So there is no reason not to believe.
>says the swede
Why do people like OP care? Just leave us the hell alone, stop always trying to shame us for choosing to have a faith. To believe in something bigger than us. Why are you always so bent on attacking people of faith?
If you're being sincere about the OP, you're coming at it from the wrong angle. "Religion" is what the finite beings do.
Start with the question of an omnipotent being first. What people do about the being is secondary.
It's because they intuitively know that something is not right within their own argument. So they obsessively pick at it.
Fix your goddamn country, but your comment is fair
Someday you'll grow up and realize all religion is personal religion. All concepts of God are personal concepts.
Mind your own business bogan fucker.
Nearly half of all LGBT adults surveyed said they were atheist, compared to 20% of the general population. According to the Pew Research Center, those who said they were religious also attended services less often and attach less importance to their faith than other people.
We all sin in different ways, but atheists want to do so without feeling guilty, so they deny the existence of who they have sinned against.
really i thought it was around 10% or so
Because most people have average minds, and average minds do not challenge established things (unless it becomes trendy).
A religion is essential.
Muslims have thousands of "scientific" articles of such proof. Many imams specialize in it, forging a career construing western science to support islamic cosmology. It is about as convincing to nonbelievers.
because jesus died for your sins you faggot now stop your sodomizing, sinner
Were it not for the laws of the faith, I would have slaughtered you.
Muslims cite the stories in the new and old testament as being accurate.
Pew research has it at 22.8% for the irreligious in America as of 2012. Of course it's relying on self reporting in a survey, so it could be widely off.
Most teenagers challenge established things, then they mature and accept them (unless it becomes trendy).
Watch an atheist get crushed:
Honestly, as a catholic, the fear of god and hell will do a number....but I'm not going to bring my religious views into politics.
I may be stupid, but I am not foolish.
>Muh pascals wager
So do you adhere to the thousands of other faiths as well?
1. see point #1 in 2. most other religions believe in reincarnation
Same way they get brainwashed.into thinking women are oppressed.
Why is believing your sensory experiences correspond to real object based on nothing but blind faith better than blind faith in a religious proposition?
Why don't you tell us.
Make us really think.
>Craig destroying anyone
>he didn't watch the video
People that take everything in religious doctrine literally are fucking stupid imo
If anything they are meant to be read metaphorically
However, you can't deny the importance and benefits of virtue most religions stress to their respective practitioners
>"societal values"
Commie buzzwords gonna buzz!
The texts on the pic are in the wrong order. Should be switched.
>calling me a commie for supporting religion
Lol wut
I dunno tell us all the answers then. Or is it all abut hiding the fact that you don't know to one up some else or pretend to both the church and the pagans atheist homosexuals all did despite being bitter rivals when Copernicus was actually right? He wouldn't have believe in (((Darwin))) either, he thought for himself and trusted only his own experiences in life.....
we got to see incredible shit (ORTHODOXY) that noone else has , and we will not tell you what it is dirty kikes fuck off btfo
I called you a commie for using a commie buzzword.