is it?
This isn't gonna be a thing that white women do now
t. WHITE WOMAN in late 20s to early 30s
Yes it is
she's a kike
Can't KEK hard enough at this degeneracy.
Instead of self inserting themselves in romcoms and Disney princess movies, they will self insert themselves in action and adventure movies. What does that do to the female psyche.
I think things are going to get interesting none the less
>Wonder Woman wants a dick in her life, and that's problematic.
>t. buzzfeed
I never felt this way watching comando or terminator. Wtf is this bitch on about?
>take a picture of me crying
>I need validation from strangers on social media
I'm so happy I deleted every (((social))) media account I have...
Ghostbusters wasn't good enough for her eh?
so white women can shill now? we have come a long way. they have been fighting to be shills for a long time. have many of them been faggots? sure but they were not paids to be faggots
that's because of your male privilege.
A character created by a man who was a bondage fetishist pervert finally made me feel represented. Really makes ya think.
lmao we are at Brave New World levels of degeneracy and narcissism
They are going to jump head first into the lions den and then reality is going to hit them like a ton of bricks
I can't believe this. How could this happen to me. Woe is me, my life ends here.
>"So what got you interested in (((feminism)))?"
>"It looked alright from the outside"
>"That's what the Christians said about the Colosseum. Speaking of which..."
Daily reminder that MGTOW did nothing wrong.
>shrill laughter and mumbled Ebonics
Top fucking kek everytime I read it
>finally felt represented
>please take a picture of me while i cry so i can upload to social media for likes and shares later.
yep. checks out.
>I went to see a movie because I thought it would be empowering to women and I was so impressed with how empowered I felt as a woman and it's definitely not confirmation bias for a self confidence problem that I made up
It'll be fun to watch
The death star was pretty bad ass though, I was sad when it blew up.
>crying during Wonder Woman
that just shows how mentally unstable liberals are
>milana vayntrub
To any rational human; your pic related is the only logical conclusion to the new statue
This is a form of narcissism right? Normal people just don't do this. Has my autism shielded me from this or do people actually not just see right through this?
>it's still got a very heteronormative perspective of love
ISIS knows how to properly treat women imo
Jesus Christ.
What cry about dumb shit? Have you ever met a woman?
Where is my lesbian WW love reeeeeeeee
We need to start a feminist outrage over unobtainable body images due to wonder woman
wtf how did she take that picture your not supposed to have phones out in theater??
>this is me
Looks really real!
>this perfect lighting in a movie theater
The levels of narcissism you have to be on to arrange to have someone stand up in the cinema and take a professional picture of you at the emotional part of the movie as you ((wipe away tears)) ffs
I actually did feel this way when i watched batman.
Because I'm Batman.
>Finally something that appeals to me and is representative of me!
>Remove all representation of the heteronormative white male from media
Leftists seem to realize that people are only able to enjoy media to which they relate, yet adamantly seek to remove all our representation and expect us to like watching media based around niggers and womyn.
I wish I could be so delusional.
Who? What? Who else did they make?
I don't think Dakota t. Numale is getting laid tonight...
jesus fucking this. reminds me of all the "literally crying" selfies people took after Trump won.
Just her I think. He helped invent the polygraph too.
>Crying over a fucking children's movie because it has a chick in the lead
>A children's movie that was a popular children's show in the fucking 70's
Fuck me. The left is regressing past infantilism.
how fucking vain do you have to be to ask someone to take a picture of you at the movies while you pretend cry and than make this post. i seriously want to know how this person gets up in the morning and doesn't immediately kill themselves
Lmfao. "Two women, his wife Elizabeth Holloway Marston and Olive Byrne (who lived with the couple in an extended relationship), both greatly influenced Wonder Woman's creation."
Two chicks. Might see wonder woman now. Out of respect.
Dude was a big time pervert. That's why I laugh my ass off at women who view the character as so empowering. She was basically created as some dude's erotic fan fic.
>this is me pictures
My face has been deformed from all the cringing
>Take this picture of me so I can put the picture of Me Doing A Thing online so people can see, that's what life is all about
Women are narcissistic fucking disgusting pigs.
Really madoogles my spaggodles tbqhfam
>My face has been deformed from all the cringing
i keked
>i seriously want to know how this person gets up in the morning and doesn't immediately kill themselves
2000 retards liked her post. there are 2000+ human beings who think, not only is this shit normal, but its great.
Im kind of surprised nobody is making a big deal about race on it, where are all the nonwhite women bitching about wonder woman being "white"
>I'm so happy I deleted every (((social))) media account I have...
Attaboy. I've been off (((social media))) for a couple of years and have missed NOTHING.
Who took the picture?
Crytojews and libtards I meet every day here in Cali think I'm a swell guy and always ask about my Insta or Facebook
When I tell them I don't have one, they try to drag me back in
Fuck that noise desu senpai
We should start some hashtags that call out Wonder Woman being another white superhero movie, or her creator's sexism... Something that makes the snowflakes go bananas.
I wonder how this person will be like 30 years down the road.
>Normal people just don't do this.
They do when they are paid for it.
Same thing I was wondering
Dear diary, today Canada was alright.
Oh, that's the AT&T girl?
Yeah, she's a Jew.
Women have a coded language for support.
She is saying she doesn't feel supported or powerful. Women pick up on this que and then give her positive feedback.
Jews aren't human and exploit emotions for manipulation. In this case she is exploiting white women's collectivism and emotions to shill. Specific message .
Heteronormative love is not the only kind and all love needs representation aka be degenerate.
The Jew propensity to do this is so high it is hard to believe it is spontaneous.
Don't give in. My sister was trying to convince me to make another facebook account a few days ago, and right after that I pissed off some retard so badly that now he's trying to dox me.(and failing hard because none of my personal information exists online)
You have to be a serious fucktard to put every piece of personal information people are looking for out in the open like that.
Fucking sick.
This is because of your heteronormative views you bigoted fuckkkkkkk
Never senpai
I've had old friends say they miss my snaps and ask me why I deleted it and I'm brutally honest with them
I value my personal real-life relationships with people: if anyone knows anything about me, it's because I have verbally told them and allowed them into my personal circle
Zucker(((berg))) and Co. have successfully conditioned people from the dangers of social media and don't realize how extremely powerful people are over your life when they have immediate access to your entire life
>"Career Woman" LARPing as man will be an Old Maid Spinstress in 10 years
>Watches childless Superman with Titts
>Feels Represented
>Inexplicable tears as she realizes what she really is
Seems right.
Oy veyyy
>Social media = Noise
This man gets it.
Dumb hos like to send nudes over snapchat though.
>Capeshit sells because it's capeshit
>"Woo feminism! Take that, men!"
I have a kikebook friend online that is based as fuck and she is hot as hell too. She live a couple thousand miles from me. I dox'd her and then showed her all the info I could get of her. I did it because she talks a lot of shit online and I don't want a muzzi doxing her and killing her. I found out where she lived and sent her a picture of her house from google street view and cross referenced the street view with pics of her from around her house and of her in her yard and pointed out where she was in in every photo. Ya I scared the fuck out of her. Now she is in the process of pulling as much as she can from the web.
>mfw Wonder Woman has been around since 1941
Hoes are degenerate bitches though
No thanks
>pic related is representation of the perfect woman
>The first known female superhero is writer-artist Fletcher Hanks's minor character Fantomah, an ageless, ancient Egyptian woman in the modern day who could transform into a skull-faced creature with superpowers to fight evil; she debuted in Fiction House's Jungle Comics #2 (Feb. 1940)
I want to watch this movie instead
Narcissistic roasties like her is one of the reason I can't watch superhero movies anymore. There always feminist agendas being shoved down my throat everytime I watch normie marvel movies. Thank god movies like John Wick still exist.
Are women really that weak that they need a fucking superhero movie to make them feel important?
I can't imagine having such low self-esteem.
I fucking hate social media + millennials
topkek for the hundredth time.
No major argument here. Straight up goddess.
Only thing is - if that gal is a healthy diet, I'm willing to have nachos every once in a while. At least until I find her. (Metaphor failing)
>What is Alien
>What is Silence of the Lambs
This cunt acts like female leads are something new.
women are retarded
I couldn't do that to my future wife
You're either in or you're out: here is no in between
If you're a man and can't keep it in your pants until you find a girl, you're just as much a degenerate as roasties riding the cock-carousel
(Reverse image search if pic related is too small)
>can't use "nigger" because it's not o.k. to dehumanize black people
>openly uses "nerd" because it's totally fine to dehumanize intelligent people
I'm done, classist bitch. *^_^*
inb4 "nerd detected"
>Blow up a fucking huge ball that can destroy planets
>Rather than capturing it and using it for themselves
Wait, are any of those graphs for male? Left side too small.
I've seen the data on females.
Is help aid like a special form of helping?
Bull represents growth, woman stands in it's way ... like pottery
Middle bottom
I'm in 54% zone already.
You act as if they have any awareness of pop-culture pre-social media internet.
she has a cute middle-america style in the photo. a pity she uses the word heteronormative