So much true...
So much true
>puppet state has opinions
Your American flag looks weird op. Wait.. you are American right? Since your talking about how Americans think of themselves.
You're basically Puerto Rico. Nobody cares what you think
It's times like this that make me think that maybe we should let the Norks take South Kuckrea.
you can't your destiny, loser. everybody hates you faggots.
What we actually do is keep Kim Un from invading you, rapping your mom and killing you faggot. Now come wipe my ass as payment for your protection.
lol fucking gook talking shit.
And? You do realize you would be starving nigger korea right now if Burgers didn't stop the Norks from fisting your little assholes.
>Literally who nation
>Opinion discarded
Fuck of Joao
I guess they call the norks Best Korea after all. Fuck you.
Well without us Kim jung would have your country so you're welcome
and dont you for get it, our literal 148000:1 k:d ratio is unmatched
You forgot baseball asshole. No one should talk about the United States without mentioning baseball which is the greatest game ever invented.
등신아 존나 노잼이니까 걍 나가뒤져라 ㅉㅉ
>implying it's an opinion
>>you can't your destiny
and you cant your English
Are we supposed to be sad that America keeps the shit skin countries in line?
Although America is the only reason you're not in Best Korea so I empathize with the pain that must cause you.
makes no sense
but keep feeling good democract
that's not gonna save you, you're gonna implode from the inside out, like every empire in history.
we just gonna watch
>Implying we give a shit about what some Iberian has been country has to say
Go back to wearing short shorts and dancing in the fag bar, you continental pussy.
america is highly disgusting in general
duke nukem confirmed america incarnate
>What I actually do
laughed at the last one
Keyword being think
>implying a forth dimensional warfare capable country can implode
this isnt 1450 and we arent you
Yo don't forget Chinese take shits on every tourism spot
Based steve reeves
There's a reason why 90% of rekt threads contain footage from China, fucking commie
is Sup Forums the easiest board to get (you)s on Sup Forums? seems like it
You mean the most boring
>we arent you
the 44% you have of whiteness comes from us. it won't help though
lol you chinese fags had the opportunity to explore the world and colonize it using firearms...instead you destroyed your naval fleets and knowledge and kept playing with swords. You're culture is stagnant and dull.
Yeah it is because it's the fastest board on Sup Forums. Fucking burger.
How the fuk are cummies gettin on Sup Forums again? Don't they have censoring programs n shit??
>implying whiteness matters at all when youre an entire continent of literal cuckolds, who not only dont care about being bred out of existence but actively support it
the races are all going to mix anyways, whether 10 years or 10000, its the grit of a people that truly matters lad
A moor talking about whiteness, how rich! Sorry Joao but our 77% white population is significantly larger than yours.
no it's cause it's full of autists that are easily baited
>muh civic nationalism
kys. what are you going to hang on to when shit hits the fan? muh americanism?
try again
our guns and the fact we are one of four countries that grow enough food to support our own populations
Get out.
It's in your genes, you guys are dark because you have nigger and sandnigger mixed in you.
atleast there are no shooting here, we are not violent psychopath.
epik level comic
>that wooden furnature
that's part of how you'll implode, correct
Yea, tell that to Tibetans, Uyghur, other Chinese minorities who are killed everyday for speakin against da government
>niggers did this
if you think that pic disproves my point, than youre an idiot
we have more guns than the rest of the world combined despite being only 4% of the world population, and yet only a very small number are used in crimes, the same has been true for our entire existence, so how are we suddenly going to implode when protests were much more frequent and much more violent in the 1960s?
I thought niggers lived off from southerners and ate chickens and coke all day
No they did this
Found the Beat Korea spy in Shit Korea
Hello state number 53
That's sounds pretty comfy DESU
How do I sign up?
>we grow our own food
>graph showing they don't
>totally doesn't disprove my point
that's how empires go, first they degenerate (look into your own culture), then they implode. the fact your civil population is armed to their teeth will only add to the party. but it makes no difference overall
Fixed it for you.
>thinking we care about heathens
If you're not Christian or American you shouldn't be allowed to live.
>american education
we weren't there yet, dumb. our nation was literally born out of stealing that land from the mudslims
Easy, be a nigger and be a nigger in south. If u reach ur maximum tear, u get a cool necklace around yo neck
it's getting closer, yes
I don't have a problem with America. Probably the greatest nation today and land of free and brave and opportunities.
I love you Americunts, no matter what you did.
>we grow our own food
>graph showing they don't
>totally doesn't disprove my point
i know reading comprehension is hard for those with tiny brains, but i said we are one of four countries who produce more food than we consume, which we are. Youre saying that we import more food than we export which has nothing to do with how much food we produce, you would be able to figure this out if you werent a brainlet. take 3 seconds to google it
>that's how empires go, first they degenerate (look into your own culture),
our culture is no where near as degenerate as we were 100 years ago with brothels on every corner, or even 40 years ago when time square was literally filled with whore houses. You only think its more because we have exported our culture, to where there is now a mcdonalds on every corner of your country
>then they implode.
a forth dimensional warfare capable country cannot implode, its literally not possible
> the fact your civil population is armed to their teeth will only add to the party. but it makes no difference overall
its proven the opposite
Yeah but you forget america is fat as fuck, if you cut out imports you can still feed our population. People just want to over eat shit all the time so importing works for that.
no, you import food that you eat but don't produce, and export other food you over-produce. and it's only getting worse because you don't think strategically, but with your wallet.
only burgers would try to argue that you can just subtract one from the other and call it even
>we totally not degenerate
youre embarrassing yourself, literal nigger tier reasoning skills
Thanks Pajeet
You just earned yourself 50% off on your next big mac (with your next full purchase of a large order of fries)
>>we are not as degenerate as we were 100 years ago
>we are totally not degenerate
see and in the 1960s the chimps literally burned down 2 cities, weve only grown in power since then, thinking america can implode is just retarded
Merely a nigger containment city
t.Alberto Barbossa
>our new precident is alpha
>he's totally gonna show the world how things are done
>a fucking french
>a forth dimensional warfare capable country cannot implode, its literally not possible
>a peacekeeping conflict in a foreign country before the us was capable of fourth dimensional warfare is an example of it being possible
how do you remember to eat? does you mommy have to bring to tendies for you just to survive?
>beaten by literal farmers
>it's 4D chess
go look up what 4d warfare is and you will see that you are only proving my point by that comment
yeah but both koreas hate you now so it's all good.
who know
their hatred for the USA could be the momentum of unification against the western imperialist.
fucking chinese
fuck off