Australians, you have 5 seconds to defend this.
Australians, you have 5 seconds to defend this
i dont have to defend it, i didnt even hear about this until now
its like asking finlanders to defend why a nigger won their beauty pagent. the answer is the same for both, the whole thing is just political
sydney is the liberal shithole like your cali burger....thats why.
other parts of aus are vastly different
its like comparing NY and texas.
>human rights movement
Literally all they do is riot and block roads. They cant even fix their shitty neighborhoods because niggers will just destroy it anyway but yet its whiteys fault.
We have these cunts in Oz? Hope they try doing their highway block shit here.
>defend this
>lefty faggots award nigger-commie with a trivial prize no one has ever heard of
Not much you can do here user
when will it end?
No one is going to defend it.
Fuck Sydney, Fuck Melbourne...
You guys (pol) are honestly worrying about the wrong shit right now.
Never heard of it.
Don't give a shit.
Enlighten me, user
Sydney is a city filled with degenerates and fags.
This is just posturing by the innercity liberals.
Black people are such a non-issue here, the only race related issues we have are with wogs, mostly. And even then they are no where near as bad as blacks in the US.
Anything mentioning Naomi Klein has zero cradibility whatsoever
This. All major urban centres are a hotbed of leftist trash. Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal are no different. It has to do with responsibility - in a large city you have a narrow focus and limited responsibility.
When you live outside of a city, you need to drive yourself everywhere, make your own meals, maintain your property, defend yourself, take care of your own wellbeing, etc.
Urbanization breeds nigger kowtowing like this, and it's why rural/non-urban voters are not leftists.
sydney/melb cbd does not equal australia. you have to understand those shit holes are completely different worlds. i cant say that enough, its like a completely different country
i'm still laughing about their pussy reporter getting manhandled by a politician
canada and the trips of truth today
Yeah, haha fuck people who have different views than me. They deserve to be assaulted for doing their job.
You're the exact same as the people who rejoiced when spencer got hit because he's a "Nazi"
best shitpost yet