Right, it's the """""thugs""""" causing the problems in our schools.
Right, it's the """""thugs""""" causing the problems in our schools
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kid needs some jail time.
What a faggot.
That faggot needs to be executed
If you say nigger unironically or without actually referring to a nigger, you should be executed
>negro postin his twitter shit on Sup Forums
How many stores have you robbed today josh?
Look at the halls outside the classroom. They look like a fucking sewer.
There is clearly something very wrong with this school.
Lol what
Dude was an asshole faggot but of course Tyrone has to make it about him
what episode of riverdale is this
>Odd how this thread isn't getting a comment every second
>"See's it's a racist white boy chimp out"
>Oh that's why.
If this kid was black i guarantee you this thread would be on the first page till it hit the post limit
no shit retard, when a white teenager makes an ass out of himself its just growing up. when a nigger sucker punches an old man and nearly kills him its kind of a big deal.
>Comparing two different outcomes and acting like their the same thing
>What are statistical outliers?
Look at his little bitchtits. Nice gyno, fag
Wow what a little faggot, good think Hiro Nakamura didn't have his Hatori Hanzo samurai sword ready
What a fucking nigger, sounds like hes about to cry
did his mommy not buy him the new cawwadooty
Because we have this thread basically every fucking day about niggers chimping out in schools. One white kid being a wigger doesnt constitute an entire thread, its an outlier, where as nigs chimping out in schools is highly observable trend.
Kid sounds drunk or something.
Its pretty damn annoying having shit skins "teaching" you.
Being a piece of shit thug is cultural, not racial. In America the vast majority of piece of shit thugs are black, but that's not true everywhere.
More like needs surgery for that gyno.
No wonder he's pissed off, he probably has 10x normal estrogen levels. He's practically a woman on her rag, hormonally.
What's the context, here?
this shit is like every day in a black class
You see. Why this is hitting rracrion is because this guy is white. And white people do not act like this. Sure there are total fuck ups but they generally obey the social contract.
If he was black it'd be a big thread on pol but nowhere else. This is the second place I've seen this vid. Pol was late.
entitled bitch needs to be expelled. Entitlement is a disease that afflict people from all economic backgrounds
Of course its a white nigger, can you imagine being an asian teacher trying to teach undisciplined monkeys?
>being surprised that people are more critical of other races
This is day stuff man.
He's acting like a real nigger.
White chocolate chimp
He sounds like a product of the times we live in. This kind of losing one's shit is seen as...fuck me, I honestly don't get what it's seen as, but the kids seems to like it and think they should follow suit.
white people arent inherently violent you stupid monkey. niggers are constantly at risk of chimping out of the nearest white person at any given time.
>"whack ass nigga!"
Why do white people say this shit?
>white trash kid calling asian man "wack ass nigga"
For the same reason that this kid acted this way to begin with. THIS is the kind of thing people are looking to avoid when they say they want the blacks gone. This kid watches these black assholes on a variety of media forms and gets his social cues from them. Clearly his father is ineffective. He either isn't there or is so lazy as to just sit around watching blacks play sports pretending they have value. Kid has no chance.
This is some good slam poetry.
give him a weekend inside the local jail, shit will fix 95% of all young whites
holy shit i'm so triggered
>I bet the native americans thought the same thing about whites after a while.
>They were right.
Where ever whites go there's always misery, oppression, and death they bring with them. Literally the most genocidal race on the planet.
nice cherry pick faggot
Is their a showerhead in the classroom?
Is this anudda shoa?
some cracker acting like a nigger. Even starts to look like one with that monkey mouth.
Oh look, it's an outlier. Doesn't change the trend. White kid needs a better home environment and someone to explain to him what is expected of him as a White man. Hopefully someone will redpill him on his duty to his people so he stops acting like a stupid nigger
Tit-boy needs a permanent vacation.
For a standard cell phone shot school no punches thrown altercation like this? Unlikely. I might be integrated in Sup Forums's eternal stupid people fighting over bullshit threads but I doubt it would get much traction on Sup Forums.
Everybody loves to jiggle.
>mr shoe
redmen are violent niggers just like you. if white people met another race of the same caliber, things would be different, but with so many impulsive animals running around, something had to, and still has to, be done.
Giving overdramatic faggots attention only further validates their trite. It is insubstantial and superficial but that's what they care about more than anything
Just think for how long it took for the nigger to find one single pic of that? That really IS stalking
He's not a white person. He's something else under a white skin.
why no one care about the sewer halls?
I don't see a "white" kid in the video I see a nigger with white skin
My comment exactly. This is cultural enrichment in practice.
Back to plebbit (((civic nationalist)))
The only reason this is news is because of how rare it is. Worse happens on an hourly basis in vibrant schools.
LOL See those niggers at the back of the class laughing? THose are the thug niggas this cucked white kid is trying to impress. Sad, I see chinks at my school doing this. THey want to impress the black kids in the class, they sit near them, talk like them, over react for their attention, yell rap lyrics to them, damn shame.
Wiggers go first. Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
>look at this jive motherfucka
It's news when a white kid chimps out but this sort of thing happens every day in black schools.
White people can be niggers as well
notice how the white boi still refers to the prof as "doctor"
Nice bait, but I'll bite.
I work in a black school, I can confirm this. A really bad one too. Every classroom has one or two big ass security officers in it because the kids start fights all the time. We have padded rooms for keeping them in when they go nuts. I saw a kid get his jaw broken when one of the guards slammed him to the ground.
Send him to jail. He has no place in society. Anybody have his facebook? We should monitor for if he makes any drug posts in the future weeks/years and report them to the police
American youth is much more niggerish than it was ten years ago user, they need more punishments.
>just growing up
When the fuck did this become acceptable? I didn't do this shit.
They put those in science room. It's a chemical wash station
that's why we need school choice, so the kids who don't want to fight all day can actually go to a different school and learn something. the other kids who have no interest in trying to better themselves, let them fight all day until they end up in prison.
That guy is a punk and the stereotype white guy but you know the black people going wild over this shit don't talk about the fucking other 90% of the time the punk is black and fulfills the black guy stereotype.
Feel bad for the Asian guy, but this is the consequences of multiculturalism.
*Jewish run multiculturalsim
Put conservative whites back in charge and I think we make diversity work.
>that's why we need school choice
>implying school choice isn't what the government is using to infect white schools with rabid niggers
If you can't afford to live in the area, then you don't get to use its school
Let's see yours?
>twitter nigger, beaming with malicious pride, thinks he's finally found the very first filmed incident of a non-black chimpout
>but it's transparently obvious the white kid grew up surrounded by niggers and adopted and internalized their mannerisms, speech patterns, lexicon, etc. against his will as a survival mechanism for his environment
sorry we can't all be eminem and miraculously steer our lives out of the living hellscapes your people create, you fucking faggot.
blacks are 100% in the wrong here yet again.
the white kid is 100% innocent.
in fact, he's the only victim in this video, period.
he never assaults the teacher. he merely yells like an autistic kid screeching at mom for his tendies.
his only physical action involves taking his frustration out on inanimate objects.
he never physically attacks anyone.
whereas if he was black, one or two innocent people would have left in an ambulance.
even after all the torture blacks put this poor white kid through to shape him into this monstrous caricature of niggerdom, the altruism of his white genes still found a way to seep through and protect everyone around him from being harmed by the irrational violence.
school choice just ruins white schools
>twitter nigger, beaming with malicious pride, thinks he's finally found the very first filmed incident of a non-black chimpout
That was my first thought too. Niggers just love playing gotcha when they catch a white person (or any non-black) chimping out even though they do it 1000x more often and they know it.
Literally saying HE DINDU NUFFIN.
This is why I agree with that fact that there's no such thing as white culture in America. Why do all white boys act black these days over there?
No idea. It's a real mystery.
I wonder what influenced this kid to act out like this?
Lol what a fucko
he merely raised his voice and fash bashed a trashcan. literally no one was hurt.
whereas when dindus say they dindu nuffin, it's after they have raped someone or beaten them to death
I can confirm that Korean students constantly cheat on every test, i teach in korea
You're retarded. This kid needs therapy. No one that age acts like that without some seriously shit upbringing.
the fuck is that guys problem?
>going for the trash can
antifa confirmed
i think I'd drop out of school if I was forced to be there surrounded by fucking trash like this kid
Fuck this fucking kid with his bitch tits and acting like a nigger. He should be put down like a rabid dog.
Nigger culture. Rap music, gangs, shootings. It's a barbaric and stupid culture, but it projects strength, something that has been eradicated from white culture for being "toxic masculinity". Boys grow up desperately looking for strong male projections, and that's the only place they find them nowadays.
>white kid is not to blame
He is to blame for being a retard and letting ghetto culture influence him. Stop giving him a "DINDU NUFFIN" pass because he is white. He is old enough to be responsible for his actions.
Shut up nigger
what the fuck is that? the opposite day?
Erm. What is the benefit for being such an asshole to the one that teaches you?
He still called him "doctor" as he's committing a white chimp out.
The has my respect.